Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EJ - now over 45 pips drop from top and proud to say I have just scalped 12 pips off it on a scalp sell.

Pretty pathetic for me - but I am human and not brilliant every day - lol ;-)
GU out scalp buy at 6410 - it made 13 but took all off at 10 as - still thinking we need some bigger pullbacks off a few pairs next 2 hrs - might be wrong and regret not leaving 30% on a scalp buy - but ay - still got another 7 hrs to play with ;-))
OK - I am wrong for now - GU not dropped out of 6400 price zone and whilst still over 6404 - still a scalp buy.

Need over high to hold and jumped in late at 6408 - so might regret it - but will grab what I can
is that a chink appearing in armour 😈

Hiya B-P

I have to admit I am not a robot and also being in the more mature years of life - cannot quite perform like I did say 2 yrs ago but not 5 years ago - as I was not so good then - ;-)

Still getting them in - just grabbed another 7 pips on GU scalp buy as I type this and will hold 30% on for now and lock stop at B/E

Have a good one B- P
The GU after the news is an excellent example of price manipulation - ie kept to rule boundaries - but took prices to the limits both ways to ensure traders will find it difficult to hold on their trades and make them think they jsut have to live with 25 -40 pip stops - rather than stay or work under 3-7 pip stops - which are so important for making monies every day ;-)
AU - been bullish so far this morning - price now at 9122 and 9130 -35 is a R area - if we can make it there in next 50 mins - then we might be able to scalp sell on some pullbacks - still scalp buy bullish above 14 and 17
EJ low at 139 .29 - ie a 74 pip drop from top - as held for over 15 mins - but ideally need 30 mins and price back over 53 to confirm its going back into range again. Make sure you have at least 70% off any scalp sells you are in from over 139.70 area
GU - wasting my 30% parts on this pair - PA is too well actioned both ways atm - making it difficult to hold on for free trades or mini swings. So scalps need 100% off for me at any gains for now - until we break at least 10 pips out of range
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You must be on a wind up, MUST be.

The idea that one bank or small group of banks will 'win all the monies' in the fx market is beyond schoolboy ridiculous. Honestly I had interns from first year Uni who understood this stuff with more clarity than you do...

Are you saying that intraday moves are by prop traders alone....? You can't sit there in your cave making this stuff up and then stating it as definite fact. Eurgh, you're using small timeframe exchange product logic to explain moves in the fx market. Did Al Brooks do this to you? Even he knows there are many participants in the fx market who are not seeking direct profit from that trade. A significant number of large client orders are hedges.

What is with this 1 million retail traders nonsense? You mean retail traders that have ever opened an account because they see fxpro on a fkin Fulham shirt? They don't provide any volume and are irrelevant. The regularly active number is nowhere near that. The US is by far the biggest retail market with just under 100k - - and the average account size is pitiful even if you account for those 'active' accounts.

DB are the biggest non sovereign player in the FX market - you can see their Q3 statement if you like, it's a public document. There you will find that despite facilitating the most volume in both prop and agency, their total trading activities (so not just fx) net them less than half a billion quid a quarter. Maybe it's because you're giving away the secrets of the Pharaohs away on your thread and squeezing everyone else out of the game.

Hi Random 123456789 - ( see I can count - that accountancy training really paid off ;-))

Hope you are well today.

Thought I would share some of my joys with you today - being an expert Intraday Retail trader - I take many trades and I must point out one that just shows the bots at work today.

EJ today ( Tuesday) - I decided to look at coming out scalp buy at end of my time window at 9.09 am today at 140 .01/2 price. Yes it interim topped at 140 03.

Then exactly one hour later ie 10.09 am - UK time - it interim bottomed at 139.29 price area.

So a perfect example of how I time trade and make decisions on what some robots ( god knows who's they are - but not really bothered) have changed the intraday flows of monies entering and exiting the market

Size counts for sure in this game - and the big money appears and disappears at certain time windows - just in case you lot in the commercial world never noticed ;-))

Have a great day - this morning as not been "tooo bad" for me - and I hope you algo's have caught you a few good trades with RR's over 4 under an hour ;-)

Commercial trading - a totally different world to retail trading and I am sure I will point this out to you many many times


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EJ - lows held over 30 mins - but unless we go over 55 and 58 - cannot take any more scalp buys for now and will have to just exit with what profit I can grab meanwhile
AU - been bullish so far this morning - price now at 9122 and 9130 -35 is a R area - if we can make it there in next 50 mins - then we might be able to scalp sell on some pullbacks - still scalp buy bullish above 14 and 17

Needs to stay under 17 and 14 for more scalp sells with supports at 9096 to 9100 area
EJ - lows held over 30 mins - but unless we go over 55 and 58 - cannot take any more scalp buys for now and will have to just exit with what profit I can grab meanwhile

This above was posted an hour ago - EJ price never made over 55 or 58 and so you should have exited any scalp buys and looked for scalp sells that could be held if low at 29 went

A good sell point was under 45 and price as now dropped to another low at 18.

Under 37 and 40 hold on to your scalp sells - but lock in profit either by taking 70% of stake off - or on a trailing stop if you prefer
GU - wasting my 30% parts on this pair - PA is too well actioned both ways atm - making it difficult to hold on for free trades or mini swings. So scalps need 100% off for me at any gains for now - until we break at least 10 pips out of range

We have now broken well above the range top at 6418/20 and that was a clue for more scalp buys

Gu now at 6337 and still bullish with scalp buy bias above 6422
Hi F,

Just out of interest, you did say you were going to post your results on a monthly basis with monetary values excluded of course. Are you still going to do this, or have you changed your mind.

P.S. I'm sure your results may put a few noses out of joint, however I would be interested in seeing your results, as I'm sure other members would too, as it would show how well one can do with good MM, and appropriate due diligence.

I look forward to your response.

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