I was listening to a radio 4 prog the other day where a leading German economist was invited to give his view of Britain. He specifically mentioned that Britain has been obsessed with change. The politicians are for ever changing the health servive, the education system etc. They cancel out each other's reforms with their own and never have enough time to make them work out before they are changed yet again. Whereas Germany hates change. They opt for a long term solution and only tinker with the peripheries of it. Can't remember the names unfortunately, but makes sense. Every election the buzz words are NEW and CHANGE by both parties. A sure way to a muddle.
No matey you are reading it upside down.
Make the distinction between stable government and platform that stimulates and enhance change and adaptability.
What we want is a level playing field with change performance that delivers results.
1. Shipyards - failed due to management not implementing new methods of production not the labour industrial strikes.
2. B.Leyland - failed because they didn't produce new models and they did not invest in R&D or QA. Labour and industrial relations were secondary. Same for bikes tractors TV sets trains the lot of em. Poor investment adn management.
3. Railways - the same. Money was invested abroad rather than at home. How is it the French can produce superb trains and rolling stock and we can't. How is it Europeans can produce cars and we can't? Think about?
4. Manufacturing same story all over - Banks preferring short term gains and screwing industry instead of supporting the small fledgling enterprising entrepreneur. I guess we've got Brompton bikes that's British and world class. Why can't we extend that to other gear?
5. Where there was R&D in weapons and these didn't get converted into public goods and services consumption until US decided to.
6. Fortune was spent on military campaigns with no gains.
7. £27bn was lost just on Black Wednesday when the pound couldn't maintain par with German brilliance at 2.92 marks in the EMS
The whole management of the UK is littered with big elitist ****ups.
Big Bang & Self regulation & selling of national industries to foreign corporations. Decimation of manufacturing. Every piece of **** the experts told you was a big lump of lies and deceit.
And now this BS about private and public ownership.
I see it all like crystal clear water pouring out of the sunlit sky.
People can't see the through the murky smelly disgusting crap we are dished out.
Take any half decent book on Development Economics and read how and what the text book theory of industrialisation is to see basics.
The whole country is crying out for manufacturing, apprenticeships and academies and as you rightly point out freaking government pussy footing around poilet bereau style league tables and daft statistics.
Look at all the countries that have done well in this recession and who has come out fast and well. Compared to laggers. Look at France and Germany our peers. Italy too.
Absolute ****ing nightmare trying to get kids into school 500 yards down the road. Wonder which sodding over paid **** came up with that brilliant system. :-0
Now you pay £9K p/a for eduction.
Where is the level playing field?
Are all those youngsters who can't afford an education not to be considered for their brilliant talents?
You know where this is taking us right?
MORE OF THE SAME OLD **** we've had since the Victorians...