belflan's US stock intra day trades

now what to do if the 5min macci goes o/b from here and the indu still has gone anywhere

top poster, what a joke:)


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short aapl and amzn

you should not short AAPl when INTC last night had such a great run and also AAPL and DELL are BEST INTC's customers.
On top of that market is strong as there was no sell off immediate to open ,, Hence you would not want to anti Trend Trade.

You should go long on indu 10 min getting OS.,, this is how you should trade ( in the direction of the trend ) .. The fact that INDU 10 min was OB does not mean you MUST short some thing .. If 10 MIN was OB and immediatley the sell off started then you can assume weakness other wise NOT.

To make things easy and very easy if market gapped up then DONOT SHORT any thing and go long when 10 min indu is OS and visa versa.

The rules I have outlined are really simple .

you should not short AAPl when INTC last night had such a great run and also AAPL and DELL are BEST INTC's customers.
On top of that market is strong as there was no sell off immediate to open ,, Hence you would not want to anti Trend Trade.

You should go long on indu 10 min getting OS.,, this is how you should trade ( in the direction of the trend ) .. The fact that INDU 10 min was OB does not mean you MUST short some thing .. If 10 MIN was OB and immediatley the sell off started then you can assume weakness other wise NOT.

To make things easy and very easy if market gapped up then DONOT SHORT any thing and go long when 10 min indu is OS and visa versa.

The rules I have outlined are really simple .


thanks Grey1, I will take all of this on board :)

The fact that INDU 10 min was OB does not mean you MUST short some thing ..

lol, yep, this rings a bell,

I think is fair to say I've been trying to jump on every cycle (over trading maybe)

thanks for your input as always

beige book out tonight, all negative, market still strong (must be in the price?)
will look for exit soon

5min o/b
10min heading there


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EBAY results out after hours

Any leaks Grey???:)


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running total

todays trades

AAPL short = -$40
AMZN short = -$75

AMZN long = +$102

AAPL long = +$327
AMZN long = +$237

tonights total = +$552 (total dow pips made = +106)

total total = +$1,933

IBM news

earnings better than market was expecting


earnings news financial figures slightly better than market was expecting, tho actual users up by only 1%, street expecting better than this
Last edited:
market 10min chart with my entries and exits, and some after thoughts


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