Fanatically anti religion but Islam has to be the worst right now, religion made by men to legally rape and beat women/children.
"The prophet Muhammed took Aisha to be his wife when she was six, but he had sex with her only when she was nine" !!!
Wait till the West is properly educated on your religion and I promise the poli correct slim lovers will vanish sharply. 👍
😆 u r really funny , islam didnt come to allow this marriage , it was done and allowed already b4 islam in thier countries , 9 y old in the desert = 13 y old in the UK she was grown up and teenage when he married her at 9 . It was normal in their
time and place it is in their traditions it is not about islam , but forced marriage is forbidden in islam even if the father agrees , the girl should agree and should be asked and should be ready after she get grown up , in the us 9 year is a child so it is forbidden , it
depends on the nation and the place . here in jordan some girls get married at 16 but the majority after 18 . U r trader u should be educated , if u hate islam its your problem and i am ok with it but dont bring things not related to islam .
Engagemnt can happen by word from the parents at any time , example : here in jordan sometimes causiens are engaged when they r young but this means nothing , this is only by word but when the marraige time come the girl should be asked , prophet M said this not me .
What is the marriage time ? 1-the girl should be
grown up and this depends on the place in yemen 9 year like a 13 y old in uk , 2-
it shouldnt be against the traditions of the nation , in the holy book Quran God said (
O amor bel oref ) ( this means take thier traditions in social things ) in everything not only marriage because Quran for every place and every nation so people in the uk is not forced to take traditions from yemen and accept it like the age of marriage this is a social thing . Example : In your country the girl should be 18 at least to say this is a normal marriage , so it is forbidden in islam for an old man in uk to get married to 9 y old ! cuz it is against your traditions , [ against ( al oref ) ]. here in jordan we dont have this marriage , if an old man come to my uncle home to ask him to get married to his 10 y old girl , my uncle will kill him maybe , its against our traditions here , but it wasnt against their traditins in Maka it was normal and it wasnt a forced marriage ( like the second video this is against islam no forced marriage
no beating allowed to women in islam ) ,
Islam took care of women , u know b4 islam some men kill their baby girls because they feel shamed !!! , this b4 islam , Quran came and talked about this crime , b4 islam women dont inharit !!! islam before 1400 years came and gave her the right to inherit ,islam respects women , she is not a commoditie for sex and fun like in the west , in the west the rape rate is very high compared to islamic countries . Even b4 he died proohet mohamad asked us to take care to women he repeat it .
( Sh... i closed cable for 10 pip profit only now it jumped another 70 pip !! )
Anyway please dont bring some stupid mistakes from some moslems here we r 1 billion moslems we r not all good like any other nation , bring for me about
Quran and prophet Mohmad its ok for me ...