US Indices intraday trading - JULY 2003

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Nite Tom!!!!!
Your letting all my secrets out!!!!! 😎
creamed.... but I wont rub it in 😉
Caroline's after me... :cheesy: :cheesy:

Take it easy

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I took the upmove for 14.75 pts but like Skimbleshanks got whipped a couple of times earlier in the day. Still made $400 on the day but at one point I was about $500 down!

On Thursday though I had a couple of losers early on and decided to leave it for the rest of the day, declining the third trade that my system gave me which of course would have made 10.75 pts on the downturn, more than making up for the early losers! Just goes to show that you have to take every trade.
Well from reading everyone else's posts, it sounds like my $700+ gross profit for the day was pretty good then... 😀

I love this business!!!
Nice trading Rossored, sounds like you picked all our pockets yesterday. Enjoy it over the weekend though because I want it back on Monday!

Perhaps we should bypass the markets and just all randomly give each other money, probably amount to much the same thing but save on commission charges.
It's interesting to see how we all made very different amounts despite all watching the exact same chart. Just goes to show how many different ways to trade there are. Skim made nothing, I made $400, Rossored made $700+ and Sunseeker with his 10 contract balls up paid out to us all!

Could be interesting to start a new thread next week and all confess as to how many points we made or lost during each day (honestly). Anyone interested?


PS Do I hold the record for using the word 'interest' the most times in a post?


the Dow is goiing to 9878 before we go down, as per square root analysis....

by the 8th of August"

Do you think this rise will be after the 3 down days next week you mentioned on Friday?

Also, are Spiral Calendars only associated with bad news? or are they non-directional like Bradley's model?

So I suppose a randomly generated chart could do just as well? Here is one for Monday.


  • random.gif
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Their getting mischievous now!!!!

I notice the chat room boy's gave me some votes, they must of rated me crap though!! :cheesy:

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Jonny, I am a timelord

I noticed you got some color in your cheeks CJ... 🙂
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🙂, no, serious, I completely understand your sceptimism. I would be sceptical if someone claimed to predict the lotto numbers. However, what if he/she consistently got 3 or 4 of the numbers right, would that not make you at least sit up and take notice?

The path is a prediction, I have chosen to share it with you. I dont ask for anything. I am 100% honest if it is wrong. I ask Bigbusiness to post the real graph next to the prediction. I post it well in advance of the market open. I am not asking you to follow me. You can post your own paths if you want.

good luck to you.

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It would be a shame if we lose Toms input :!:

But if they can't appreciate your work, I wouldn't blame you for not posting it on here.

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I tried to make you a bit more green CJ. I don't like the voting system. I turned mine off before I received a vote. If I see a poster with a red blob, I have to try and balance it out. How sad is that?
I dont expect people to appreciate it, I dont even expect people to comment on it. I use it in my own trading. There is only one thing that matters to me when I sit down in front of that screen, and that is to find the setups so I can make a trade.

I post here because Modi told me it was a great place. I checked it out and it looked fine to me. I hope that I can help along the way, so you can screw the SB companies for their money!!!!

One thing though, why do you keep calling me Tom?

Bigbusiness, I saw A320 just got an extra vote...

your chart on Monday, is that a real prediction that you will stand by?

No, it is a randomly generated chart. I was hoping it would illustrate that it is not possible to predict the S&P without some skill. I am not one of the septics!
Its that celebrity familiarity thing 😱


Thank you for the vote BB 😀
BB, it looks good though....I am terribly in awe of your computer skills,

but then again, you are talking to someone who manage to temporarily short fuse the entire school during an experiment in physics back in Denmark....I was a bit of a hero for a short while and even the school inspector thought that it was a feat, considering it should be impossible to it. All I did was to cross a couple of wires.... 🙂
anyway, to conclude, I suspect that there are many sceptics, but to those I would say have a laugh and carry on trading the way you always did. See it as light entertainment from a madman who is crazy enough to post it in public.....
Bigbusiness, I take it from your randomly-generated chart that you did not ever look at my "DJ Pivot Points" post on the Technical Analysis forum? I placed some random charts on there for a while - interesting results.

I don't particularly go with this predicting stuff, as a320 will no doubt confirm from my comments in the chatroom. However, I do admire Tom's balls (so to speak) for continuing to post when several of the charts are off by a country mile. Each to their own. If you choose the follow "the path" then thats your choice. Personally, I'd rather be responsible for my own mistakes and congratulate myself when I get it right - no offence Tom. I can be a p***-taking git sometimes, but it's all in the best possible taste (@Kenny Everett)


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