Re - should there be a commerical sub forum for vendors

Should T2W have a separate sub forum for commercial posts/vendors?

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I reckon all the vendor fanboys have plans of becomming vendors themselves once the casino doesn't pay off.
absolutely spot on Mr hare.

You are right about politicians. Politics is too abstract a concept for most people, and there's too much apathy.

But how would you feel if anyone could set up a course on how to conduct open heart surgery, and the graduates of those courses, where then deemed to be qualified work in hospitals, operating on members of the public.

Would that be OK for you, or would you prefer that there was some degree of regulation, where surgeons where required to study in accredited institutions, taught by people who actually had experience of treating live patients ?

In one case, you risk losing your life, and in the case of a trading vendor, you only risk losing your wealth.

The argument is a bit pointless really because its self evident that anyone who can trade, has absolutely no need to sell anything, let alone deal with dunces who are too thick to work things out for themselves. Its the same argument that you'd apply to politicians, anyone who craves power, isnt by definition a suitable person to wield that power.
Not all the vendors are the same.

:idea::idea::idea:What about having a sub forum with vendors who have at least 3 year track record of being consistently profitable traders?

That would create a lot of traffic and boost the genuine vendors business.

Hi Bedsit, I like you thinking however I don't think many vendors would be prepared to have their live trades audited for 3 years.
There are none.

Whilst your detective work is second to none and makes one justifiably cynical, it's a bit much condemn the whole barrel of apples because of the rotten ones you find in it. Bit like saying the murderer has blue eyes therefore all blue eyed people are murderers.
Whilst your detective work is second to none and makes one justifiably cynical, it's a bit much condemn the whole barrel of apples because of the rotten ones you find in it. Bit like saying the murderer has blue eyes therefore all blue eyed people are murderers.

Well let me rephrase it then. If you can find a vendor with three years of more proven profitability please let us know about him/her on this thread.
the plot thickens, is this where you got the video Arabian? Now we know what Bramble has been up to. lol.


  • bramble.png
    209.1 KB · Views: 219
the plot thickens, is this where you got the video Arabian? Now we know what Bramble has been up to. lol.

Ah... that explains his bitterness towards any sort of 'law enforcement' or 'covert investigations' as expressed here earlier.
Hi Bedsit, I like you thinking however I don't think many vendors would be prepared to have their live trades audited for 3 years.

Doesn't it depend on the type of vendor?

For example, Trading Computers sell to traders. Should they not be allowed to partake in discussions without showing their own trades? How about eSignal - should they be disallowed unless they can show account statements? How about IB - should they stop answering questions on forums unless the people that post show account statements?

How about my new venture here in Thailand "Trader back rub" - would my girls really need to show account statements before working on those knots and other hardened muscles? Or would pics suffice?
How about my new venture here in Thailand "Trader back rub" - would my girls really need to show account statements before working on those knots and other hardened muscles? Or would pics suffice?

They can show their other assets 😆

Doesn't it depend on the type of vendor?

For example, Trading Computers sell to traders. Should they not be allowed to partake in discussions without showing their own trades? How about eSignal - should they be disallowed unless they can show account statements? How about IB - should they stop answering questions on forums unless the people that post show account statements?

How about my new venture here in Thailand "Trader back rub" - would my girls really need to show account statements before working on those knots and other hardened muscles? Or would pics suffice?

only if there is a happy ending........😉
Doesn't it depend on the type of vendor?

For example, Trading Computers sell to traders. Should they not be allowed to partake in discussions without showing their own trades? How about eSignal - should they be disallowed unless they can show account statements? How about IB - should they stop answering questions on forums unless the people that post show account statements?

How about my new venture here in Thailand "Trader back rub" - would my girls really need to show account statements before working on those knots and other hardened muscles? Or would pics suffice?

They tried to separate Vendor material at FF.the likes of the "Jacko" thread caused great embarrassment there. Whether it works or not is open to debate.
And there is also an "under evaluation" forum for threads awaiting the thumbs up from the powers that be at FF
"It's immoral to let a sucker keep his money" - watched Rounders recently.

Perhaps there should be a probation for new vendors. I'm not sure how it would best work. Perhaps bring back positive rep and add negative rep. I don't think people like DionysusToast, Mr Charts or John Forman etc should be excluded from discussions. They add more quality to the site than the average user and subtract less. But I do think there are too many threads to wade through with people and their secret systems or their EA for sale for 5 million.
Hi Bedsit, I like you thinking however I don't think many vendors would be prepared to have their live trades audited for 3 years.

I would be welcome to that....

Also anyone who asks I give a whole free month to watch trades live every day.

I know there are a lot of skeptics in this business, and rightfully so. But I do think there is probably a select 5-10% of vendors out there who are honest people.

Really though you can tell who is valid and who isnt by just doing a trial with that said vendors website. If they don't give you at least a month free to watch, then they most likely have something to hide. Most people pass judgement without even trying out a free service.

Transparency should be the biggest key for vendors, and not many post actual trade records or live charts throughout the day.
I would be welcome to that....

Also anyone who asks I give a whole free month to watch trades live every day.

I know there are a lot of skeptics in this business, and rightfully so. But I do think there is probably a select 5-10% of vendors out there who are honest people.

Really though you can tell who is valid and who isnt by just doing a trial with that said vendors website. If they don't give you at least a month free to watch, then they most likely have something to hide. Most people pass judgement without even trying out a free service.

Transparency should be the biggest key for vendors, and not many post actual trade records or live charts throughout the day.

wait pboyles is going to take you to the cleaners!
wait pboyles is going to take you to the cleaners!

That is fine with me, he can ask away. I answer any and all questions honestly and I think people can see that in my posts or if they talk to me personally over the phone.

I try to be a different kind of vendor than most of what is out there. 90% of the sites out there are selling you snake oil to teach you how to trade...that is not my purpose. My purpose is to provide decent signals, not to teach. So bring on any criticism, I am happy to take it 😆
IMost people pass judgement without even trying out a free service.

Reason for that is we don't understand why you are trying to make money from us when you can easily make it from the markets. So can you offer an explaination ? I estimate 99.99% of vendors can't come up with the answer. Can you do better, or can I pass judgement already ?