Thanks mate! - I wholeheartedly agree with the above point, and yes a war between these 2 countries will only help teh west, as India and china is now on the threashold of achieving superpower status.
But tell me, there are more muslims in India then pakistan. India at the moment is lead by a Sikh president, 1% of population, from a party which is lead by a Catholic lady, until recently we had a Muslim president. Untill last year, the ENTIRE leadership was in the hands of MINORITIES
where in the world will you get that
It happens only in India - that is what Hinduism and Buddhism teaches
That is what Gandhi teaches
But if only Pakistan stops its obsession of attacking India, then the subcontinent will be a super power
I too think India is a unique and an extra-ordinary country. Has great potential and that is why it is considered a competitive threat.
I always think India and Pakistan should be one country. If old-Europe
😱 (Germany / France / UK) can enter a common market and harmonise taxes, labour and laws to this extent after devestating centuries of wars I can't see why India & Pakistan can't.
Instead these stupid terrorist attacks by a few bunch of ******s are likely to derail such possibilities.
Milosovich whilst trying to build a greater Serbia totally effed it up by leaving behind a tiny Serbia, with good many 000s dead.
Religion seems to be the quickest way to get people to start mutiliating each other.
Also, politics and religion don't mix. Bent politicians near election time always play the religious card to gain votes. I also think Pakistan should close those madrasa religious schools that teach hate and brainwash tiny minds. In fact I would jail such mullahs for inciting race hatred as we have such laws in this country - that's my personal view.
Religion can be tought alongside other academic disciplines as part of a national ciriculum then everyone gets the same.
What is the point of having religious schools in any country? Willfull segregation no different to apartheid.
Anybody who is really pious and wants to take it further can choose options and study it at University or at what ever level they like. That is after national ciricullum is completedd. This should apply to all faiths.
I would also not refer to people or their actions in religious terms. There is active propoganda in these news reels that identify and determine a persons faith as if it is something of significance. It is utter crap. Just say this person killed these people.
No faith says kill others so anybody who does kill in the name of religion is dellusional. Why broadcast their personal **** which is illogical, irrational bull ****. It's like giving credence to absolute rubbish.
But you know this kind of news is deliberately fed. I always wondered why they gave so much air time on the BBC to **** heads like hamza and so on. I think he had 30 loyal followers. Nice work by the BBC to freaking represent 30 ******s who don't know how to shave or dress using our license money.
To top it off Bush the clown gives Tony the poodle some freaking medal. Two guys cause the biggest ****up of the new Millenium and they pat each other on the back and dish out medals.
Bush says he will be proven right with time. Well ofcourse you dollop because millions of people will have to work good many decades to put your **** right. 50 years from now we'll be sitting on our armchairs saying oh look :-0 it ended well then. Will we then bless that Bush do gooder who started this all off.
😈 I don't think so...
Blair says he did what he believed to be right at the time.
😈 He genuinely believes this so much he has setup an institution in the US as defender of faiths so he can syphon of Morgan Stanley's millions tax free. Now after all these months he has brought true peace to the ME.
😈 Another delusionall twit.
People like Bush and Blair can justify any freaking act to them selves.
You know we live, we learn and then we die.
Just like to end by saying thank you for your nice post Forex999. It's always good to level and take something away with us.