Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!

Interesting article imo.

Realism in Iraq

By Joschka Fischer

The Washington mountain has labored and brought forth less than a mouse. General David Petreaus and President George W. Bush have spoken, but United States policy in Iraq remains as it was. This policy has led the US into a trap, so that now the largest and most important power in the world is facing only bad options.

Spot on good article imo.
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what country they can do for you"

yeah you be sure you get a reply to that one....

eh? sick, very sick & its not cricket, its simply not. And its certainly not very Christian is it ?
Blackwater Stand-down command... LOL

"US official familiar with the investigation as saying that at least one Blackwater guard drew a weapon on his colleagues and shouted at him to "stop shooting". "

Bet you all thought I was kidding... These specialists need little encouragement to start shooting and heck of a lot of persuading to stop... 😈

Blackwater incident: What happened

This report above contrasts strongly with Iraqi government investigation which didn't find any evidence this unit came under attack.

Fancy moving into a roundabout stopping traffic and then opening up on a sedan that fails to notice you and doesn't slow down (subjective slow down) and then you open up with grenade launchers.

The US conduct in Iraq makes the Tianomen so called masacre look tame in comparison. I wonder whether we'll have a commemoration every year of the 17 Iraqis that were shot to pieces on one sunny day.

I wonder whether the US will heed the so called independent Iraqi government to stop using BlackWater contractors in Iraq?

I'm always amazed at the discrepancies in story telling. Astonishing. 🙄
hmmm, I saw that Cult of the suicide bomber documentary, and that said Israel has the right , under international law, to assassinate suspected terrorists. Now , thats a liberal law? no questioning needed, no detentions, etc, just some info ? and if judged, then neutralise the suspects.

What about adopting that for the UK, Iraq, US ? Israel can do it under law , dont know what the criterior is ? So many suicide bombers needed per month or something ? would of thought Iraq would qualify ?

funny world...... ohh that bloke off the documentary ex CIA working in Afghan etc over the years, he said its not about justice but getting the results. So terrorism is about performance by the sounds of it.... **** the laws. anything goes as long as you can get away with it.....

so...... why do countries bleet when bombs go off ? if the intelligence agencies can do what they can get away with , whats the difference?

covert , overt, everbodies doin the same thing....... poor sods...
Israel has the right , under international law, to assassinate suspected terrorists

News to me... How comes other countries don't have this 'suspected' right if it's an international law?

I assume it's the cult members twisted point of view we are talking about here...🙄

History will not be forgotten and history will be repeated. What goes round comes round. People are either taking it or giving it. Sadly so... 😢
Always good, falling for the same old deceit and lies all over, while expecting different results...

"Bomb, Bomb Iran

Hillary's hawkish Iran vote was an ill-advised move, especially given her private view.

A Democrat, Randall Rolph, asked Senator Clinton why he should back her when she did not learn her lesson after voting to authorize W. to use force in Iraq. He did not understand how she could have voted yea to urge W. to label Iran's Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization, possibly setting the stage for more Cheney chicanery."


Then again, Iran has oil just like Iraq, eh.

"Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, in a memoir to be released Monday, says the prime motive for the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was oil, The Sunday Times reported.

"I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil," Greenspan says in the book, as cited by the paper."

News to me... How comes other countries don't have this 'suspected' right if it's an international law?

I assume it's the cult members twisted point of view we are talking about here...🙄

History will not be forgotten and history will be repeated. What goes round comes round. People are either taking it or giving it. Sadly so... 😢

Howdy , the CIA chap did say Israel was the only country who has that right under international law, I assume because perhaps Israel have some many terror attacks(bombers) , that International law has given the nod for them to take out suspects on intel. (thats what the ex CIA presenter said anyway) On the same program the Army has no problem with telling any captured nasty's that your going to die and they even showed you when they finished with one bloke about 6/8 army chaps took him out in the street, they all drew their side firearms, stood about 10 feet back and shot the hell out of him, probably about 20/30 rounds they pumped into him.

I dunno....... maybe its infrequent, but the arny guy said he had no problem dealing with them this way..... dog eat dog I suppose.

heres to brighter tomorrows... and todays. 🙂
Howdy , the CIA chap did say Israel was the only country who has that right under international law, I assume because perhaps Israel have some many terror attacks(bombers) , that International law has given the nod for them to take out suspects on intel. (thats what the ex CIA presenter said anyway) On the same program the Army has no problem with telling any captured nasty's that your going to die and they even showed you when they finished with one bloke about 6/8 army chaps took him out in the street, they all drew their side firearms, stood about 10 feet back and shot the hell out of him, probably about 20/30 rounds they pumped into him.

I dunno....... maybe its infrequent, but the arny guy said he had no problem dealing with them this way..... dog eat dog I suppose.

heres to brighter tomorrows... and todays. 🙂

International Law? 😆

Any country strong enough will do as it wishes. They always have and they always will.
International Law? 😆

Any country strong enough will do as it wishes. They always have and they always will.

Hi Split, 2 x you've said the key word...... WILL.

matters not how others judge ? who's life is it anyway ?


Are we shocked any more these days..... ? title for a new thread....
Any country strong enough will do as it wishes.

I agree there, unfortunately.

Fortunately, you can have the largest armies in the world and employ the most gruesome tactics in occupying and trying to subdue a country, but even if that country is a third world David compared to your Goliath, ultimately your best efforts will still be an exercise in futility and, unfortunately, entirely pointless bloodshed and suffering, as the Soviet Union proved in Afghanistan, or the USA demonstrated in Vietnam or now again in Iraq.

It always takes the occupier time to swallow it's pride and admit inevitable defeat, but, irrespective of size, the push of any occupier is always met with sufficient shove from the occupied, making the status quo of occupation untenable for any long run.

Unfortunately, a countries ability to waste a lot of money on maintaing a huge army by no means seems to go hand in hand with installing a leadership endowed with sufficient brains to understand the limitations of said firing power. ;-)

Ah. C'est la vie, non ?
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I agree there, unfortunately.

Fortunately, you can have the largest armies in the world and employ the most gruesome tactics in occupying and trying to subdue a country, but even if that country is a third world David compared to your Goliath, ultimately your best efforts will still be an exercise in futility and, unfortunately, entirely pointless bloodshed and suffering, as the Soviet Union proved in Afghanistan, or the USA demonstrated in Vietnam or now again in Iraq.

It always takes the occupier time to swallow it's pride and admit inevitable defeat, but, irrespective of size, the push of any occupier is always met with sufficient shove from the occupied, making the status quo of occupation untenable for any long run.

Unfortunately, a countries ability to waste a lot of money on maintaing a huge army by no means seems to go hand in hand with installing a leadership endowed with sufficient brains to understand the limitations of said firing power. ;-)

Ah. C'est la vie, non ?

US will not leave Iraq for another 20 - 25 years.

US has eyes on Mosul and Kerkuk oil fields.

Divisions and attrocities will be fuelled to justify their defence of the weak ie the Kurds - the very people they help persucute with the Shah of Iran and Sadam of Iraq.

Confrontation with Iran will always be imminent...

Have no doubt about that...
Iraqi civilians killed in US raid

Here is an extract "These terrorists chose to deliberately place innocent Iraqi women and children in danger by their actions and presence."

This is what you call the Americans taking the **** as if their actions do not place innocent Iraqi women and children in danger. Absolute effing outrage. 😈

Like do as we say and you wont get hurt but give us all your oil gold and wealth and let us rape a few of your daughters and women. Don't worry - we'll burn their bodies later and make it look like they died fighting back.

Let's commerrate the Tianomen Square massacre again. 😆
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OK, here is another to boil the blood. This I picked up about a month ago.


the pinnacle of Usrael and West hypocrisy - they come to Lebanon get their asses kicked and then they ask for the compensation, while at the same time they killed millions in third world countries in US or US sponsored wars, and more specific to Iran - caused untold damage to Iran by ousting their democratically elected president Mossadegh in 1952 or 53, impose one of the worst tyrants ever - the shah, as the consequence Iran revolution brought the ayatollah and the Islamic Republic and has taken back any opportunity of a moderate democratic Iran for Iranian people hundred years back, they sponsor Iraq in the agression against Iran and the closest example of hypocrisy they down an Iranian airliner over the Gulf in 80s and the US president says that the US does not apologize for anything even when it is wrong (let alone Iranians asking for the compensation) - it is so bad that even the most sychopanthic and double standard individuals in the West must notice....

It amounts to ca. $10m per marine, while they are currently offering couple of thousand $US to the families of killed Iraqis when they are clearly killed by US fire and I think couple of hundred in Afghanistan.
OK, here is another to boil the blood. This I picked up about a month ago.


the pinnacle of Usrael and West hypocrisy - they come to Lebanon get their asses kicked and then they ask for the compensation, while at the same time they killed millions in third world countries in US or US sponsored wars, and more specific to Iran - caused untold damage to Iran by ousting their democratically elected president Mossadegh in 1952 or 53, impose one of the worst tyrants ever - the shah, as the consequence Iran revolution brought the ayatollah and the Islamic Republic and has taken back any opportunity of a moderate democratic Iran for Iranian people hundred years back, they sponsor Iraq in the agression against Iran and the closest example of hypocrisy they down an Iranian airliner over the Gulf in 80s and the US president says that the US does not apologize for anything even when it is wrong (let alone Iranians asking for the compensation) - it is so bad that even the most sychopanthic and double standard individuals in the West must notice....

It amounts to ca. $10m per marine, while they are currently offering couple of thousand $US to the families of killed Iraqis when they are clearly killed by US fire and I think couple of hundred in Afghanistan.

Yes all very true and sad.

Unfortunately people in the know are very few in contrast to those who don't. Rupert Murdochs empire is also part of this pack of lies to spread lies and deceit.

More recently the deaths of the civilian Iraqis have been reported as (BBC Radio 4 - 6 am this morning)...

1. Headline report Al-Qaeda terrorists
2. Iraqis
3. Insurgents

were used to represent the same people.

Morever, an air attack was called by the marines on the suspected area where they thought the remaining 4 men or so had run off to.


This is where the 9 children and 5 women died.


Perhaps the report "These terrorists chose to deliberately place innocent Iraqi women and children in danger by their actions and presence." wasn't wrong after all.

Are these people God fearing Christians like uncle Bush? 😱
Dreadful stuff all this...

There really isn't any difference between the Bushes or the Bin-Forgottens sorry Ladens of this world.
No, but the two women killed by Australian mercenaries, err .... security guards, were.


Here we go again - some brain washing trash news...

US to investigate death of Iraqis

Shouldn't the whole idea of using military air craft bombing civilian targets be questioned?

Who sanctions these strikes?

Also, when they give out the numbers they don't know. It's all suspected. How will you question or verify if they were or not? Typical cowboys. (Shoot - bomb first then ask questions).
US general damns Iraq 'nightmare'
A former US military chief in Iraq has condemned the current strategy in the conflict, which he warned was "a nightmare with no end in sight".

Retired Lt Gen Ricardo Sanchez also labelled US political leaders as "incompetent" and "corrupted".

He said they would have faced courts martial for dereliction of duty had they been in the military.