Originally Posted by trader30
PLAN for newbie (who agrees?):
1. Trade £1 a point on your £5k account until you turn it into £10k (This will probably take a year give or take). If you lose more then £100 in any one day, you arent allowed to trade for a month. If you blow up, you have to start again from the beginning and find another £5k.
2. If you get to £10k (maybe 10% of you will) go to £2pp until you get to £20k. Same rules apply.
3. If you've turned £5k into £20k in 2 years, you can call yourself a trader.
ps. if youre turn £5k into £20k in 2 weeks youre not a trader. You dont have a money management plan. go back to school/bed/crisps.
Its all dependant on your style of trading and how the results of your strategy fall.
BUT you can make much more money than this starting with 5000k....listen:!:
I will give you an example based on how i trade
5000GBP = $8000(roughly) but for the purposes of example lets say your starting balance is $10000.
I look to risk no more than 6.5% per day...ie if you lose this in a day you stop trading NO MATTER WHAT!
Each trade has a max risk of -10pips. You can trade mini contracts of all major products risking $5 per pip, per contract.....so the maximum loss is:
-10(-12pips for slippage and costs). -12pips = -0.6% of your account.
Basically if i lose 10 straight losses i stop for the day.
However my average losing trade is only -7, including all costs and slippage
I look to take 30-40 trades per day....but we will calculate the averages over 30trades
Strategy Expectancy:
40% win Ratio
AvLoss = -7
AvWin = +20
Losses: 18 x 7 = -126 ( In reality, the losses DONT ALL COME AT THE SAME TIME....and if they do then you stop trading ...WE HAVE ALREADY STATED THIS!)
Winners: 12 x 20 = +240
THESE ARE JUST AVERAGES FOR EXAMPLE PURPOSES...my actual trades are much more varied than this obviously...
Overall: 240-126 = +114 ( average pips per day )
at $5 per pip = $570 ..lets call this a GOOD DAY
Max Loss day = -126 pips
at $5 per pip = -630...lets call this BAD DAY.
Now lets look at the expectancy on a weekly basis to see how results could fall...After creating a proofitable strategy you then need the emotional balance to implament your plan!
these are the possible scenarios for the week
5 BAD DAYS, = -32%
1 GOOD DAY, 4 BAD DAYS = -20%
2 GOOD DAYS, 3 BAD DAYS = -7.5%
3 GOOD DAYS, 2 BAD DAYS = +4.5%
4 GOOD DAYS, 1 BAD DAY = +16.5%
5 GOOD DAYS = +31%
If you can consistantly keep hitting the results in the bold then you can make much more than was stated by "trader 30". And i think the risk levels for my trading is fine...well its fine for me!
PS.....this is a scalable method....and I double my position size everytime i double my money, with the parameters above.