Upgrade UK before its too late

I am definately not one to always predict gloom and doom but...........

There is a bad crisis looming around the globe, the worst since WW11.

Europe has been mismanaged for the last 30 years by some imbecilic bureaucratic idiots and is on the point of collapse.

The USA has an academic fool in charge and is falling apart.

Old school Democracy will fail to remedy the situation.

Quantity not quality is now exposed as a miserable failure.
I am definately not one to always predict gloom and doom but...........

There is a bad crisis looming around the globe, the worst since WW11.

Europe has been mismanaged for the last 30 years by some imbecilic bureaucratic idiots and is on the point of collapse.

The USA has an academic fool in charge and is falling apart.

Old school Democracy will fail to remedy the situation.

Quantity not quality is now exposed as a miserable failure.

Any suggestions of how to fix the problem ?

Any suggestions of how to fix the problem ?


Ummmmmmmmmmmm errrrrrrrr I'll give it some thought.

Just supposing someone came up with the solution I doubt the politicians would act on it until it's too late. If they don't think of it they don't want to know syndrome.

So someone would have to point them in the right direction and make sure they think of it eventually, after numerous prompts, I guess and then they could claim the credit and be swimming in dosh for ever and ever

Well for starters Britain should dump Europe, that would save us billions.

The Bubbles, Micks and Geezers would have to try living within their OWN means for a change, NOT ours
Then cancel Britain's overseas hand-outs that mostly end up in the local bandit's Swiss Bank accounts

If Gordon Dipstick and other do-gooders object then let them give all their money away instead

Oh what a lovely RANT today ! Must be Spring in the air
Any suggestions of how to fix the problem ?


In any other discipline of life - where humans mess up to the scale and magnitude we find our selves in - one would start by purging the inefficient greedy culprits who are responsible. Even putting them on trial.

People get sacked for less in Tesco.

Instead we are told we need these people who make collosal mistakes and reward them with further collosal rewards.

If one truly believes these people work harder when they are rewarded by astronomical bonuses and they deserve every penny then they are dellusional to say the least - inaccurate or misled at best.

Millions of average non-management know this fact as clear as day. But inept breed of management know this not.

If one continues with the same input of crass idiots - one should expect the same old drivel.

Until the people responsible are sacked, their ill gains confiscated - we are only perpetuating the same old nonsense of rewarding failure with collosal bonuses amounting to theft and corruption of our system.

What solution did you have in mind?

Be generous now Mr Status Quo :cheesy:
Millions of average non-management know this fact as clear as day. But inept breed of management know this not.

Oh they know it alright, but hope it will be soon forgotten, so they can advance onto their next bonanza. They sit on each other's remuneration committees, so they always pay top wack.

I see an economist is charging $6,000 an hour. I suppose if he charged less noone would take any notice.

So the answer to Paul's question could be, can they afford my " professional advice" ? at say, not wishing to be greedy, somewhere in the region of er, a nice round figure like $10,000 per hour.


If say Call-me-Dave or Barry O asked you what would you charge, what would you say ?
Millions of average non-management know this fact as clear as day. But inept breed of management know this not.

Oh they know it alright, but hope it will be soon forgotten, so they can advance onto their next bonanza. They sit on each other's remuneration committees, so they always pay top wack.

I see an economist is charging $6,000 an hour. I suppose if he charged less noone would take any notice.

So the answer to Paul's question could be, can they afford my " professional advice" ? at say, not wishing to be greedy, somewhere in the region of er, a nice round figure like $10,000 per hour.


If say Call-me-Dave or Barry O asked you what would you charge, what would you say ?

I had experience of this with outsourcing and insourcing IT support.

Management would call in Arthur Anderson androids (back then) and at £100 p/h back in the 90s produce a report on the company they run costing millions and then present to shareholders and board saying this is what this fantastic management company is recommending and we endorse their point of view.

Hey presto lots of redundancies and systems get given to some third party service provider - everything becomes process controlled and chargeable and core company whilst concentrating on their core services get totally alienated by IT which has become core part of any business.


What you say is so very true Pat... 👍
Thank Gawd that Dave has had a bit of common sense at last in stating that Gordon flipping Brown is probably the wrong man to head up the IMF

Surely the world has suffered from that lunatic enough already


what with Blair eyeing up the job of Secretary General of the UN for himself and Brown as chairman of the IMF would no doubt be a recipe for a similiar disaster as the one that has befallen Britain recently
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Th results in Scotland clearly show those clots in Westminster that their policies are NOT up to much or wanted North of the border.
At least they seem to have rumbled Labour's same old rubbish from pre 1940s
Th results in Scotland clearly show those clots in Westminster that their policies are NOT up to much or wanted North of the border.
At least they seem to have rumbled Labour's same old rubbish from pre 1940s

With a bit of luck Salmond will get them independence and then they can finance their welfare state themselves!
With a bit of luck Salmond will get them independence and then they can finance their welfare state themselves!

I'm always shocked and stunned with this lust for independence...

imho it means not much. People of Scotland will end up paying for all the administrative organs of government for what gain?

John Smith and Gordon Brown and Neil Kinnock were they not Scottish?

If you have participation in the nation and can get elected to becoming Prime Minister or into the Lords what's the point of being independent and being the leader of a small country...

There is Europe trying to unite little nations at great pain and here we are with the UK and we are trying to brake up into little nations...

Ill judged and misguided to extreme imho...

I predict a change in the mentality and approach to state-hood and nation-hood... We are at the cusp of a new era...

Man is evolving for the good and soon vision of the illuminati - one system and one rule for all mankind will one day hopefully prevail...

Yours trully,

John Smith and Gordon Brown and Neil Kinnock were they not Scottish?

Kinnock is Welsh
aside from that I agree. Plain stupid to split up a winning combination. Fatty fish face is surfing along nicely on a tide of nationalism. I see they are thinking of getting Gordon Brown to take him on as the rest seem ultra feeble. Oh dear - not him again.

As you say England pays more than it's share of the expense of Government.
Kinnock is Welsh
aside from that I agree. Plain stupid to split up a winning combination. Fatty fish face is surfing along nicely on a tide of nationalism. I see they are thinking of getting Gordon Brown to take him on as the rest seem ultra feeble. Oh dear - not him again.

As you say England pays more than it's share of the expense of Government.

Proves the point - Welsh / Irish / Scottish - all the same.

Black white brown whatever race colour or creed. As long as there is participation and the incumbent serves the country or government or organisation in charge what's the difference.

Should all be based on ability and delivery.

Off topic I know but I fear Trump will be another disaster for the US. Started off by questioning how American Obama was / is etc etc... Dumb ass that he is...

Nice intellectual start - Palin and Trump run for the White House...

At least we'll have entertainment factor.

Also the hammering Clegg got was well deserved. I too feel betrayed and I reckon the only come back for the Liberals will be to get shot of him ASAP... and brake away from the Tories. Otherwise they will be sidelined to periphery of politics for the next 50 years.
Here is a pre-view of the next US President

Ronald Dump


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I expect red Ed will try to exclude from British Unis anyone who can afford to pay the tuition fees. A sort of anti wealth hurdle for youngsters to jump over. So only the poor and foreigners are eligible.

They will have to get an education in the States I suppose or masquerade as Somalis or something.
I think THERE is a place in British Unis for the frivolous with independent means too. They add a bit colour and haute culture to an otherwise drab lot of nerds.
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