Ah yes but do you not see the similarities?
I once argued against Darwins theory but now think otherwise. 😱
You see one has a brain and chooses not to use it and the other has a brain and uses it to its maximum potential.
Spot the human? :cheesy:
I say this in general applying to all homo sapiens with due respect to make a point.
Nop , there is no simirlarity at all , God has no begning or end nothing b4 or after him , he is not a creature or material so we cant say that about him , God said in Quran nothing is like him . God mentioned the big bang in Quran ( in english ) : ( Do not those who disbelieve see that the skies and the earth were { ratk } , but We { fatak } ; and We have made of water everything living, will they not then believe?)
God here mebtioned 3 things : 1- ratk : well-closed up mass or elements interwoven together, mixed in each or blended . 2 - fatak : unstitch , tearing apart or destroying the structure of things that are sewn to one another . 3- water : this is true most of our body is water ! how an arabic man b4 1400 years knew this!
And God made human by himself and because of this human is the best creature on the universe , check any website about the human body ,
u will c how magnificent and how complicated is , this didnt come by acciddent , behind this body something smart . Y 2 eyes , 2 kidneys , it looks like a smart factory or machine working 24 h this is not an accident for sure .Look inside the cell its a magnifcnt factory .look at the brain something strange really how it works , how memory works and it is from meat and blood .
In the other theory there is a big bang then ..... then human ! , ok what b4 it ? who did the bang ? who made us ? what about soul ? why monkeys stopped to improve ? y not all monkeys ?
I used my brain to the extent and reached God , others their brain extent stopped them to the big bang ...
I only have to look at my wife to know religion is BS. You will never in your years find a kinder more "god like" woman who has no self interest but that for her family. She puts the religious to shame in her every day conduct. You telling me because she does not believe in Jesus, Allah, etc that these loving God's will send her for eternity to hell. F*** bs and if you met my wife would agree. And that is just one minor reason why I could never believe.
Whoa too much wine tonight but that's my view :cheesy:
ps Tar I don't have any problem with you as a human being of a darker shade then I but I just have no time for religion, any of them.
Religon doesnt take your tiem anyway Who told u she will die b4 she know God , maybe because she is really good God will give her chance someway someday ... think the other way ,If u love her tell her about God even u dont have faith . My girl friend was the same b4 but i gave her advice , then she converted to islam .
I think the mistake you make is to judge other people by your own standards.
Not only do I disagree with this I will go further and say religion ( not Islam but religion ) plays upon the beast within us.
These past few weeks we have seen the Israelis and Palestinians intensify their battle over a patch of territory.
Probably, at the very same time, somewhere on the planet two opposing groups of chimpanzees were fighting and killing each other for a chunk of jungle.
To me there are more similarities than differences.
BTW, loved the bit where you said " it controls u only ". I was sorely tempted to use this one against you but I know English is not your first language and I think I understand what you really meant to say there.
errrm ?
don't want to seem like I'm defending forex999 or anything but....
aren't you being a tad judgemental yourself here Atilla ? 🙄
Hi racist, brainwashed infidel 😉
Muslims believe the Quran to be the absolute word of God therefore cannot be modified.
It is perfect >>> indestructible >>> strong >>> resilient >>> robust >>> established >>> immovable >>> firm >>> fixed >>> rigid >>> inflexible >>> brittle >>> delicate >>> breakable >>> weak >>> fragile >>> flawed.
It is frozen at the time it was written and Muslims today are hostage to it ( it could be argued we all are ).
I suspect that inside the mind of many Muslims there is conflict between trying to live by the teachings of the Quran and at the same time living by the laws of infidel countries in which they live.
Many Muslims probably just avoid thinking about this conflict altogether, others may wrestle with the problem privately in their own thoughts,
however, for the odd one or two this conflict ends with them boarding a packed commuter train carrying a rucksack bomb,
and this is too high a price to pay simply because a small bunch of religious nutters cannot differentiate between reality and a load of medieval, superstitious, nonsense.
I accept you are probably a good person at heart.
You keep popping up here and saying things like " this is not Islam " or " this is against Islam ".
Well if that be the case then do us all a favour will you ?
don't tell us, go and tell that to some of the innocent brothers from the religion of peace !
I am sorry to all about my language sometimes i dont explain well but i know that english people will understand my words in general ,,,
I didnt judge u maybe u didnt understand my words ... i am not here to judge i have mistakes 2 , but i felt i should give advice maybe someday some person will remember these words , i am here in these forums for trading only i spent my time trading ,, i am not that religous person who is dedicated for Islam ( i had my days 2 ) , but i entered this thread by accident and i found some misunderstanding about islam , i know this is not islam for sure and i read quran and many islamic books and i had arguments in islamic forums b4 few years , this is not islam .
And yes u r right most of the law in islamic counties is not from Quran , this is wrong from muslims for sure . Quran who said scientific facts not weak or fragile and law in islamic countries should be taken from Quran . But to kill yourself with a bomb is not from our religon either .