Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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still not under 43 - but for me under 7153 still a scalp sell on any bounces

Got to pop out shopping ( yes I know ;-( ) hope to be back for 3 00 pm news - if not back later on

I will say I have GU and EU etc going lower for next hr or so - but hate fortune telling / guessing and so dont take much meaning into that - trade what happens and forget any bias

See you later


AU and EA - locked tight stops in good profits on both - not losing nearly 40 pips off those 2 just by popping out to shops

PPS - will post my charts on these 2 pairs later on
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I´m done and not willing to take any more risk, especially after that news-move.
8 trades with just 2 losses.

Good evening guys.
3 51 pm

Start of the hr change time window and back at my desk now ready to see if I can get some more scalps

Will post the AU and EA charts up to now in a few minutes - still have 30% stakes on both going - which is good for now

GU did a crafty one - total manipulation as far as I am concerned - but legal - just carried out with big bucks . Need now under 40 and 37 to hold scalp sells on

Euro pairs still all been falling again - but as we know - that can all change - in any TW
AU - 1 Min LR chart from London Open Today - so far

AU chart - EA opposite correlation chart to follow

Have not shown all time windows - but all main movements generally start from one



  • AU - 1714.JPG
    AU - 1714.JPG
    103.8 KB · Views: 310
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EA - 1 Min LR Chart from 8 00 am LO

Opposite to AU rising - EA as been falling



  • EA - 1714.JPG
    EA - 1714.JPG
    101.5 KB · Views: 294
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remember current low set at 4 05 pm - needs to go 30 mins with no breach to favour staying above the low of 7134 and trying higher again

I am wanting to scalp sell around 45 now - maybe max 48

Its then a case can 34 last to after 4 35 pm - and then do another scalp buy - or will any scalp sell stay as a scalp sell to say 30 or lower ??

I am going to take my 30% scalp buy off if we dont breach 9492 now - as tend to think an interim high for now

Will leave EA sell on still for now
AU - taken all off scalp buy at 9492 - might regret it - but might not - and is a really nice profit - even if 26 pips are just on 30% stakes

now needs under 38 to hold scalp on and then under 33 for a bigger fall

Going to watch start of World Cup footy for a bit - so will place my stop in 1 5 pips of profit and forget for now

6 50 pm

Last trade left on today - EA - 30% scalp sell - exited at 4408 - with low so far 4402

See you in the morning


50 pips is impressive F.........(y)

Hi N

Yes Monday was a difficult trading morning - frustrating with lots of false signals etc just to get you the wrong way etc - and in the end I was extremely pleased to overcome a few small losses in a row and achieve at least my daily target.

One thing I have learnt trading full time is remaining flexible and as dynamic as possible

I never know when I start pre main Opens - whether my day will be relatively easy and I need only take say a few scalps and within say 8 -10 trades i have made it etc etc - or whether i will struggle - get a few wrong - not catch a runner - and end up having to take 15 +_ trades to just make 30 -50 pips.

Last year on July 4th 2013 ( yes Independence day and a US bank holiday ) I had a massive roll - I could hardly do anything wrong - took 24 trades only had 3 wrong - caught 4 or 5 long runners and ended up making approx 407 pips for the day.

That was a real one off - I was definitely in the zone most of the day - on a high and was just finding it so easy.

This year - i have had the odd 150 -200 pip days - But majority of days end up between say 50 and 80 pips - monies will never be the same as a few nice scalps of say 15+ pips at 100% stakes are worth more than say 38 pips on a 30% stake left on and forgot as a NPGT - with stop always left in profit.

Either after you holiday or even in next week - let us know in advance of a few hrs you have free to share our strats etc and too see were the might agree on scalping trades

Hope today has been good for you - and speak to you soon


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