Terrorism. New approach !

Apparently, border police let him in despite his trip to Libya, Syria and return back to Manchester via Turkey and then Dusseldorf.

I would simply refuse entry to such people or bring them in for questioning and then send them back.

I can't imagine what justification this terrorist tit would have had for those trips. We must tighten up our border controls, customs and rules for entry that's for sure.


No argument on this. Although he was British-born, I think its reasonable to ask him to provide verification for what he was doing in states like Libya and Syria. British passport or not.

But the government have given up on trying to control movement across our borders. As I understand it, and I'm happy to be corrected, if you're awaiting rights of entry and residence in the UK at present, you will be released into the community until a decision is made. If you're refused, you will only be deported if you are arrested for another crime, nobody comes looking. Why would they? That would be seen as a waste of budget. These people have disappeared from whatever was their declared address by that time anyway.
When is the next train outta here ?


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Maybe it is time the wets stepped down from public office. Wringing hands, flowers and platitudes have done nothing but make the victims appear responsible.
Wet sock Welby is a good example of a do-gooder that is worse than useless. He was too busy to comment on the Paris attacks, communing with the trees, he says. Oh really, get off the Archbishopric throne Mr. useless.
Religious leaders of all shades work to deflect the focus on religiously inspired terrorists. Long-term, this self-serving blindness will not help us to find solutions (if there are any).
Do you include attacks on Yemen & Iran, Iraq & Syria, Pakistan and Afghanistan, Russia and Turkey and now Qatar in your list also or don't they count? Why just Europe?

Difficult to know who's attacking who? World is full of b4st4rds. So which religions are against use of birth control.

Wise up guys... 🙄
Do you include attacks on Yemen & Iran, Iraq & Syria, Pakistan and Afghanistan, Russia and Turkey and now Qatar in your list also or don't they count? Why just Europe?

Middle Easterners are brown. Therefore, who cares?

It is somewhat enlightening, or should be, to compare the number of civilian casualties in the ME with the number of civilian casualties in Europe (including the UK).
According to the TV the ISIL prescence in Raqqa is just about finished. The locals have shaved their beards and melted into the crowd while most of the foreigners have fled.
There's no need to be self-righteous over this. The study we're talking about was confined to Europe and North America. Obviously other countries are afflicted too but there is no general requirement that all studies should consider all countries or else be negatively labelled. Inclusion of the entire world doesn't help in focusing on two regions of it. Exclusion doesn't mean their victims of terrorism are not important.
I don't know how many convicted terrorists there are in UK jails. Probably in the 100s.
Even though most of them want to die and be with their 72 virgins, our soppy do-gooders won't allow that. They will be waited on hand and foot for the next 20/30 years at the taxpayers expense. What a system.....devised by idiots.
There's no need to be self-righteous over this. The study we're talking about was confined to Europe and North America. Obviously other countries are afflicted too but there is no general requirement that all studies should consider all countries or else be negatively labelled. Inclusion of the entire world doesn't help in focusing on two regions of it. Exclusion doesn't mean their victims of terrorism are not important.

Agree with your post here absolutely and very strongly. 👍

Glad to see the absence of that word you flout so much 🙂
There's no need to be self-righteous over this. The study we're talking about was confined to Europe and North America. Obviously other countries are afflicted too but there is no general requirement that all studies should consider all countries or else be negatively labelled. Inclusion of the entire world doesn't help in focusing on two regions of it. Exclusion doesn't mean their victims of terrorism are not important.

Has nothing to do with self-righteousness but rather coverage and persistence. Bombings in the ME, for example, get a mention, maybe more over several days, whereas attacks in the West go on and on, day after day, with not only far more coverage but persistence that borders on the extreme.

Exclusion does not necessarily mean that victims in the ME are not important, but it does imply that that is in fact the case to the West. And yet we remain mystified as to the causes of terrorist attacks.
Has nothing to do with self-righteousness but rather coverage and persistence. Bombings in the ME, for example, get a mention, maybe more over several days, whereas attacks in the West go on and on, day after day, with not only far more coverage but persistence that borders on the extreme.

Exclusion does not necessarily mean that victims in the ME are not important, but it does imply that that is in fact the case to the West. And yet we remain mystified as to the causes of terrorist attacks.

I'd say Bush was a bit of a terrorist. He held back $100 to strenthen New Orleans flood defences against engineering advice adn then doubled the US Budget deficit fighting stupid Iraq war and embarked on his Axis of Evil vision still chugging along now.

I remember a picture of the ****** looking out the window of an aeroplane with millions of peoples lives affected by not spending $100m.

That muppet is probably responsible for more death and destruction (including Blair) than any other terrorist imo.

People can be bloody minded and heartless to say the least. 😡

Some even make it out to be a clever policy. IF we weren't doing it then somebody else would. What kind of logic for justification is that?

It seems as though almost every lecture/forums I've watched in the last 6 months the fear of Nationalism by the elites is very real and they have no clue on how to control it....coincidentally nationalism is correlated with the influx of immigrants and their rise to middle and upper class. So in reality we should fear the day when more Muslims/Hispanics become our congressman, Physician, business owners and Judges.....5HIT that already happened! Had the U.S/UK/NATIO taken an approach to stabilizing nations instead of what's happening in Libya the folks at stormfront.org would have nothing to talk about. HOWEVER, I find the website extremely entertaining. Probably mistake most of the members as dog breeders if ethnicity wasn't mentioned so much.
the house majority whip was shot on the day they were going to vote on russia/iran sanctions. He has no international terrorism connections but he's in his 50's/60's and from Illinois. He did not even know it was a republican event so he asked one of the congressman...........James T. Hodgkinson is now dead but he was in surgery and taken alive at the hospital.
so.......what's he doing in Virginia on a business day when he owns a business in Illinois?
If he knew the majority whip was going to be there......he must have known the area would be heavily guarded...however if it was just the other congressmen the capitol police would probably have not been there why did he choose the whip? Why would a 66 year old business owner support bernie sanders....a man who effectively wanted to tax businesses over 60% of their profits.
gotta ask questions folks. He's dead so we won't ever know......that's how all these stories go
Has nothing to do with self-righteousness but rather coverage and persistence. Bombings in the ME, for example, get a mention, maybe more over several days, whereas attacks in the West go on and on, day after day, with not only far more coverage but persistence that borders on the extreme.

Exclusion does not necessarily mean that victims in the ME are not important, but it does imply that that is in fact the case to the West. And yet we remain mystified as to the causes of terrorist attacks.

Its no surprise that western media with western customers prioritise western events. But the media just report, its rare that they explain.
Its no surprise that western media with western customers prioritise western events. But the media just report, its rare that they explain.

Given that people continue to puzzle over the reasons for terrorist activity, the focus on Western events would appear to be self-defeating.

Being Western does not go hand-in-hand with being ignorant.

Surprise? No. It's all part of the arrogance that comes with white supremacy.
Given that people continue to puzzle over the reasons for terrorist activity, the focus on Western events would appear to be self-defeating.

Being Western does not go hand-in-hand with being ignorant.

Surprise? No. It's all part of the arrogance that comes with white supremacy.

No its not. Its just the media being the media, making maximum returns for minimum effort and costs - they're a business competing with other businesses. They have no competitors who steal market share by explaining things better.