Should vendors only be allowed to post a 'vendor section'

Should vendors only be allowed to post in a 'vendor section'

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 12 30.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm surprised to see that the discussion is focused solely on his software, as it seems clear to me that he intends to teach for money at some stage.

So it's the "hidden FUTURE agenda" now, is it? 🙄 🙄 🙄

My wife is already under strict instructions to shoot me if such a suggestion ever passes my lips.

You guys have made so many presumptions about me. So - I'll tell you what.

For the doubters on here - please PM me and we'll arrange a telephone call/Skype chat. It seems there are a few issues to clear, so it makes sense to do it face to face. I have a webcam if you like to see the evil vendor.

Bring your complaints to me face to face, let me know what you think. If you want to pull apart the products or the content of my website, you are free to have full access to do so. I will even take you through my sales/post sales process, including how people can get refunds if it is not for them.

Once done, you are under no obligation to come back here and tell people about the experience. Use it as an opportunity to vent face to face.
As for me spamming the board - anyone searching the threads for me might be expecting a lot more posts that actually exist.?

Do you mean posts like the one you made below? 😕

And this post attached when you were pre-vendor. You deliberately started that post to get people warmed up for your product. My favourite line is where you demand Howard Cohondas to be banned and I can hardly believe this:

Keep the paid advertisers. Just get rid of the freeloaders posing as board members.

i laughed so hard when I read that.


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DionysusToast said:
OK - so it's the avatar that offends? It can easily be changed.

Or me 'trashing other people's methods' ?

The combination of that. Take a step back for a moment and think about how that looks to outsiders.

DionysusToast said:
My 'trashing' is usually presented as a series of arguments...

and then regress into you being insulting and commence name calling.

DionysusToast said:
So - perhaps the poll should be split as follows:

1 - Should vendors be allowed to post
2 - Should we ban DT regardless of poll 1 because certain members don't like him?

Strickly from my point of view this is not about you solely, therefore MY opinion on your 2 points is:
1- limited posting ability for vendors.
2- No

The combination of that. Take a step back for a moment and think about how that looks to outsiders.

Even funnier is the reason it went up in the first place... which was to annoy someone like CD who was following me around saying "vendors are evil" every time I made a post. I think the guy imploded when I put up the logo.

In the name of peace to all men, I have now selected a 'neutral' avatar. :whistling

and then regress into you being insulting and commence name calling.

Whilst I will certainly 'give some back' when insulted, I never resort to insulting people FIRST in a debate.

Strickly from my point of view this is not about you solely, therefore MY opinion on your 2 points is:
1- limited posting ability for vendors.
2- No


For 1 - I think it depends on the type vendor. I personally would love to see more brokers, platform providers, SB companies post. I would also love to see educators posting live trades too.

For 2 - I think you need a re-think.
Tony thats very weak not to mention his name. You are of course right about the witch hunt thing,but come on its not like we havent heard of him before. if we havent then no harm will be done.

Flash, if you ever get to a very high level in trading, you'll be grateful that people are discrete with your real name on trading forums.

Also, as Leopard and Wackypete said, he's not the kind of educator the with-hunt is after.
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No apologies needed Jon. I didn't mean you were ignoring / evading, just that you hadn't named one.

I don't take this as an opinion that there aren't any necessarily to have been verified, but it does rather suggest that you are unable to name one whose claims have been proved or at the very least has been able to produce convincing evidence that their claims are real.


How can I name one without personal experience? Aside from some professional mentoring in the early days (free since a friend) I suppose the biggest influence since then has been Marc Rivalland via his Swing Trading book some ten or more years ago. I see he has moved on from the book and "sells" seminars and if those are as measured as his book about the claims for his method then I think he'd fit the bill.

I think it defies all logic to suppose that trading is the only profession in the world that cannot be taught, both in technique and mental attitude, and that there are not excellent teachers whose primary skill lies in the teaching rather than the doing.
Flash, if you ever get to a very high level in trading, you'll be grateful that people are discrete with your real name on trading forums.

Also, as Leopard and Wackypete said, he's not the kind of educator the with-hunt is after.

so if there was a vendor area with poor comments about this guy,would you not defend him?
Is Belgium a hotbed of international financial crime nowadays?

I thought they were all too busy in their basements for that sort of thing...
hey nothing wrong with the belgians, i know a few ...well the western belgian flanders lot are ok, the east are a bit odd

Is Belgium a hotbed of international financial crime nowadays?

I thought they were all too busy in their basements for that sort of thing...
Scose for paid mod! You guys know you want it 😀

my first act would be to perma-wipe prolly 70+% of all threads created in the last two years.

Second act would be to petition the creation of a hyper-lulz bin where the luziest threads can be moved for your viewing ease and to ensure nobody misses any lulz. Think analists and slaggaboopydop in one place 🙂