hi Sun,
just thought I'd give some input as one of the operators in the chatroom...
Some of the boys in there will take the P of anything and anyone, me included! I hope you don't take it personally as it is not meant in that way.
The proportion of posts on this thread that are supportive should signal that your input is much appreciated. I hope that you don't get put off by second hand reports of chatroom banter as this would be a real shame. You would have to come to the chatroom yourself to understand the character of debate there.
a320 can dramatise things at times!
If there was any real antagonism then you would be getting it on this thread. A previous poster who was fond of posting predictions recieved several responses on the BB that were far less than complimentary! you can ask the others about Lord Jamla if you want...
As one of the main p-taking chatroom contributors (if not leader of the pack) I agree with you entirely (makes a change).
It is a valuable contribution - whether or not I choose to go with it is immaterial - as I said yesterday, each to their own. I may not find Tom's path particularly useful but many of the other comments he makes here on the BB I find valuable, so please continue to post.
I wont take that comment to personally B_B!!! I understand where your coming from.
I think you guy's forget you dont have to be in the chat room to see some of your p-taking(&complements) its posted on this site, on the chat link, http://www.trade2win.co.uk/chat/
I hear you Bullish Bear and Rossored. In return I hope you understand that I am serious about trading, and although I do happen to work for a SB company, I am still and OK guy ( said with as much irony as posbbile, because I know exactly how all of us, including me, feels about "them" from time to time)
So I will just carry on posting, you guys take the appropriate pi@@ from time to time to keep me in check, and hopefully we will all become better and more profitable traders...that is what really matters the most...
Tom, I know you work for a SB company but surely you dont actually use them? I would have thought a man of your talents would simply trade futures direct.
PS We will no doubt continue to take the p***, but rest assured it is all light-hearted and if we were all ever to meet on a massive London-based beer-fest one weekend (damned good idea imo) there would be much fun and laughter, and not a jot of anything else.
NP rossored
It wil be fun now... if I dare venture in to the chatroom!!!! :cheesy:
AS you know I never take it personally, and I appreciate your last post!!!
I tried to make an attempt to figure out the path for tomorrow, but I am simply unable to think right now...the heat gave me a sleepless night. I will try to post it later tonight...
It must be difficult balancing every thing whilst away
When its sunny up here...(if) I can't get the gray matter to work!!! but thankfully it just drizzles here in Lancs
hi all,
glad to see the responses. Sometimes the tenor of the debate can be misinterpreted. I hope that all parties can enrich the debate without undue offence taken.
At the end of the day there is no method that cannot be critisised, but without critisism we would all be automatons!