Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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hey all

us guttersnipes are not trying to be difficult ........just a little incredulous at the new kid on the block who had a great November (who didnt ?).... and can post faster than he even trades .......😉

I am happy for "great" traders to share ideas and strategies at T2W ..the more the merrier ...........

and time will tell with Forexeperian as to if he fits the bill as one of the top traders in the UK ....I hope he is all he says he is we all will have a lot to learn from him a great Trader must always be a humble and eternal student


My good man, my issue is not with you, but all those who in a frenzy of an auction mentality have hounded, and harassed F from the start. Some saying absurd things like "who does he think he is calling himself an expert", well he call himself whatever he likes, and tbh I'd rather say good things about myself than negative. Theres a big difference with exchanging banter, taking the **** out of each other, but the attacks on F, went far beyond this point.

Would you like it if someone was talking to an elderly relative of yours with the same contempt as people on this forum have towards F?

Lets say for eg. F tells me he's an expert scalper, I have no reason to call him a liar, but shall say "well done", and wish him continued success. I most certainly am not going to waste time or invest negative energy trying to disprove his claims, as frankly I have better things to be doing with my time, like improving my trading. However if F, then turns around to me, and says that he can teach me his skills for a fee, well now it is up to me to do my due diligence, and ask him for evidence, and if he can prove his claims, then away we go, and if he cannot, then I walk away. Simples.

I am not going to invest energy, and more importantly time to jump on a disproving band wagon, and vilify him. A few people have gone above and beyond, and started investing emotions into disproving him, to the point where they have been consumed by their own negativity, and that is not a good state to be carrying around especially when you have to do battle in the arena of markets every day.

Please excuse me if my comment was felt by you personally, and for this I shall be big enough to apologise to you, and wish you all the best in your trading.

My good man, my issue is not with you, but all those who in a frenzy of an auction mentality have hounded, and harassed F from the start. Some saying absurd things like "who does he think he is calling himself an expert", well he call himself whatever he likes, and tbh I'd rather say good things about myself than negative. Theres a big difference with exchanging banter, taking the **** out of each other, but the attacks on F, went far beyond this point.

Would you like it if someone was talking to an elderly relative of yours with the same contempt as people on this forum have towards F?

Lets say for eg. F tells me he's an expert scalper, I have no reason to call him a liar, but shall say "well done", and wish him continued success. I most certainly am not going to waste time or invest negative energy trying to disprove his claims, as frankly I have better things to be doing with my time, like improving my trading. However if F, then turns around to me, and says that he can teach me his skills for a fee, well now it is up to me to do my due diligence, and ask him for evidence, and if he can prove his claims, then away we go, and if he cannot, then I walk away. Simples.

I am not going to invest energy, and more importantly time to jump on a disproving band wagon, and vilify him. A few people have gone above and beyond, and started investing emotions into disproving him, to the point where they have been consumed by their own negativity, and that is not a good state to be carrying around especially when you have to do battle in the arena of markets every day.

Please excuse me if my comment was felt by you personally, and for this I shall be big enough to apologise to you, and wish you all the best in your trading.



F, made non-live calls in the live calls thread and was making a mockery of it. I was very polite to him then. He then left for his own thread and there was some carry over arguments because he called it a live call thread and still made no live calls. After that his thread was left alone. Every time it is left alone, someone like yourself comes along and starts mudslinging like you just have done. Guttersnipes, lol. Probably because you want people back in this thread, as does F.

This thread was completely left alone by any of the 'wolf pack' or whatever you call it before, and then MajorMagnuM posted about monkeys slinging faeces. Left alone again and now you start insults again, and now crying that some of it went too far against F. Pull the other one.

So cut the insults, and let F get on with it. I don't want any more to do with this charade.

F, made non-live calls in the live calls thread and was making a mockery of it. I was very polite to him then. He then left for his own thread and there was some carry over arguments because he called it a live call thread and still made no live calls. After that his thread was left alone. Every time it is left alone, someone like yourself comes along and starts mudslinging like you just have done. Guttersnipes, lol. Probably because you want people back in this thread, as does F.

This thread was completely left alone by any of the 'wolf pack' or whatever you call it before, and then MajorMagnuM posted about monkeys slinging faeces. Left alone again and now you start insults again, and now crying that some of it went too far against F. Pull the other one.

So cut the insults, and let F get on with it. I don't want any more to do with this charade.

Can you prove to me that he has not made a live call, and more importantly so what if he has not, who died and made you judge, jury, and executioner.

Why don't you focus on your own trading, and if things aren't going to well, then your more than welcome to ask me for help with a please, and I shall do all I can to help you. How's that for an olive branch, but you must say please.

My dear fellow I feel you are carrying too much angst upon your persons, and all this negativity is not conducive to your health. I have been man enough to apologise to NVP, yet you call my repost "nonsense".

I do have a few questions for you, and if you could be so kind as to answer them for me I would be most grateful.

How many trades did you take last week, how many winners, losers, pips made, and how much money did you make last week?

Thank you.

Hi MM - only about for 15 mins - have another collect to do for my wife from the local station ;-)

This morning its not been too bad with some nice movements on GU / AU and EJ. EU as since woken up and still attempting to break above R's at 3590 and 3600.

The GU was a nice fall from 6435 area - and pipped under 6392 - but as as been trying to turn up again from the 2.30pm time window and taking out an interim R at 6407 ish.

Not been bothering with EA today - but EJ as been a favourite and earned me good pips.

Check out 9.09 am UK time and 10 09 am UK time - ;-))

Will be around again - probably after 5.00pm - over double my daily target today - so as I say - not to bad ;-))


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Can you prove to me that he has not made a live call, and more importantly so what if he has not, who died and made you judge, jury, and executioner.

Why don't you focus on your own trading, and if things aren't going to well, then your more than welcome to ask me for help with a please, and I shall do all I can to help you. How's that for an olive branch, but you must say please.

My dear fellow I feel you are carrying too much angst upon your persons, and all this negativity is not conducive to your health. I have been man enough to apologise to NVP, yet you call my repost "nonsense".

I do have a few questions for you, and if you could be so kind as to answer them for me I would be most grateful.

How many trades did you take last week, how many winners, losers, pips made, and how much money did you make last week?

Thank you.


Yeah yeah, as I said, lets leave the mudslinging and let Peter (F) get on with his thread.
Yeah yeah, as I said, lets leave the mudslinging and let Peter (F) get on with his thread.

Why do you find it so hard to be a man, and answer simple questions my dear fellow.

I am trying to help you.

Ok here's a challenge for you if your man enough to accept.

How about you, and I have a trading competition over one month where the loser gives the winners choice of charity a donation of £1,000, and in the interest of good sportsmanship, and fair play we will have our accounts audited at the start, and the finnish by T2W.

The raisins which were looking like melons through the mirror of the internet seem to be seen through the light of reality, as the shrivelled raisins the are, me suspects.

So the ball(s) in your court Shakeone. Put up, or shut up.

I bid thee adieu.
Hi MM - only about for 15 mins - have another collect to do for my wife from the local station ;-)

This morning its not been too bad with some nice movements on GU / AU and EJ. EU as since woken up and still attempting to break above R's at 3590 and 3600.

The GU was a nice fall from 6435 area - and pipped under 6392 - but as as been trying to turn up again from the 2.30pm time window and taking out an interim R at 6407 ish.

Not been bothering with EA today - but EJ as been a favourite and earned me good pips.

Check out 9.09 am UK time and 10 09 am UK time - ;-))

Will be around again - probably after 5.00pm - over double my daily target today - so as I say - not to bad ;-))



EU - up to 3593 - no 95 - as I am typing - cannot leave on any scalp as going out in 2 mins - but all these 5 pips do add up ;-))

Why do you find it so hard to be a man, and answer simple questions my dear fellow.

I am trying to help you.

Ok here's a challenge for you if your man enough to accept.

How about you, and I have a trading competition over one month where the loser gives the winners choice of charity a donation of £1,000, and in the interest of good sportsmanship, and fair play we will have our accounts audited at the start, and the finnish by T2W.

The raisins which were looking like melons through the mirror of the internet seem to be seen through the light of reality, as the shrivelled raisins the are, me suspects.

So the ball(s) in your court Shakeone. Put up, or shut up.

I bid thee adieu.


If you want to have a pop at me, start a new thread to do it, rather than here.

If you want to have a pop at me, start a new thread to do it, rather than here.

Ooo, touchy touchy Princess.

You really shouldn't think, I'm having a plop on you, and if you were to, well that's your prerogative.

So can you please try and be a man, and answer my questions.

You can PM the answers if you feel embarrassed posting them on this thread.

P.S. I'm sure F does not mind us having a little "banter" on his thread. After all I'm sure all will agree with me that bringing a little 😆 to a serious thread is refreshing for all.

Forever Yours
John. 😍
Ooo, touchy touchy Princess.

You really shouldn't think, I'm having a plop on you, and if you were to, well that's your prerogative.

So can you please try and be a man, and answer my questions.

You can PM the answers if you feel embarrassed posting them on this thread.

P.S. I'm sure F does not mind us having a little "banter" on his thread. After all I'm sure all will agree with me that bringing a little 😆 to a serious thread is refreshing for all.

Forever Yours
John. 😍


Not touchy at all Davie 😆

If it helps you to think I can't trade, so be it.

My actions will not be determined by what you want, or some childish 'be a man' challenge.

If you want something, you'll have to ask nicely, you'll have to learn some manners, and you'll have to stop acting like a child, and you'll also have to do it in another thread, because I work on my terms, not yours. Do that and I might give you something in terms of answers or my time to help you, but only what I want to give.

In the meantime, you can carry on prodding me to your heart's content, but I don't think Peter wants any of it in this thread, and nor do I.
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Not touchy at all Davie 😆

If it helps you to think I can't trade, so be it.

My actions will not be determined by what you want, or some childish 'be a man' challenge.

If you want something, you'll have to ask nicely, you'll have to learn some manners, and you'll have to stop acting like a child, and you'll also have to do it in another thread, because I work on my terms, not yours. Do that and I might give you something in terms of answers or my time to help you, but only what I want to give.

In the meantime, you can carry on prodding me until your hearts content, but I don't think Peter wants any of it in this thread, and nor do I.

Davie!!!, but my names John.
Ok, you can call me Davie I don't mind, heck you can even call me Daddy if you wbich. I'm sure you would enjoy that.

I sincerely hope that your actions will not be determined by what I want, after all you did give yourself permission to call me Daddy.

And since you have kowtowed into calling me Daddy, then the least I can do is to teach you to have respect for elders.

As for working on your terms, how can you, when you've started calling me Daddy, and Daddy's gonna make you reply to this post.

Now if you have not got anything constructive to add to this thread(apart from calling me Daddy), then be off with you.

Lots of love
Your Daddy. 😍😍😍
Ok taken all off scalp buy from 94 at 140.01 and so far its made 140 024

EJ - I liked that pair today and posted that comment at the end of the 9.00 am time window after it had just done its interim high for the day - see attached for further proof

It now over 100 pips lower - ( no not got them all - one of my free trades failed with a too greedy stop in profit)

Any good trader will always be able to catch interim highs and lows - simply because they can read PA at the coalface.

I can help many scalpers do it - and if you have not guessed how its done so far - will carry on giving you clues ;-)) ( but you do have to use your own brain )

Of course this does not count as a "live trade" coming out of a scalp buy (totally) 2 pips off the top for the day and within 3 mins of it happening

What's the next obstacles do you guys want to place in my way ?

I just love disproving all the rubbish you read about what you can and cannot be done in forex trading.

Loads more to explain and loads of tosh to disprove - looking forward to going through it - and of course - totally free of charge ;-))))




  • EJ post 31213.JPG
    EJ post 31213.JPG
    56.4 KB · Views: 95
EJ - just noticed as I look back to this morning about 10 mins before it peaked my other comments.

Pity I did not carry out all what I said I should do with my scalp sell under 88 - silly me

But nice to rub it in to all the ones who say there as been no live calls yet in about 350+ trade calls I have mentioned in last few weeks - are they deaf dumb and blind - can you get brail charts ? I honestly don't know ;-)

OK - time to shut up now - and let the wife drive us on a trip out tonight ( lol

See more proof attached


  • EJ - more clues on 31213.JPG
    EJ - more clues on 31213.JPG
    84.9 KB · Views: 88
Upload a live account statement if you want to silence your disbelievers, F.
(although in fairness, they already are fairly silent unless i'm missing something! This thread appears to be nearly completely empty of any posts except you own)
There's software that will be able to tell very easily if it's been photo-shopped etc, so no need to worry about that.

Upload a live account statement if you want to silence your disbelievers, F.
(although in fairness, they already are fairly silent unless i'm missing something! This thread appears to be nearly completely empty of any posts except you own)
There's software that will be able to tell very easily if it's been photo-shopped etc, so no need to worry about that.


Hi Scholfield

I have some plans for early next year on opening a few new $100 live scalping accounts at some brokers like Exness with a high leverage and see if we can put over 5 or 10,0000 % increase in say a week - on under 100 trades.

You would have great difficulty doing it on a $5k or even a $2k live account - because the compounding exercise is a lot more difficult - and i would have difficulties with lot sizes over my own threshold of approx 15 lots per pip - but on the smaller account even if you blow it at say 700 % + - you hardly see big bucks disappear and so its easier to handle etc.

It certainty focuses your mind and its great for winding up commercial traders but is way different to my normal intraday trading of using less the 1% stake on each trade I undertake - and not even compounding them ;-)

Have a good day


Morning Traders

A quick review for Wednesday 4th of December - just after EO at 7.10 am UK time

EU - price at 3577 and dropped out the 3600 area of yesterday. Under 3588 - scalp sells in favour with interim supports at 3565 to 70, Still in an up mode - but with pullbacks which might test a few supports

GU - similar set up - another new slightly lower high of 6446 yesterday and price now at 6385. We need back into the 6400 zone for taking or holding scalp buys and under 6373 and 70 for holding or taking new scalp sells

UChf - Dropped from 9100 zone yesterday - but now trying up again with price at 9061 - up over 40 pips from its low. Above 9052 - scalp buys - with next interim R's at 9065 and 9080-85 areas

Will update on some other pairs - but just concentrating on scalping on EU and GU atm and out for LO and back then before 9am

Have a great day


Love it ;-))

Morning P - surely you have seen this done before on live small accounts ?

Have a great day and that woman as made me chuckle now

PS - I hope the I pads dried out and not smelling of bleach lol

Yo F dog.

SEEN IT, I've kin well done it son! rolled 5 large up to 27 kin large within a week back in the crazy volatility that we saw at the beginning of '09....and then blew the kin lot😆

I think she was laughing at the way you conveniently swerved around Scholfields question😀

The I-pad is fine and well mate, we don't use bleach in the crappa as I once had a nasty splashback and the bleach burnt me on my batty.😱

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