What's the betting that all this "big society " nonsense is just political hot air and a cover for -
"take your own garbage to the dump, cos we have sacked all the dustmen in a new round of cuts and by the way the pay rises given to the pen-pushing bureaucrats at the top is not as big as the one we have planned for ourselves "
I mean really it beggars belief - he must think we are all as stupid as himself
Yes very true.
You never had it so good
Back to basics
End of boom and bust
Big Society
I reckon politicians like to coin phrases that catch the public mood. No doubt their national newspaper editor spin-doctors come up with these and advise them to sell the big dream.
Bunch of stupid ******s feeding the mass public garbage.
I like to see an end to all these national league tables and all the management layers who collect figures and publish stats which tell us absolute FA. If anyone uses Ofstead school league tables and reports know, we have superior schools with better achievement grades - year after year. But as we all know - young generations are fucuked without calculators and can't spel.
I already know what you is thinking so don't go there bro cos I'll give you som attitude.
See where I'm coming from?
So instead of making dorks smarter and improving standards they whack on tuition fees so we'll have stupid poor *******s and even more dangerous - well spoken dumb *******s who will be able to wield greater ill informed influence - cause he learnt how to from daddy. Pretty much what we have today but more of it. Continued elitism as I like to phrase it.
We can see all these developments clearly from all the target and league tables.
At the same time reward the statisticians and civil servants producing FA with greater salaries and rewards coupled with greater holiday and sickpay. I fail to see how Council leaders can earn more than the Prime Minister. One manages the country and the other a small local area.
How much more remarkably stupid can rewarding one self get in the UK???
Civil servants, local councillers, police, judges and ofcourse under paid politicians who have to fiddle expenses to make ends meet as they have several households to run.
Root cause of all our problems as we all know are the poor paid immigrants.
Now lets sell a few forests (as we have no industry or national assets left to sell) too to reduce the debt. Take away the citizens rambling rights and constrain freedom of movement to block of flats called no go areas. What they mean is you can go in - but you ain't coming back out dude as you have found your level in society... Now stay there.
Bleeding joke. Same old hypocritical Victorian ****...
Not much has changed in last 100 years... We are still pretending to be world empire fighting stupid wars and losing soldiers to lost causes. Does anybody see Germany or France fighting wars all over the place? They just build good cars and railway stock and get on with life...
Here is an interesting fact. Since, television no bald man has ever become PM. :smart:
That is one smart stat that holds today which speaks volumes.
I guess that rules me out with my crown and receeding hairline then... :cheesy: