No, it was more of an ironic musing on what you've written, but if you really want my opinion.
The bailout was for the dumb suckers who bought houses with 125% mortgages, not the bankers.
Bonuses are justified for 99% of bank employees, I agree Fred the shred shouldn't get his silly pension package which was outlined etc, but most of the staff are just doing they're job, whether that be sales, programming, hell, even the guys at retail level are being hit by this crap. Sure you can say that it's not fair to pay a bonus when times are bad but that's ignoring the facts, these people are worth the money, if you get rid of their bonuses their wages are just going to go up (in fact that's happening already).
If you want to go along the lines of "herp derp, I could do a better job than that", then go ahead and do it.
I think people need to be reminded that the banks didn't do anything illegal to cause this crisis, ergo I don't see why they should be punished.
I've always been against the bailout, but that's the problem, not the banks. Ergo, my problem lies with the government.