Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

You said it!

" I think to date only pboyles has backed up the things he has said. There are so many unfounded claims on here, so much infering and misleading and twisting,"

So is that correct, pipsplease and the Hare are both you?

Pboyles provided official documenttation and listing to back up at least some of his points.

As I said my comment was not aimed at you, but as you seemed determined to make your point perhaps to remake your claims to keep this thread fueled:

Ignoring point 4 on your list, because to be honest I really do not care about a slight misuse of wording (World of Trading vs World Trading). Please show me the proof for each one of your claims in the form of an offical undisputable document and note hearsay, I heard, someone told me or similar.

BTW I have not missed the fact that you are trying to divert things away from the point I was making.
A quick review of the Janet Mcanuff website reveals she is also promoting another of the great gurus of our time. Check out the video in the following link, it's an ad for none other than Vince Stanzione. So Janet is a former employee of Baghdady and is now promoting Vince Stanzione, probably two of the most ridiculed gurus ever. It's not hard to see what the intentions are here.

Janet McAnuff | 'Trade Smarter'
So who else is involved with this Janet Mcanuff project? I see she hasn't finished her website but already has a testimonial. The website was registered a few weeks back but her LinkedIn profile claims she has been doing this for 6 years. She certainly picked up a few tricks from Baghdady.

Judging by the reaction to my post, I thnk the Hare/pipsplease or Leopard might be involved 😆

To be fair I dont know.

I see what you mean about webite.

BTW As someone opposed to training, what do you think of my idea of having some kind of body to monitor/govern the trader training industry. Nothing against T2W but it would need to be an independant body not linked to any marketing.
Ignoring point 4 on your list, because to be honest I really do not care about a slight misuse of wording (World of Trading vs World Trading).

Why do you not care? There a world (so to speak) of difference between the two. In the first place, one is accurate and one is not. But the difference is more important that that simple fact. Let me see if I can illustrate this using an example.

Let us say I am setting up to provide golf tuition. I proudly proclaim myself to be World Golf Champion. Many people might suppose I had won something important like the Open.

In fact, I am actually World of Golf Champion. World of Golf is a sporting goods shop in a retail park on the A5, just outside Cannock. The contest consisted of me and a few other blokes on a golf simulator for a couple of hours one afternoon. The prize was a pack of World of Golf own-brand balls and a t-shirt with the World of Golf logo on it.

Do you now understand why this is important?
Judging by the reaction to my post, I thnk the Hare/pipsplease or Leopard might be involved 😆

Do not insult me like that again. I have been as polite as possible with you, far more so than you deserve, but that can easily change. Some insults are acceptable, but others (such as suggesting I might be involved with training vendors) are not.

To be fair I dont know.

I see what you mean about webite.

BTW As someone opposed to training, what do you think of my idea of having some kind of body to monitor/govern the trader training industry. Nothing against T2W but it would need to be an independant body not linked to any marketing.

It is a terrible and unworkable idea. But in any case there are already bodies that can take action against 'educators' - the ASA, the police and the CPS. Unfortunately they show little interest in pursuing that type of con artist.
Here are some of my favourite Janet McAnuff website quotes:

We will teach you how to trading in the Forex Exchange (Forex), Futures and stock markets using Price Action

The courses are tail-made to suit your learning style

You are encouraged and mentored using the rules of Price Action

Forex is a 4 Trillion dollar market. It is traded 24/7 per day.

has worked with various clients across the globe teaching 'Price Behaviour' trading

With her knowledge and skills, she quantify your trading training needs

it is unique to your trading skills whether you are new to trading, intermediate or advance that will meet your particular trading challenges
Why do you not care? There a world (so to speak) of difference between the two. In the first place, one is accurate and one is not. But the difference is more important that that simple fact. Let me see if I can illustrate this using an example.

Let us say I am setting up to provide golf tuition. I proudly proclaim myself to be World Golf Champion. Many people might suppose I had won something important like the Open.

In fact, I am actually World of Golf Champion. World of Golf is a sporting goods shop in a retail park on the A5, just outside Cannock. The contest consisted of me and a few other blokes on a golf simulator for a couple of hours one afternoon. The prize was a pack of World of Golf own-brand balls and a t-shirt with the World of Golf logo on it.

Do you now understand why this is important?

In that case I assume you are going to go after Janet McAnuff | 'Trade Smarter' as there are testimonials beore the site is finished and before you can take courses. (ref pbolyes comment)

The main reason I said I dont care about the "World of Trading" vs "World Trading" issue is so much has already been made of it and its down to conjecture. Was is a deliberte advertising ploy or a mis-use for wording. There is no way to prove it.
As I recall the offical response from the company made it clear it was "World of Trading".

If you are so focused on this issue I suggest you contact the trading standards or advertising standards agencies and get an official comment on the matter. The fact that you have not and are simply using this issue to imply wrong doing or worse illustratrates my point of lack of grounding and proof.

Once again Lets have a governing body to regulate trader training then we will stop all the rubbish on forums and the forums may become more useful.
So is that correct, pipsplease and the Hare are both you?

Pboyles provided official documenttation and listing to back up at least some of his points.

As I said my comment was not aimed at you, but as you seemed determined to make your point perhaps to remake your claims to keep this thread fueled:

Ignoring point 4 on your list, because to be honest I really do not care about a slight misuse of wording (World of Trading vs World Trading). Please show me the proof for each one of your claims in the form of an offical undisputable document and note hearsay, I heard, someone told me or similar.

BTW I have not missed the fact that you are trying to divert things away from the point I was making.

The Leopard has already dealt with your rather offhand opinion of the slight misuse of wording in a far more eloquent manner than I ever could.

Just to be sure that you now undestand why its important.

Baghdady INSTRUCTED his then sales manager to prepare advertising materials specifically using the term "World Trading Champion".
In the same set of adverts Baghdady claimed that Joe Tuckey (the brother of his business partner) was an "institutional trader".

Both of these statements are false and were made knowingly to be false.

These things were designed to solicit sales and fill the coffers of Baghdadys business and constituted the backbone of what must have been a very expensive TV advertising campaign.

The adverts were pulled by Bloomberg. The matter was investigated by the ASA.

This is fraud - pure and simple.
How many innocents were impressed by this and other bold claims made by Baghdady and were seduced into paying £5k or £10k as a consequence?

You have already been provided with the telephone number to the Times in Dubai. Call them and find out yourself.

The invoice for the outstanding amount owed to the Novotel in Australia has already been posted on the thread.

The unpaid turtles will confirm that they did not get anywhere near the amount to trade that they were promised. They also found out about the paid turtles and can confirm this themselves. Notice not one of them on here denying this!

Oh yes, the VP Sales was assaulted. Many witnesses.

Why don't you contact the landlord at Camperdown Street in London and ask if they would like to know where Baghdady is? Im sure they would - I wonder why?

As far as Baghdady and Robins Futures is concerned, again his statement has already been posted on this thread. Do some work before you make silly and subjective claims. It does not add anything to the debate.
It is a terrible and unworkable idea. But in any case there are already bodies that can take action against 'educators' - the ASA, the police and the CPS. Unfortunately they show little interest in pursuing that type of con artist.

Terrible idea, why, perhaps because it would stop certain kind of attacks and highlight them for what they are?

Little interest, perhaps that is due to lack of proof. Lets face it you yourself hide behind an anonomous name like a few others so there is no come back for you ungrounded cliams. The Police and courts are also the places to take libel action 🙂

BTW calling someone a con artist without proof is libellous.

Dont get me wrong, if someone does something wrong they should be held to account. Ideally they should be asked to correct and if they fail then action should be taken. But grounding and proof are paramount and there should be no place for wild accusations especially with unterior motives.
Terrible idea, why, perhaps because it would stop certain kind of attacks and highlight them for what they are?

Little interest, perhaps that is due to lack of proof. Lets face it you yourself hide behind an anonomous name like a few others so there is no come back for you ungrounded cliams. The Police and courts are also the places to take libel action 🙂

BTW calling someone a con artist without proof is libellous.

Dont get me wrong, if someone does something wrong they should be held to account. Ideally they should be asked to correct and if they fail then action should be taken. But grounding and proof are paramount and there should be no place for wild accusations especially with unterior motives.

Am I missing something here.
WhichWayNow - is that your real name???????????????????????/
Why have you not provided identifying information on your profile?

Hypocrite comes to mind.
So Janet is a former employee of Baghdady and is now promoting Vince Stanzione, probably two of the most ridiculed gurus ever.
I think that's grossly unfair.

Our very own Albert Labos (Socrates for the new arrivals) was absolutely one of the most ridiculed gurus ever - and he held sway on this site for a considerable time before uncharacteristically relaxing his guard and allowing the mask to drop with the inevitable (and long overdue) result.

His exploits were appropriately covered in the national press, his ex-students vociferous and almost unanimous in their condemnation of this charlatan and yet, he was even able to sweet talk one of the female mods (subsequently pushed through the looking glass) into giving him unconditional protection from any form of disagreement or challenge to his exotic ramblings on his own little thread. I’ve always taken my hat off to Burlington Bertie and his ability to e- schmooze, but the man was a trickster, a huckster a cheat and a teller of tall ones, but it was extraordinary good fun to have a whack at him.

But to my point…a suggestion:-

You can only advertise on t2w if you are willing to have a participating membership representation on the boards on a daily basis to handle queries and questions from the wider membership.

Make it a precondition of advertising on this site that vendors be willing to come onto the forums to discuss in a civilised and polite way, issues with their critics, existing and ex-clients or customers . Those that are able acquit themselves admirably and convince some to purchase their products & services probably deserve the few coppers they might make from the exercise.
BTW calling someone a con artist without proof is libellous.


I have not called anyone a con artist. Whom have I libelled?

Honestly, are you really this stupid? Do you entirely lack the ability to follow or construct a logical argument? Or are you simply being disingenuous?

Let me give you an example:

Stating that The Honourable Member for Lower Snodbury is a con artist might be libellous (although it almost certainly wouldn't be).

Saying that all, most, many or some MPs are crooked scumbags who'd knife, fillet and sell their own grandmothers for pocket change is not libellous.
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The Leopard has already dealt with your rather offhand opinion of the slight misuse of wording in a far more eloquent manner than I ever could.

I suggest you see my response the to Leopard 🙂

Baghdady INSTRUCTED his then sales manager to prepare advertising materials specifically using the term "World Trading Champion".
In the same set of adverts Baghdady claimed that Joe Tuckey (the brother of his business partner) was an "institutional trader" Both of these statements are false and were made knowingly to be false.

These things were designed to solicit sales and fill the coffers of Baghdadys business and constituted the backbone of what must have been a very expensive TV advertising campaign.

Are you the sales manager or do you have a statement we can verify or any other evidence to show that you are not just making that up.

This is fraud - pure and simple.
How many innocents were impressed by this and other bold claims made by Baghdady and were seduced into paying £5k or £10k as a consequence?

That is a very serious claim and are you sure it is classed as fraud (if indeed the wording was delberatly used). I think at the most it would be classed as false advertising if indeed it was done delibertly. I guess this is why you hide behind an anonomous name to allow to get away with claims such as fraud.

The adverts were pulled by Bloomberg. The matter was investigated by the ASA.

Were the adverts pulled by Bloomberg, you need to back that up with some kind of confirmation in writing (not just you claiming to have heard). Also what was the ASA finding, they must have published it and if you know so much about this you must know where to find the findings, you need to post it. The fact that you have not posted the findings would indicate that this does not back up your claim and you are manipulating.

You have already been provided with the telephone number to the Times in Dubai. Call them and find out yourself.

This is not bad. But by no menas proof, unless someone calls up.

The unpaid turtles will confirm that they did not get anywhere near the amount to trade that they were promised. They also found out about the paid turtles and can confirm this themselves. Notice not one of them on here denying this!

No one has denied it, does not make it true and certainly is not proof.

The invoice for the outstanding amount owed to the Novotel in Australia has already been posted on the thread.

I have not seen the post withthe Novotel invoice, but I assume it was recently dated and detailed late payment and threatening court action?

Oh yes, the VP Sales was assaulted. Many witnesses.

This is a very serious claim and without any Police action or report or even a statment by on of the claimed many witnesses I suggest you retract this. I am not going to comment on it.

Why don't you contact the landlord at Camperdown Street in London and ask if they would like to know where Baghdady is? Im sure they would - I wonder why?

Seriously, this is not proof.

As far as Baghdady and Robins Futures is concerned, again his statement has already been posted on this thread. Do some work before you make silly and subjective claims. It does not add anything to the debate.

Are you referring to the information posted by pboyles.
What silly and subjective claims are you trying to infer that I have made? I simply asked for proof.

So you have not given proof any verifiable proof. Looks like you have proven one thing, I was right with my original statement.

BTW you missed out a numberof the 17 claims, I guess you could not offer even an attempt to infer proof for those.
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In fact, I am actually World of Golf Champion. World of Golf is a sporting goods shop in a retail park on the A5, just outside Cannock. The contest consisted of me and a few other blokes on a golf simulator for a couple of hours one afternoon. The prize was a pack of World of Golf own-brand balls and a t-shirt with the World of Golf logo on it.

Do you now understand why this is important?

World of Golf Champion? Pah! As a habitue of industrial estates in the Cannock area, I do hope you can substantiate your ridiculous claims.
His exploits were appropriately covered in the national press, his ex-students vociferous and almost unanimous in their condemnation of this charlatan and yet, he was even able to sweet talk one of the female mods (subsequently pushed through the looking glass) into giving him unconditional protection from any form of disagreement or challenge to his exotic ramblings on his own little thread....


if I wote that I'd be banned by now. I think some must be more equal than others 😆
If you are so focused on this issue I suggest you contact the trading standards or advertising standards agencies and get an official comment on the matter. The fact that you have not and are simply using this issue to imply wrong doing or worse illustratrates my point of lack of grounding and proof.

I have contacted the authorities before on a much more serious matter. An elderly gentleman whom I know slightly approached me about an offer he'd had to buy some shares. This was part two of the con, the advance fee scam where the boiler room under a new name buys back the thin air they sold him a couple of years previously.

It took me about 5 minutes to find a ton of evidence, although of course in this case you don't need any as what they are doing is illegal any way.

However, I showed him (for example) that the website of the 'broker' was copied and pasted from a now defunct boiler room that was on the FSA's sh1t list.

This new incarnation was brand new - there was nothing out there about them - and so they were a very high risk proposition, and could be caught at exactly the right time.

Anyway, I phoned the FSA, explained the situation, gave them the evidence, and pointed out that they could stop these f uckers before they even got fairly under way. At the very least they could get their name on the sh1t list so anyone googling it would see them there.

The FSA couldn't have been less interested. They yawned through the call and eventually just told me to send an email with the details.

I did and checked back a few months (yes, months) later. The boiler room was still not on the list. God knows how many people they conned in the meantime.

The authorities are not interested in things like this until it's too late for the victims. I suppose I could have got them to take action if I'd assembled the case for them and pestered them to do something. But failing that they won't act.

Much less so in the case of scam vendors.

if I wote that I'd be banned by now. I think some must be more equal than others 😆
Not even you Bunny. Every word is factually correct, documented in the public domain both on this site and elsewhere and uncontested. He did his best to spin a web on each and every issue, but failed miserably.

No, there's nothing I said above which is untrue or has not been covered in depth on here and elsewhere.

But I guess being a long-legged Bunny it's quite approrpiate to fear the hounds, even when they're in their kennels.
It is a terrible and unworkable idea.

Judging by the reaction to my post, I thnk the Hare/pipsplease or Leopard might be involved

Leopard response :- Do not insult me like that again. I have been as polite as possible with you, far more so than you deserve, but that can easily change. Some insults are acceptable, but others (such as suggesting I might be involved with training vendors) are not.

Leopard, dont try to paint me as a horrible person and having done some great insult. See the laughing face. It was a joke.

I would like to point out you are not always polite and I think you will find I have been fair and polite with you.