Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

Judging by the reaction to my post, I thnk the Hare/pipsplease or Leopard might be involved

Leopard response :- Do not insult me like that again. I have been as polite as possible with you, far more so than you deserve, but that can easily change. Some insults are acceptable, but others (such as suggesting I might be involved with training vendors) are not.

Leopard, dont try to paint me as a horrible person and having done some great insult. See the laughing face. It was a joke.

I would like to point out you are not always polite and I think you will find I have been fair and polite with you.

It is true that I am often impolite in situations such as this, but please remember that everything is relative. I am much more polite than most training vendors (and their shills / sock puppets) deserve.
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Unfortunately they show little interest in pursuing that type of con artist.

I have not called anyone a con artist. Who have I libelled?

I suggest you read up on Law 🙂

Honestly, are you really this stupid? Do you entirely lack the ability to follow or construct a logical argument? Or are you simply being disingenuous?

😆😆😆 I love this line. You are now resorting to trying to either insult me or discredit me by infering I am stupid. Boy you are getting desperate cos you are loosing a valid argument.

RIP Leoapard you loose !!!!!!!
I suggest you read up on Law 🙂

😆😆😆 I love this line. You are now resorting to trying to either insult me or discredit me by infering I am stupid. Boy you are getting desperate cos you are loosing a valid argument.

RIP Leoapard you loose !!!!!!!

Do not suggest that I "read up on law". Instead answer my question - whom have I libelled? I have made no mention of any individual. And let me make clear that I do not call anyone a con artist here, either implicitly or explicitly. I merely state that that the authorities seem to have little enthusiasm for pursuing the type of con artist that fraudulently sells 'education' or 'systems'.

In contradistinction to your claim, I do not "loose" [sic], unless you do mean "loose" and are referring to my bowels. Even so, this would not cause me to "RIP", as regular movements are essential to the health of the lower intestine and can help to prolong life .

You make fatuous and illogical arguments. I demonstrate this to be the case and speculate on why you do so; all my suggestions are reasonable and plausible.

Your arguments are riddled with inaccuracies and non sequiturs. If you make them sincerely, you are a fool. If you are not sincere, you are being disingenuous. Which is it?

One further small point - 'Leopard' has only one 'a'. If you are incorrectly declaring victory in an argument, it is generally a good idea to be able to spell your opponent's name (and also to know the difference between 'lose' and 'loose'). Otherwise you will look foolish.
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About Us

Janet McAnuff has several years experience in trading the forex, futures, equities and commodities market. Before she became a trader using Price Behaviour, she use to work as a consultant[,] project managing NHS projects and also teaching customise programmes to NHS staff on how to use IT systems.

She is an adaptable and practical trader/mentor who has worked with various clients across the globe teaching ‘Price Behaviour’ trading Travel to Dubai and Beirut to provide training and software support to clients[. and at least some punctuation, please]

With her knowledge and skills, she quantify your trading training needs
; it is unique to your trading skills whether you are new to trading, intermediate or advance that will meet your particular trading challenges. It is carefully structured to meet your trading objectives and is designed to transform the thinking and psychological behaviour to accelerate your trading skills.

I really should be getting paid for this. Although really it doesn't need correcting it needs tearing down - the prose is nearly as turgid as that in the Communist Manifesto.
One more:

About Us

Janet McAnuff has several years experience in trading the forex, futures, equities and commodities market. Before she became a trader using Price Behaviour, she use to work as a consultant[,] project managing NHS projects and also teaching customise programmes to NHS staff on how to use IT systems.

She is an adaptable and practical trader/mentor who has worked with various clients across the globe teaching ‘Price Behaviour’ trading Travel to Dubai and Beirut to provide training and software support to clients[. and at least some punctuation, please]

With her knowledge and skills, she quantify your trading training needs
; it is unique to your trading skills whether you are new to trading, intermediate or advance that will meet your particular trading challenges. It is carefully structured to meet your trading objectives and is designed to transform the thinking and psychological behaviour to accelerate your trading skills.

I really should be getting paid for this. Although really it doesn't need correcting it needs tearing down - the prose is nearly as turgid as that in the Communist Manifesto.

Any explanation about what price behaviour actually is?
<<Don’t risk too much, but don’t reisk too little either>>

What insight! I'm going to have that tattooed across the inside of my eyelids.
Thats it, that is your only come back when I ask for proof.

pipsplease is on the ropes, falling to his knees. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 knock out :clap:

You guys have a go at Baghdady for false claims etc, but when someone turns the table you get very defensive and aggresive. Hypocrite does come to mind 🙂

Can't quite see what you're complaining about here. Are you saying that we should take Bagasloppy courses, or what?
I unfortunately, to my loss it seems, parted with my hard earned money in December 2011 with a course booked for February 2012.
Days before the course start date it was cancelled. Now i know why!!!
Went to Camperdown offices this week, no-one there and office completely empty.
Can anyone on here help me with the following.
1) Are they still trading anywhere.
2)Have they gone bankrupt.
3) What is their registered name at companies house.
4) How do i go about getting my money back.

Many thanks in advance.

Can't quite see what you're complaining about here. Are you saying that we should take Bagasloppy courses, or what?

No I am not saying that at all Ross and I am certainly not coming out in support of Baghdady.

What I saying is that unfounded acusations and claims which can not be backed with proof are not helping anyone except perhaps those with unterior motives. From what I can gather the posts are not from disgruntled clients but unrealted individuals.

I understand that the attacks on Baghdady in this forum include some insiders with possible unterior motives (and therefore not in the best interest of the readers). For motives always look for those who gain.

I pointed out the new website: Janet McAnuff | 'Trade Smarter'
From what I understand Janet used to work for Baghdady and is now setting up a rival business using the same material.

The main point I am making is that training can be good for some people but not every course is good for every person. Always get enough information to decide if a course is right for you before you part with a large sum of money. Also consider you might learn more from reading a book and investing the thousands you would pay for a course in actually having a go at trading.

Always do due diligance to ascertain the facts from both the company and people posting in forums.

I don not like to be mislead by a company or individuals on forums with unterior motives.

Unfortunatly a couple of the posters appear not to have liked what I said.
I must admit I played with them a bit and turned the table to see how they would react and it was amusing.
For heavens sake do catch up. The great man himself explained it all perfectly clearly in his last webinar.

To quote Mike Baghdady, word for word....

"Price behaviour is the behaviour of price"

But how did he discover all this? The man must be a genius.

Of course. Viewing and indeed commenting is compulsory if a thread remains open. 🙂

In fairness, new things emerge fairly regularly - like the recent claim that some the 'turtles' actually paid money to be taken on. So it's probably not done with yet.
Because its blindingly obvious to anyone with a modicum of sense that not a single person associated with MB knows their **** from their elbow.

Dont you get it yet ?

Anyone with anything remotely useful to say is going to be trading, NOT training half wits. They dont need the grief and aggravation.

i beginning to think that all MB staff and clients are Zombies

how could you explain a client paying BagPoopy 50K to be a client?

they got confused by the statements "price behaviour is behaviour of the price", "client of Baghdady is Baghdady of a client"; "you pay baghdady, baghdady pay you"; "you give MB love; MB give you love", "you share you dough with MB, and MB share you dough with you", "whatever you give you get"

can anyone check if MB is a hypnotic expert?