belflan's US stock intra day trades

end of day charts


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Gap up, then spike up, then selling into open, hard to tell

sit on hands, hard to read, 10min and 30min o/b


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buy the dips me thinks.. if there is any that is


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interesting on city

are people betting the 'write downs' will soon be 'write ups'



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I want to get long sometime, no entries as yet


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wonder if Vegas and Grey are sitting on hands or did they buy in a while ago?


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reasons for above trades

ok, not great technicals, turn on 5min 1min, 10min has been very strong all day (not a technical day, more new driven off Google on the tech stocks)

Google results very strong (stock up 20%)

market trend up

all talk on CNBC about Google results, and positive on next weeks results in tech stocks (aapl etc.)

didn't take amzn as it was at high of day
my thoughts at the moment

in all my inexperince what I think will happen is the buying will continue in the afternoon (in the techs because of google results), traders will want to load up hopeing that the results next week will be as good as googles (traders will be thinking, hey googles up 20% today aapl etc will do the same next week) I think today is a 'news' day non technical

the above could be complete rubbish of course
my thoughts at the moment

in all my inexperince what I think will happen is the buying will continue in the afternoon (in the techs because of google results), traders will want to load up hopeing that the results next week will be as good as googles (traders will be thinking, hey googles up 20% today aapl etc will do the same next week) I think today is a 'news' day non technical

the above could be complete rubbish of course

oh crap, looks like I could have waited for the 10min macci after all

more fool me.....


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I still think (in all my wisdom) we will finsh at or near highs,

just should have waited and got a good entry off macci's (good entry seems to be forming now off macci's now)

the 3 trades have run against me approx $1,300 (in total)
running total

all longs closed

horrendous trading all in by me tonight

I will write it up in full in the morning

aapl long = -$291
rimm long = -$301
amzn long = -$363

total tonight = -$954

running total = +$1,283

the results don't really tell the whole story (got let off very lightly)
marked up chart.

i think its really quite simple what i've to do from here

i need a few rules to stop me reading to much into a market i don't understand yet


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