What about reducing the taxes for a company that then has to use that reduction specifically to employ others. That way, although you're reducing the % tax, the government still gets the same amount of total tax in the end, and you've increased employment by some % related to the tax cut, which means less to pay out in benefits.
I'm saying concession on tax conditional on it wholly being used for employment. Concessions on taxes by the US government were not used for that.
You're better off bringing tax on employment DOWN, which increases employment, keeps actual tax income the same (if you do it right), and drastically reduces the cost of benefits etc. It works and has worked in other countries.
Of course if you just give concessions with no link to employment, then that money disappears...
You're better off bringing tax on employment DOWN, which increases employment,
Wonder if the protests will start soon in the UK now that North African leaders are getting overthrown
As I look ahead I see a hotting up of the competition between countries.
Nice for the consumers but ever more profit margins being squeezed.
Some countries like the UK could be left standing and looking pretty stupid as the only jobs available are jobs in the NHS, Police, Fire etc. all essential but don't actually make anything for export.
I worked in a free trade area years ago and it was obvious even then that Britain wasn't really cometitive. UK politicians never really understood the idea of competitiveness and how important it is to keep up.
Excellent post Pat. It goes to the heart of the UK's malaise.
With due respect Pazienza I find people like you are the heart of UK's malaise...
With your immature comments I would guess you are the same age as your shoe size... 😉
the problem isn't electorate the electees imo
The whole apparatus and establishment is engineered towards producing stuffy ******s.
Leauge of ExtraOrdinary Men!
Here is one for whole bunch of loss making bonus taking fockers. If you need to make people unemployed, why not get rid of the so called highly skilled and even more overpayed ******s.
1. They can afford to be out of work
2. They are no doubt very employable and can also take a job abroad
3. Sacking one of these lazy golf swinging fockers probably be equivalent to making 10 other hard working laymen producing providing essential services.
Am I missing something?
Should I be seeing a doctor or seeking to be elected? :whistling
Obviously you are a hang-over from the USSR, Atilla and would bankrupt the rest of us with those ideas imho !
Any nation where there is great disparity of wealth and rank and status are destined to lag behind countries where there are competitive and equitable and efficient distribution of income and wealth.
Do we have any nations that meet this ?