Hi John
Its a difficult one - as I cannot win either way - and whatever I do - I will get massive negative comment a syou probably appreciate
For November I cleared over 1520 pips - but this amount does include double counting on scalps and then free trades - ie I take 70% off and count those pips - and then count the 30% free trade pips as well - so easily 400 of those pips might be double counted in some way.
November for me was a bad month on free trades - as I did not get one that made over 45 pips. When you have a month and your able to leave them on a few days without being stopped out above your original scalp entry - it is possible to get total pips counts over 2000 + quite easily - but then you could have over 1000 pips only on 30% of your stake money - and so really 1400 pips of just 100% scalps with no trades over 25 pips makes me more money than say even 2000 pips with a high proportion of free trades.
Money wise - i would be putting the "cat amongst the pigeons" by showing any statement as the "wolfpack team" would be saying that's easy on a demo especially with a 5 mill demo account ;-)
So instead I have decided to keep quiet and then when all the dust dies down ask some one to copy my day on a demo - or even do it myself and then share it with all.
I really look foward to some interaction with some other short term intraday traders - as in the past we have been able to assist each other - by spotting possibilities and sharing our views
As you might be aware - my priority is no losing day along with over 50+ pips every day I trade.
Last month I did have one day when I only made 47 pips - and I could not be bothered to keep trading to get it over 50 pips for whatever reason.
However - if I had been down ( in the red) say 20 or even 30 pips by 3.00 pm UK time - i would have stayed trading until I was at least break even or ideally up at least 10 or 20 pips - so not to have wasted my day and spoil my record
If you require any specifics on last months trading - ie either number of losses or some other stat - i will try and share on the forum
Meanwhile - I hope your day is in the black and you finish up above any target you have
Hi F,
First of all may I say congratulations on a good month, and it is your choice whether you wish to post no shreds of evidence, or everything.
There are some thing that I whole heartedly agree with you on, and others I don't, yet I don't feel the need to defend my point with an argument, or gusto, as I could be the one who is wrong, but I most certainly agree with you on this point of being damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
Personally, if I was you, I would not be trying to impress, or sharing the secrets of your success with "SOME" of the ungrateful gutter snipes trolling this site(they have decided you are a witch, and you shall be burned on the stake, regardless of the evidence proving your innocence), but teach the one and only person who has stuck by you through thick and thin which is MajorMagnum.
And may I just add, some of the behaviour towards you, an elderly gentleman I have seen has been downright despicable, from goading, bullying to weasel behaviour of trying to get you banned. I for one can honestly say if I saw this behaviour on the street I would be having more than strong words with these people, regardless of the consequences.
Yes this is a public forum, and everyone has a right to air their views, and whether people think you're an old man with dementia, or you are as old man doing well, there is but one constant in the former and, respecting ones elders should be at the forefront of everyone whether in life, or on forums.
Alas I must admit I have really enjoyed how you have not folded, or yielded, yet have gave better than you have got, and sent the "wolf pack" running, although I would liken them to a "mischief of rats" with their secret pacts
😆. Secret pacts
😆 .
Well that just tells you the age of their maturity.
Yes trading is going well for me at the moment, thank you for asking, but there are lots of areas for improvement.
Please excuse me for not contributing to your thread as much as I would like to, but as you can appreciate, my trading is my number one priority, and unfortunately unlike you, I am rubbish at multi-tasking, and don't really have the time to follow your trades, but during quiet times I do have a quick read.
P.S. Keep up the good work, and just remember "Illegitimi non carborundum"