belflan's US stock intra day trades

all shorts closed


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running total

total tonight = -$1,377

total total = $1,381

new record for open trade DD = just over $2,000:)

new record for one day loss :)

got the market direction right on first two trades and wrong on last three:)

still happy that my record keeping is now good, and will continue to be good:)

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intel results just out

result inline, but up-grading projections

intel now spiking up after hours
Hi Raj, sorry missed your post earlier,

Hi Belfan,

I did not trade yesterday -but one thing I have noticed - non trending days behaves quite like 'lunch hour' for most of the day

I'm not sure how to make a call on if its going to be a non trending or trending day (before hand, guess thats the hard part)

-i.e. lower volume/unpredictable stock moves- hence very few opportunities-on these kind of days-how about making an entry only when the Indu 10 min goes to an extreme (top/bottom-as per past) and make an entry when it turns at that point? Avoid lunch hour like plague!

on the volume idea, I have heard traders say on CNBC that the volume is low, and the market is ranage bound, but it would think of this as being good for this type of trading?

havn't made my mind up on the lunch hour thing yet. If your trading in and out fast then maybe. but sometimes the 10min macci can take 2 hours to go through a 1/2 cycle. therefore not hitting the lunch hour in a trade may be imposible sometimes

Looking at the screens yesterday- it appears that there was only one opportunity at around 1950ish UK time to go long.

Pl. let me know what do you think?


not sure about the 1950 entry, I think it's important to be looking at the macci's in real time as they do dance about abit

I have been trying to read macci 10min turns at all levels, since I seen Glenn's post on 10mins macci turning down a low levels (showing market weakness, when I would have been probibly looking to go long in the past at these levels)

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looking back over tonights trades, I not sure if i would/should have done anything different

these are the entries that did most of the damage tonight

will look at them again in the morning


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looking back over tonights trades, I not sure if i would/should have done anything different

these are the entries that did most of the damage tonight

will look at them again in the morning

ok, things I would have done differently (after reading Grey1's last post)

1.check the European's, if they were strong (which they were) I should have been thinking US is likely to be finshing strong.
2. look at the higher (30min) macci indu TF)

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ok Mr.Market (you b*sstard) I'm comin da to get you ha. ha.. ha.... (evil laugh)

new set up now with 30min macci indu


a gap up at open would make for a good short me thinks

tho, intel news very bullish, could up set things (technicals) for the tech stocks, AAPL RIMM and AMZN, not sure wait for open and see

Your short trade around 17.00hrs the 10 min macci was turning up from oversold. A reason not to enter ?

Your short trade around 17.00hrs the 10 min macci was turning up from oversold. A reason not to enter ?


yep, that was one of trades that done me over last night,

my thinking for this trade was:

1. thought market was weak, spike/gap at open, heading to lows
2. 5min macci turn, thought it was going to bring the 10min with it

also had Glenn's post (attached) in mind, was thinking if market 10min macci did turn off the 5min it would have been a very weak sign.. also 10min macci can jump about abit inter candle and look like it's flating out/turning

only thing (imho) that was wrong with trade was not know where the europeans where

but hey, i guess that's trading (if that trade had of come off, i've no double members would have been posting 'your great' ' your have master it!')

but the facts are i havn't yet

my reading of the market was wrong (it could have been right, but it wasn't) but it's only one day. My position sizing maybe should be smaller.. but apart for the that, its just one days trading i guess, nothing to worry about (my market reading skills will improve with time)

thanks for your post (hopefully this helps you, (it helps me to think these things throught so please keep asking/posting)

I always feel u have a better safety net with the 10 min macci at os/ob or previous turn cycle but that said i feel you can miss some good 5 min signals waiting for this.Iraj has often stated that the 10 min is the dominant cycle.

just waiting,

1min still trending up,

any short scalp will be quick as the indu macci day is up from o/s


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europeans strong today Hmmmm,


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reason for exit = 5 min macci going from o/b to o/s indu only down 10points or so (marktet strong)

market now spiking up

5min and 10min starting to look bullish (30min very bearish)


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reason for above trade=

5min macci, 10min macci

strong market after last 5min down cycle did nothing to the market (market strong)

amzn pull back

europeans closed strong


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