Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!


The incident has provoked an extraordinary row between America and the Iraqi government over who really runs the country?????????????????????????????????????????

This is an intelligence insulting article from the high browe know all 'The Economist'

Do people seriously believe Iraqi government are running Iraq? Dumb ass dorks as my American friend would say. :cheesy:

About BlackWater - From Amazon...

From Publishers Weekly
Scahill, a regular contributor to the Nation, offers a hard-left perspective on Blackwater USA, the self-described private military contractor and security firm. It owes its existence, he shows, to the post–Cold War drawdown of U.S. armed forces, its prosperity to the post-9/11 overextension of those forces and its notoriety to a growing reputation as a mercenary outfit, willing to break the constraints on military systems responsible to state authority. Scahill describes Blackwater's expansion, from an early emphasis on administrative and training functions to what amounts to a combat role as an internal security force in Iraq. He cites company representatives who say Blackwater's capacities can readily be expanded to supplying brigade-sized forces for humanitarian purposes, peacekeeping and low-level conflict. While emphasizing the possibility of an "adventurous President" employing Blackwater's mercenaries covertly, Scahill underestimates the effect of publicity on the deniability he sees as central to such scenarios. Arguably, he also dismisses too lightly Blackwater's growing self-image as the respectable heir to a long and honorable tradition of contract soldiering. Ultimately, Blackwater and its less familiar counterparts thrive not because of a neoconservative conspiracy against democracy, as Scahill claims, but because they provide relatively low-cost alternatives in high-budget environments and flexibility at a time when war is increasingly protean. (Apr. 10)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Book Description

Meet BLACKWATER USA, the world's most secretive and powerful mercenary firm. Based in the wilderness of North Carolina, it is the fastest-growing private army on the planet with forces capable of carrying out regime change throughout the world. Blackwater protects the top US officials in Iraq and yet we know almost nothing about the firm's quasi-military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and inside the US. Blackwater was founded by an extreme right-wing fundamentalist Christian mega-millionaire ex- Navy Seal named Erik Prince, the scion of a wealthy conservative family that bankrolls far-right-wing causes.
Blackwater is the dark story of the rise of a powerful mercenary army, ranging from the blood-soaked streets of Fallujah to rooftop firefights in Najaf to the hurricane-ravaged US gulf to Washington DC, where Blackwater executives are hailed as new heroes in the war on terror. This is an extraordinary exposé by one of America's most exciting young radical journalists.

My take on this is very negative.

We have gangs in the UK who give protection to their own kind.

In Iraq there a private gangs called security companies who give protection in exchange for money. What does this sound like to anyone.

Only difference is they dressem up, give em high tech gadgets and guns and some company name and you have 'Private Security Company'.

So where does the security forces, police come in?

Why are they trying to disarm millitias if on the other hand there are companies like Blackwater equally outside of the law and armed to the teeth?

That's good. Real good. It's the wild wild west out in the arabia.... 😆

I think this needs to put into context.

Put them on trial? Rubbish. They're true patriots. According to the NY Times, the shooting was unprovoked. Look, you're in a strange land, dangerous environment, had a few beers, maybe a joint or two, a bit bored and you're looking for some action. So a few Iraquis heads happen to be in the vicinity. They could be Al-Qaeda. Do your duty - take them out.

Grant (Major, Retd)
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I think this needs to put into context.

Put them on trial? Rubbish. They're true patriots. According to the NY Times, the shooting was unprovoked. Look, you're in a strange land, dangerous environment, had a few beers, maybe a joint or two, a bit bored and you're looking for some action. So a few Iraquis heads happen to be in the vicinity. They could be Al-Qaeda. Do your duty - take them out.

Grant (Major, Retd)

1. Blackwater - illegally smuggled into Iraq weapons that may have been sold on the black market and ended up in the hands of a U.S.-designated terrorist organization, officials said Friday.

2. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Raleigh, N.C., is handling the investigation with help from Pentagon and State Department auditors, who have concluded there is enough evidence to file charges, the officials told The Associated Press.

3. The U.S. attorney for the eastern district of North Carolina, George Holding, declined to comment, as did Pentagon and State Department spokesmen.

4. Cashwell and Grumiaux pleaded guilty in early 2007 to possession of stolen firearms that had been shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, and aided and abetted another in doing so, according to court papers viewed by The Associated Press.

Despite all this jargon I agree with you Grantx. This is smoke screens and ploys by intelligence including the Pentagon.

The problem is the enemies of the state also know this. I believe it's pure business. However, the US is losing. Perhaps the outcome is not clear yet but we are not in the middle centuries or even the 19th century when the ME can be reshaped to some new fictitious plans / maps defined by nit twits power hungry men who exceed their thresholds for indulgence of the bloody kind.

Alternatively, this could be purely a scam to infiltrate the terrorists. For all we know those guns have trackers. They will change hands a number of times.

In fact this could be a specific ploy to blacken the name of Blackwater to make it acceptable believable.

Hence the death of 11 civilian Iraqis to the US would be what... ?

So yes they can be termed patriots if we only knew the true guise of their operations. 🙄

Seems strange that a private organisation would be subject to US laws in a foreign country unless they were under the jurisdiction of the military.

This may be a case of the US trying to retrieve some credibility and the moral high-ground. From an Iraqi perspective, it may be perceived that the situation is being side-tracked and undermined by a privateers’ free-for-all. The US government needs to be seen to be maintaining control and integrity.

Realistically, I think these organisation are given free rein but if they screw-up, they’re on their own and all knowledge is denied, etc. And they’ll suffer the consequences

I fear this is going to get worse, and over a very long time. God help the troops – I feel for them. Depressing.

On a brighter note, if you like jazz there’s brilliant film on Youtube of Dave Brubeck (Take 5/6?) from 1961. They look like a bunch of accountants in dinner jackets, but Brubeck and the drummer play with such finesse, I couldn’t believe it. Superb.


Seems strange that a private organisation would be subject to US laws in a foreign country unless they were under the jurisdiction of the military.

This may be a case of the US trying to retrieve some credibility and the moral high-ground. From an Iraqi perspective, it may be perceived that the situation is being side-tracked and undermined by a privateers’ free-for-all. The US government needs to be seen to be maintaining control and integrity.

Realistically, I think these organisation are given free rein but if they screw-up, they’re on their own and all knowledge is denied, etc. And they’ll suffer the consequences

I fear this is going to get worse, and over a very long time. God help the troops – I feel for them. Depressing.

On a brighter note, if you like jazz there’s brilliant film on Youtube of Dave Brubeck (Take 5/6?) from 1961. They look like a bunch of accountants in dinner jackets, but Brubeck and the drummer play with such finesse, I couldn’t believe it. Superb.


Yes very odd is it not?

11 Iraqis killed and everybody is drawing attention to gun running to terrorists.

Normally it would be other way round.

This is a staged event not a real one. Disinformation and infiltration. What ever, it smells rotten. I don't buy the garbage on the surface.

I object to loss of civillian life as expendable to serve the greater end...

Just my opinion.

Yes you are right about the Brubeck band. My neighbour who is also called Mike is an accountant and he dresses the same with Clint Eastwood type single breasted suit and has thick mohagony glasses. Take 5, a classic timeless piece. 😎
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The following article broadens the context of the discussion thus far. Specifically, the US's regard for Iran as a source for Iraqi-supporting insurgency is only superficial. However, its solutions (possible bombing) are far too simplistic, possibly suggesting this is more a line for domestic consumption.

Briefly, it isn't a question of US vs Iran, but US vs Iran, Russia, China, and former Soviet satellites, and each against each other including the EU.

It is a long, but brilliant article in terms of analysis, and I might say written in a style verging on the elegant.


The following article broadens the context of the discussion thus far. Specifically, the US's regard for Iran as a source for Iraqi-supporting insurgency is only superficial. However, its solutions (possible bombing) are far too simplistic, possibly suggesting this is more a line for domestic consumption.

Briefly, it isn't a question of US vs Iran, but US vs Iran, Russia, China, and former Soviet satellites, and each against each other including the EU.

It is a long, but brilliant article in terms of analysis, and I might say written in a style verging on the elegant.



Uncle Bush has now turned his gun sights on US citizens.

Bush Vetoes Expansion of Children's Insurance Program

By Holly Rosenkrantz and Roger Runningen

Oct. 3 (Bloomberg) -- President George W. Bush today vetoed legislation that would have expanded a children's health insurance program, telling lawmakers they should send him a version that will cost less and focus on low-income families.


I wonder whether he wanted to vote through another $100bn for keeping US marines in Iraq... 🙄
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"Secret US Endorsement of Severe Interrogations

By Scott Shane, David Johnston and James Risen in Washington
Reports of unacceptable interrogation techniques led to a shake up in policy and staff at the Justice Department in 2004. After Alberto Gonzales' arrival, the public started hearing things had changed, but new reports claim that things remained the same -- or worsened."


What comes around and all that, eh.

The Terror Presidency: Law and Judgment Inside the Bush Administration

These talks are well worth a watch and this guys book is a great read...

Uncle Bush has now turned his gun sights on US citizens.

Bush Vetoes Expansion of Children's Insurance Program

By Holly Rosenkrantz and Roger Runningen

Oct. 3 (Bloomberg) -- President George W. Bush today vetoed legislation that would have expanded a children's health insurance program, telling lawmakers they should send him a version that will cost less and focus on low-income families.


I wonder whether he wanted to vote through another $100bn for keeping US marines in Iraq... 🙄

...If the amount of funds US has spent in last 50 years on the CIA front, cold war front and war front was spent on National Health then EACH US citizen would have had HIS/HER own hospital.....!!
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...If the amount of funds US has spent in last 50 years on the CIA front, cold war front and war front was spent on National Health then EACH US citizen would have had HIS/HER own hospital.....!!

A little like a crazed man I laughed at your sentence Zambuck only to realise it's not funny because it's true.

Here is another great Bush classic...

Bush Says U.S. Doesn't Torture Suspect Terrorists

The US will then print a report on various countries committing acts againts humanity and China will be on top of their lists. 😆
A little like a crazed man I laughed at your sentence Zambuck only to realise it's not funny because it's true.

Here is another great Bush classic...

Bush Says U.S. Doesn't Torture Suspect Terrorists

The US will then print a report on various countries committing acts againts humanity and China will be on top of their lists. 😆

......and China will say "but you're at the top of our list to sell your Fed funny money toilet paper currency" :cheesy: