hey all
us guttersnipes are not trying to be difficult ........just a little incredulous at the new kid on the block who had a great November (who didnt ?).... and can post faster than he even trades .......😉
I am happy for "great" traders to share ideas and strategies at T2W ..the more the merrier ...........
and time will tell with Forexeperian as to if he fits the bill as one of the top traders in the UK ....I hope he is all he says he is .....as we all will have a lot to learn from him ......as a great Trader must always be a humble and eternal student
My good man, my issue is not with you, but all those who in a frenzy of an auction mentality have hounded, and harassed F from the start. Some saying absurd things like "who does he think he is calling himself an expert", well he call himself whatever he likes, and tbh I'd rather say good things about myself than negative. Theres a big difference with exchanging banter, taking the **** out of each other, but the attacks on F, went far beyond this point.
Would you like it if someone was talking to an elderly relative of yours with the same contempt as people on this forum have towards F?
Lets say for eg. F tells me he's an expert scalper, I have no reason to call him a liar, but shall say "well done", and wish him continued success. I most certainly am not going to waste time or invest negative energy trying to disprove his claims, as frankly I have better things to be doing with my time, like improving my trading. However if F, then turns around to me, and says that he can teach me his skills for a fee, well now it is up to me to do my due diligence, and ask him for evidence, and if he can prove his claims, then away we go, and if he cannot, then I walk away. Simples.
I am not going to invest energy, and more importantly time to jump on a disproving band wagon, and vilify him. A few people have gone above and beyond, and started investing emotions into disproving him, to the point where they have been consumed by their own negativity, and that is not a good state to be carrying around especially when you have to do battle in the arena of markets every day.
Please excuse me if my comment was felt by you personally, and for this I shall be big enough to apologise to you, and wish you all the best in your trading.