All Failed Traders should become Vendors!!

Actually, when I had the pic taken I made sure to stand right next to a sign that said no photos please. My daughter still laughs at that and thinks I'm an idiot...well, she may be right :clap:

Now back to the topic!


On my second visit to Edwards Air Force Base I took a picture of the sign that said among other things "Do not photograph or sketch." That was at the height of the cold war so it was probably reckless, but I thought it pretty funny. Funnier yet, I took it with my Minox camera, the spy camera of that age.
A friend of mine recently ponied up to go to a Van Tharp course in North Carolina. $4k for 3 days (ouch) but he came back looking as though he'd witnessed something religious. Now, Van Tharp is a psychologist by training, not a trader. The whole thrust of the course was about evaluating yourself and attempting to work out which trading system was the best fit.

I think this approach might have more merit than "here - trade these patterns".

How is your friend doing since going on the Van Tharp course? has their trading improved? do they still think it worth it a few months later? I like Van Tharp's books, some of the best I have read.
I like Van Tharp's books, some of the best I have read.

Its quite bizarre that one of the few genuinely useful trading books out there is written by a guy who by his own admission does not trade !

FWIW I like Van Tharp too.
How is your friend doing since going on the Van Tharp course? has their trading improved? do they still think it worth it a few months later? I like Van Tharp's books, some of the best I have read.

Well, it's certainly helped him to focus. He was relatively new to prop trading and couldn't really settle on a style. He's been making money the last month or two, but I'll check on him again in a year, that's probably a better sample size. Van Tharp is really about helping you find your style, but he does assist with technique development as well.
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Well, it's certainly helped him to focus. He was relatively new to prop trading and couldn't really settle on a style. He's been making money the last month or two, but I'll check on him again in a year, that's probably a better sample size. Van Tharp is really about helping you find your style, but he does assist with technique development as well.

It's OK Mean, just don't make a habit of it. 🙂
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Just means laughs, messing around, fooling about etc.

"Dude, why did you flip that cop off while speeding at 100 mph and pulling a moony out the window? And then when he pulled you over why did you take a swig of scotch and ask him if he had a light for your crack pipe? You just know you're gonna get an ass-whompin'."

"I did it for the lulz".

I'm totally ****ed up in the head atm. I'm liek a manic depressive or something, except the two are switching at 5 minute intervals. Seriously, I'm totally insane. Done the mental berakdown thing a year ago or so but this is more a reality disconnection, except with the connection intact, just emotions random walking...

...And the lulz are healing... don't take away the lulz
Well, it's certainly helped him to focus. He was relatively new to prop trading and couldn't really settle on a style. He's been making money the last month or two, but I'll check on him again in a year, that's probably a better sample size. Van Tharp is really about helping you find your style, but he does assist with technique development as well.

From what I understand from his books are that if you understand the win / loss ration of the system you are using and you get your risk / reward ratio correct, and position sizing correct then even a very basic system will make you substantial money (Turtle traders being a classic example). I would be interested to know if you are going to learn a lot more from the courses than you can get from the books?
From what I understand from his books are that if you understand the win / loss ration of the system you are using and you get your risk / reward ratio correct, and position sizing correct then even a very basic system will make you substantial money (Turtle traders being a classic example). I would be interested to know if you are going to learn a lot more from the courses than you can get from the books?

Yes you will make a substantial amount of money with that method if you compound, but it might take 20 years. Most people will give up after 3 losing trades, forget about lasting 20 years.
Yes you will make a substantial amount of money with that method if you compound, but it might take 20 years. Most people will give up after 3 losing trades, forget about lasting 20 years.

It didn't take the Turtle 20 years?