US Indices intraday trading - JULY 2003

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Thanks SS,

It isn't that good. I haven't worked out how to rescale the charts automatically. I press the save icon and a new chart appears. Hope someone can improve it. This is the info. I used to work out how to do it.

My computer skills are not that great. JonnyT was my inspiration to start playing with excel. He has come up with some great trading strategies using OHLC data. He has also been generous enough to share a lot of them. Doesn't seem too keen on time machine theory though 🙂


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Hi Matt,

I haven't seen that and will have a look. Thanks for pointing it out.

Must turn this computer off now.
Would you have any time to answer my previous question on what makes a successful/unsuccessful trader from your experience????

Also, would you be able to recommend any books/resources if I want to study cycles?

Something which maybe of interest also (from another bulletin board.. shame on me 😱 !!!)

I'll copy and paste it with the attachment (if anyone has any explanations that would be nice as I have no idea what/how/who etc it's done!) :-0

Ok here goes:

I did not updated symmetry chart instead concentrated on cycles.
below is my thoughts I shard with few friends over the weekend after few months of research combing some astro aspects (Jupiter- Uranius opposition), long term delta, Puetz 2.08yr cycle, Fibonacci 13yr (1990 chart), short term neural nets. everything pointing to enclosed matching 1987 chart.
do not forget Christopher Carolyn end of July date that has spiral relation to past nuclear events

"I did mark with arrows important pivots on chart for comparison,

Had to compress NYSE 2003 chart to fit 1987 into frame.

Additional not shown here is same length of the rally in 87 & 2003 before deadly top.

Christopher Carolan date makes sense


ditto what rossored said

i'm not a great believer in charts and paths based on planet movements blah

but Sunseeker has BALLS to post his charts and predictions, which is more than can be said for all the lurkers out there (and yuo all know who yuo are)

furthermore, Sunseeker is a commentator for Bloomberg and CBS blah

they PAY HIM for his views and analysis

and yet, every day he takes the time to post his analysis and views on this board for FREE and i for one appreciate his effort, time, dedication and GUTS even thou i may not subscribe to some of his views. But that's cool, i'm sure most of yuo don't subscribe to my view that keying cars is an art form 😎

anyways, Sunseeker is one of the star posters on this board and if any of yuo tards continue to bust his balls because some of his paths have gone astray (show me a trader who doesn't have a bad day now and then) the Car Key Boi is gonna lay the smack down on yuor ass

end of rant.

- Car Key Boi
Good posts tonight,

Bottomdollor.. Sun wrote this in an earlier post.

"It is only the few who goes way beyond the crowd. Why they do that is in my opinion because they think differently".

Cheers CJ
Would you have any time to answer my previous question on what makes a successful/unsuccessful trader from your experience????

When I did the seminars for City, I was often amazed by the level of knowledge that many of the people attending were in possesion of. They knew about things and indicators that I never heard off myself.

I came in contact with one computer wizz who had run every possible Moving Average crossover combination possible. He had tested and backtested and found the most optimal combination.He found he would make some 600 percent return on his account a year. I checked the stats myself and found it very impressive even though I pointed out to him that he was not taking into account the inevitable gaps in the FTSE openings. Nevertheless I thought that even if he could return a tenth of what the computer told him, he would be pretty well off.

The story ends like this. He had a period of drawdowns and he did not carry through with the trading. The last thing I heard was that he was going back to teaching.

There are many other examples, and they are all pretty much the same. People are succesful in one area of life, accountants, dentists etc, and they come into trading and expect success here as well. This is natural, but the problem is that this is nothing like anything else on earth. Here your total freedom to do whatever you want to do can be your very destruction.

So if I should sum it up Mr bottomdollar, then it would probably go along these lines and probably also in this order of importance:

1/ most have unrealistic expectations of the financial gains they want to make

2/ most work too hard on indicators and too little on themselves. The key to success is not indicators, it is not knowing more about the market, it is about knowing you, and your strengths and weaknesses.

3/ very very few are disciplined and understand the trading environment.

It takes sooo little to make a good living in trading, not megabucks but just tagging along. I got some very simple systems that I myself have been given. I know some who are trading and making a good living from them. They dont overcomplicate things....

In the seminars i know I taught enough to enable people to make a living from trading. However, I was also 100% certain that none of them would carry through...

So the best thing I can suggest to you BD is that if you are serious about making a living and trading as a pro, is to define your time frame, learn one or max two setups and then trade them and them only....NOTHING ELSE..then work on yourself, Tony Robbins, Zig Zigler, Napoleon Hills, Bryan Tracy, Bob Proctor,

maybe you should go to one of chartmans courses and get him to teach you a setup and trade that exclsuiveliy or ask if anyone has got one they want to give you....

I dont intend to offend anyone who may have been to my seminars at the SB companies, but it is just my experience from the feedback ( or lack of it ) that very few treats it as a business..

car key, what is a "keying cars "? Do you steal them for a living?

I always thought it would be so cool to be able to hotwire a car!

By the way, just so there is no misunderstanding: I may get a salary, but I do not get paid by the TV to go there. The only time I ever got money was from Sky when they called me up on a sunny Sunday morning and asked for an appearence. I had to break my weekend for that...and they paid me £50!!! 🙁. I spent more on getting there!!!!!!!!!

For those who make money out of the path = GREAT, join the club

For those who are sceptical= treat it as an academic exersice..

For those who think I am a tosspot = you are right but it is a free country and I like posting here, but I will readily admit I am sensitive to my work because I spent a lot of time on it...and it is quite easy to say that my path is takes you 10 seconds to type it...just remember that it takes me a good 60 minutes to create the path!

Now, enough ranting. the only reason I am up is because it is soo hot here than it is impossible to sleep....
it doesn't matter about the TV, someone is still paying yuo for yuor views and analysis, and for that yuo have my respect

- Car Key Boi

check my home page for everything yuo wanted to know about keying cars 😀
Hi Sunseeker

Great reply to BD i think you summed it up , know thyself.
Regards mark
Its 2:06 where you are Tom :cheesy:

Its only early here.... few hours of posting yet!!!!!


Oh its a reference to Tom being on CET, as he's in Spain 😎
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CJ, you are getting some serious voting tonight...keep it up and you will overtake me soon....

You know what could be really fun is if everyone who reads this, IE ALLLLL the lurkers, go and vote for A320 and vote "exellent" and let us see if we can get him above say 320 by the end of next week..

Yes.. I don't know where they keep coming from?????

Thank you for the votes all are welcome :cheesy:

I think its only us left on the boards at this time of night!!!!
Every body else must have a life!!!! 😎

Sun, thanks very much for your reply..

I went to the second to last of your City seminars (are you not doing them no more?) and it make the biggest impact on me of all the other seminars I'd ever been to. I took home your notes and a little more knowledge but to be honest I didn't understand over 80% of what you were on about.. it was just too much in such a short space of time.
I went home that night and studied the notes and pondered over it for a couple of hours and had a sh*t load of Qs. I emailed you but I didn't expect a reply (afterall the seminar was a freebie!) as my questions were at lenght it would have taken you a while to type it but it was worth a try... so I'd email you now and again little by little and sometimes you replied.. the best ones were the ones where it was just a simple yes or no 😛 hehehe... and now you're here on the T2W site.. great!!! 😆
You said In the seminars i know I taught enough to enable people to make a living from trading. However, I was also 100% certain that none of them would carry through... and I think you're right but as you said it's about knowing thyself and I've just set foot on this path (after spending far too much time backtesting data).. and besides, I still don't understand that geometry thing you was going on about in the seminar... 😱 haha
I've also booked some time to see Mr Charts in Sept 🙂
Hi Tom

Just curious as to when you do your analysis do you look at monthly , weekly charts etc, or closer to the action and whats your main intra day time frame you trade also do you buy and hold for the day or trade from the pullbacks.
Regards mark
Since SS started posting his Daily path on here my trading has become far more relaxed and actually more successful. Wheras I used to make about 7-10 trades a day, constantly watching the screen and at times scalping points wherever I could. What I was doing was on average, successful, but tiring.
Now, I take about an hour looking at the charts in the morning inc Sunseekers path, which I have found to be very successful for the daily direction. In fact if 'one' had just wanted to place a trade after seeing the path and walked away for the whole day, it would have proved been successful. A limit order to take 40 Dow points in the day in the direction of the path would have been 90% successful.
This obviously would not suit everyone, because everyone is different.
I personally believe in the 'predictions' stuff. I know it works.
I've read a number of books on the subject inc Delta and Chris Carolans ' Spiral Calendar' and actually the more I read and watch the markets the more I know in my mind it is correct.
Anyway, back to my trading. I now make 1-2 trades a day and generally let them run, which is something I never managed to do before, because I had no discipline and I was after quick points.
I even considered moving over from CMC to IB because of the spread but now its not a problem with the 1-2 trades I make a day.
I realise I've gabbled on a lot but it works for me and I'm a happier bunny !!!
bottomdollar, I realise hearing your comments that my seminars are a speed talking exersice BUT at least there are lots of notes, and as you say, it is free with food and drinks...

bottomdollar, to your credit, I think I know who you are, and as I recall you are one of the only ones who emailed me back.. It was just that, as you said yourself, your questions were VERY lenghty... Can we take one at a time perhaps here on the board?


MY analysis focuses predominately on the 72 hours worth of trading action. that is all I need to know. I do zoom out and look at the big picture, especially for TIME cycles, and big picture considerations.....

When I am trading, I am trading off a 3 minute and 5 minute chart...

Interesting, with all the talk about analysis, my girlfriend, who thinks CMC is a car, and IG is an insurance company ( only joking honey) trades off a 1 minute bar and is exceptionally gifted. I think it is because she has got no fear, she is good with patterns,

we were trading 1 lots in the Dax last Friday, and she made 10 ticks in a couple of minutes...she panicked a bit though when I told her that the "thingy" we input her trades on were actually a trading platform and she was in fact REALLY trading rather than paper trading....Am I horrible or what 🙂)))

CHESTER, last night I had doubts whether I wanted to continue to post the path....I will readily admit that I fancy selling it because I think it is worth paying for, but that is not for now....but I was in doubt whether to continue because I felt the antagonism towards me were a little more than I faniced, considering it was rarely said to my face....

But reading your comments gave me hope that many find it useful..
Thx Chester who posts late at night and too early in the morning 🙂
Hi everyone

I've been lurking for some time, and have found the posts on this thread really useful, so thanks to all who regularly contribute. I've been trading the FTSE for a while with mixed results and am about to switch to the Dow.

Unfortunately my data file has got corrupted and that's set me back a bit. If anyone with Sierra Chart could e-mail me the end-of-day YM-200309-ACE.mnd file from their Sierrrachart\Data folder I would be most grateful.

[email protected]

Thanks again to everyone. Good Trading.

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