Afghanistan & Iraq

Iraq PM says US forces can leave

Funny how this news is not on the BBC site... Very significant in my opinion.

Also, Nuri al-Maliki's comments came on Saturday, after one of his aids accused US forces of committing human rights violations and arming "gangs of killers".
Another good article in Post 40......Just saw this....Gosh.....if we are on a path to civilisation.....perhaps we were better off as caveman......or when we were hanging from the trees....!!

Pity this web site would not allow me to give Atilla another reputation point....!
Another good article in Post 40......Just saw this....Gosh.....if we are on a path to civilisation.....perhaps we were better off as caveman......or when we were hanging from the trees....!!

Pity this web site would not allow me to give Atilla another reputation point....!

It is a lot worse than this sanitized version.

They ransack the house dump the cushions and take all valuables too (not mentioned ofcourse as those marines are so straight) having threatened them at knife point or mention Abu Grhaib or what ever the hell hole was known as.

There is also rumours that organs have been removed from Iraqis to be sold in the US and other parts of the world too.

We are now hearing news that the US has been arming anybody and everybody including murderers and terrorist providing they fight other people other than their own troops. Including paying them lots of money. Maliki has been protesting against this act. As you can see no where in print.

These explosions that keep going off anaccounted for. The terrorists or insurgents don't know who they are working for as in such circles you work in codes and you never get to see or meet your handler. So once one terrorist leader is cracked you have a whole bunch of suicidal maniacs to use as you like. You give them any destination and they'll do it.

The Sunnis have been trying to clear up Al-Qaida in Iraq and each time Al-Qaida is mentioned in attacks that are not claimed by anyone else. How effing convenient is that for the US PR machine. They are ofcourse surely fighting terrorism.

Also, there is no work, no electricity, no water no ****. So a guy gets a job driving trucks. He may get 10 or 20 deliveries or even 50. But one of those will be his unwitting suicide mission. Truck rigged to go off at US chosen target. Undoubtedly some are insurgents but not all. Not in my opinion as Moqtdr and the Sunnis reject the government. It is essentially another faction of Shias and Kurds who also can't agree are in it. Also, the Shias are only in it because to be not in as the biggest group of people will ultimately hand it all to the 20% Kurds and mr USA. So the opposition is not as dumb as the news will have you believe.

This is deliberate devide and rule policy. It's going towards an independent Kurdish controlled Mosul and Kirkuk oil fields which is 70% US. Dare I say one third of worlds oil reserves are based in these two towns. Some say half the worlds remaining reserves but that can is disputed.

US attrocities after they leave will continue. Because they will have vested interest in groups of people. Either way 1m dead Iraqis irrespective of race colour or creed history have died on account of US military desire for more oil so they can **** up planet Earth more than they already have as the US accounts for 25% of emmissions.

PS. Don't be surprised if Maliki is blown up by Al-Qaida soon, as he has now said US can leave and increasingly finding it difficult to support their tactics. Hence a new mouth piece will be required.
PS. Don't be surprised if Maliki is blown up by Al-Qaida soon, as he has now said US can leave and increasingly finding it difficult to support their tactics. Hence a new mouth piece will be required.

Five Sunni tribal leaders opposed to al-Qaeda have been killed after a suicide bomber drove a minivan packed with explosives into a house north of Baghdad.

This begs the question why?

So much credit is given to al-Qaeda for carrying out these acts but the question is

1. IS AL-QAEDA REALLY THIS WELL EMBEDDED IN IRAQ? Where are the foreign fighters? How is it that none of them are caught alive or fingered?

2. WHAT DOES THE AL-QAEDA GAIN BY ATTACKING THE SUNNIS? Both sides are for the removal of US forces from Iraq so begs the question why would they?