Should i pay for a course etc etc etc?????

TD on IBs

Re-reading the "making money trading" thread, I found this comment by TD on inside bars:
trader_dante said:
"This thread is certainly not ONLY about pin bars. I particularly like inside bars.

When you get several inside bars with successively smaller ranges the chances of a sharp break greatly increase.

Elsewhere he refers to several other Price Action "indicators" which he says he is always aware of, but does not necessarily use.

Every few days there are people posting on here asking if it's worth spending £2000 on some dodgy course.

Yes some may offer you good info and training but most seem to be a sham and a scam.

£750 buys you a PC with a big monitor, position it so that you can see it from as many places in the house as possible. Just watch price action for a few thousand hours, it'll teach you more than any course.

£1000 buys you 2,000 pips to lose at 50p/point spread-betting. That will also teach you more than any course.

The remaining £250 buys you a treat as a reward for all this effort, although very few of these remain strictly legal.

£750 buys you a PC with a big monitor, position it so that you can see it from as many places in the house as possible. Just watch price action for a few thousand hours, it'll teach you more than any course.

£1000 buys you 2,000 pips to lose at 50p/point spread-betting. That will also teach you more than any course.

The remaining £250 buys you a treat as a reward for all this effort, although very few of these remain strictly legal.


Top post. 😎
If anyone can think of any more good FREE strategies please feel free to post them.
The "Three Ducks" is rather fun (aimed at Forex). Should be easily findable. Seems to have a lot of support. I've never seriously tried it though. It's MA-based.
The "Three Ducks" is rather fun (aimed at Forex). Should be easily findable. Seems to have a lot of support. I've never seriously tried it though. It's MA-based.

I`m not shure, if its aimed at Forex only, I also use it with other commodities available at Oanda.



p.s. Its 3 MAs PLUS S/R
Yes, it is tedious. I don't care any more. I just ignore those threads unless I'm in the mood.

What I think that each of you should do is stop your lamenting over how bothersome the idiot questions from novices are and for a moment take yourself back to the time that you had just heard the words trader currancy forex... pairs.. profits.. for the very first time and how complex it all seemed..

Although I am sure from your attitude that you were different and made none of the mistakes that all newbies do... No you never asked stupid role your eyes questions ...

Yes right ... and Im the Queen of sHEBA DIDNT U KNOW

Where would any of us be if not for the efforts of a few special individuals who took some time and offered kind compassion while personally coaching consoling conjoling supporting instructing scolding molding jeering and cheering us through times of ignorance and need.

You have an opportunity to affect anothers life in aPositive way, every day.. In an easy way..
Your expertice abilities...your special talents can serve to improve anothers quility of life rather then only serve to improve the size of your wallet or ego.

. So next time .. let it not be an irritant when a novice asks again..."which way to trade "which course is better "etc etc instead find the humor and for the 100 or 200 th or 1000 th time telll um what they need to know, tell them where they need to go... and help them that are lost to find there way,,, I promise youll also have a better day..

😀a poor dumb lost wanna be 4x trader
Not necessarily, IBs can also give trend continuation and Pins can give reversals as well. Much of it depends on the confluence of other factors at the point where the IB or Pin is observed (all in my view of course).


This is a late comment on this subject. I have been trying to incorporate IBs and pins into intraday trading and am sorry to say that it can be wrong more often than right.

There is one factor that has to be correct in the trader's mind. Trend direction. If he is wrong on that, all signals can be disregarded. Be right and all signals will be correct, IM (humble) O.

This may be considered an obvious comment to make but so many traders use chart patterns and signals with complete disregard to underlying trend that I am not surprised that the disappointment rate is so high.
What I think that each of you should do is stop your lamenting over how bothersome the idiot questions from novices are and for a moment take yourself back to the time that you had just heard the words trader currancy forex... pairs.. profits.. for the very first time and how complex it all seemed..

Although I am sure from your attitude that you were different and made none of the mistakes that all newbies do... No you never asked stupid role your eyes questions ...

Yes right ... and Im the Queen of sHEBA DIDNT U KNOW

Where would any of us be if not for the efforts of a few special individuals who took some time and offered kind compassion while personally coaching consoling conjoling supporting instructing scolding molding jeering and cheering us through times of ignorance and need.

You have an opportunity to affect anothers life in aPositive way, every day.. In an easy way..
Your expertice abilities...your special talents can serve to improve anothers quility of life rather then only serve to improve the size of your wallet or ego.

. So next time .. let it not be an irritant when a novice asks again..."which way to trade "which course is better "etc etc instead find the humor and for the 100 or 200 th or 1000 th time telll um what they need to know, tell them where they need to go... and help them that are lost to find there way,,, I promise youll also have a better day..

😀a poor dumb lost wanna be 4x trader

I left the word "need" out in the rec 🙂
Liking your blog though Foredog! (unless you will start charging $$$ to view ofcourse🙂)

On courses and subscriptions, never tried it. Not my thing either, even should be actually helpfull( which I doubt) I love the individual process you go trough, learning the technique, getting a feel for markets and eventually make a profit. The things you learn on the way cannot be tought in a short timeframe.
I have been trying to incorporate IBs and pins into intraday trading and am sorry to say that it can be wrong more often than right.

There is one factor that has to be correct in the trader's mind. Trend direction. If he is wrong on that, all signals can be disregarded. Be right and all signals will be correct, IM (humble) O.

This may be considered an obvious comment to make but so many traders use chart patterns and signals with complete disregard to underlying trend that I am not surprised that the disappointment rate is so high.

Excellent post mate !!!

Totally true. Overbought /-sold signals / pinbars / IB's etc against the trend are a quick path to the poorhouse.

First you need to define the trend, and then go buy pullbacks by whatever timing method you choose, price action, pin bars, oscillators, whatever, and that'll work just great.

Been around for ages, one of the best and most robust and most profitable methods of trading around since over a hundred years when they called that buying the dips and selling the rips.

If anyone can think of any more good FREE strategies please feel free to post them.

Are you a newbie to this profession?
Any more good free strategies - meaning you found some few useless stuff
that work one day and failed the next day?:clap:

You want to make millions from nothing? keep looking and let me know if you find any .
Are you a newbie to this profession?
Any more good free strategies - meaning you found some few useless stuff
that work one day and failed the next day?:clap:

You want to make millions from nothing? keep looking and let me know if you find any .

Newbies are being scammed every day for thousands on strategies that are poor at best. Foredog started a thread for resources that are free and work.

I have no idea why you are being so rude ... did you have a bad day?
I know Foredog, I would not be calling someone with his experience and background a newbie. On the other hand I have no idea who you are.
Newbies are being scammed every day for thousands on strategies that are poor at best. Foredog started a thread for resources that are free and work.

I have no idea why you are being so rude ... did you have a bad day?
I know Foredog, I would not be calling someone with his experience and background a newbie. On the other hand I have no idea who you are.

Rudeness comes naturally to fcta as he thinks he is god's messenger on earth.
He thinks prophet means profit. He is based in Namibia and tries to sell his market interpretation of the christian bible to the gullible. In other words he suckers the simple minded.
That disgusts me.
Newbies are being scammed every day for thousands on strategies that are poor at best. Foredog started a thread for resources that are free and work.

I have no idea why you are being so rude ... did you have a bad day?
I know Foredog, I would not be calling someone with his experience and background a newbie. On the other hand I have no idea who you are.

FCTA is a vendor so he is probably fishing for new victims...errr...customers... but hasn't the wherewithal to be up front and open his own thread.

OOPs...just noticed he is a bible basher...guess I'm in trouble


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Rudeness comes naturally to fcta as he thinks he is god's messenger on earth.
He thinks prophet means profit. He is based in Namibia and tries to sell his market interpretation of the christian bible to the gullible. In other words he suckers the simple minded.
That disgusts me.

This is where you are hiding, and you declined my challenge.😀

On the contrary I am not rude, I am very kind. I only followed foredog's invitation
to see some of the stuff his peddling,
No one's mocking your GOD, they are mocking you because you are either trying to sell some sh*t system to people who are deluded enough to think that religion will stop them doing their balls in the're mad.

yet he is calling my system Sh*** when he has
very vague knowledge of what my system is all about.

Same goes to the rest members like mr charts . they have been attacking my thread unrelentless since I joined the forum at the beginning of the year. If I say good morning all, it is bad news for them.

Now I visit each person thread to see the system of trade they are actually using that give them such audacity to be commenting on what they know nothing about.
I bet half of them are just promoting wrong stuff.

If they have been successful in the past it was because of it was because the trend then give room for guess work, not actual specualtion.

anyway bye for now