Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Far too much scalping going on for me this morning - but still - they are going to plan so still OK

Yesterday was a profitable day and I hit over my 50 pip daily target - even with 5 losses - but biggest loss was just over 3 pips


We need over 35 to hold any scalp buys on now - otherwise we might be topping for a bit

50 pips is impressive F.........(y)
Its lunchtime and no red news until 3 00 pm and US session over 90+ mins away and most pairs of first view are in what i call BTTZ - ie "Bermuda Triangle Tease Zones" - were price goes for a rest and a tease and to try and get traders into wrong trades.

We can scalp in some BTTZ areas - if over say 20+ pip ranges - but ones in 7 -15 pip ranges - can be hell and just proper noise until an hour change

EU - Price now at 3688 and and under 94 still a scalp sell with supports at 80 to 82

7147/8 seems interim high for now

Taken rest of scalp buy stake off and out in a bit so will only leave 30% stakes with stops in profit on EJ

Might be an hr or so - but will be back later and this afternoon

Good Luck - stay focused and be aware of all the cunning tricks ;-))

GU comment from 2hrs ago

Supports 28 -30 and BTTZ range say 25 to say 7150

Atm scalp buy from 12 30 TW

i left a 30% scalp buy on before I went out but was taken out at 139 03

Price still falling at 95 and I have next supports at 84 -87 area
Its seems funny compared to the old days - nowadays I dont mind scalp selling EU whilst scalp buying GU - as their correlations seem to change with the wind
i read through your technical thread. just getting the sense of your style and where u at.i refrain myself of asking silly q. that i might run into sooner or later in your posts.
i am very intrigued by your style.
i just read lines and between lines and i couldn't agree more on majority of them. the rest - not extensive knowledge to challenge u - but i dont challenge. i take for what it is - and i take it or leave it - like we all should.and that brings me to another thx to u - that with the initials haters or guys trying to find every negative possible point and hypothetical troubles - kudos to u, u stayed ,thx for that!. i am in the group of 4-5 yrs traders with feeling, that i am scratching surface the wrong way and feeling like ,,it is not the right way yet,there must b diff.out of box way...i dont know who all reads this thread, but when i found out that a trader risked 20 pips and taking 12 //D average 50pips is a norm//with high probability, i realized - the rules are not exactly as FX main stream says.
this summer will be sort off busy, but my all free time was always in this biz and so it will.i have logistic possibility to be in this extreme day trading, just have to get more into what u have passed on in the thread.
nice to watch u, still reading
really appreciated

Hi patient pip

No problem you are welcome and fire away with your questions when ever - If I cannot answer them right away normally like to get back in same session

Yes - I am a bit of an odd ball trader - originally learnt scalping via Al Brooks and Lance Beggs books etc - but then added with my own findings

I make hard work of it at times - but normally at the end of day - I make good money whether it takes just 8 trades or 18 ;)


1 00 PM

GU new high at 71484 for me as I type

Down to 30% stake on scalp buy now

need under 7140 to think about holding any scalp sells I take
AU and EA

As normal - whilst AU is above 9400 - I like to think it favours more scalp buys - and EA scalp sells

AU supports at 9435-38 and then 42 -45 and high 9464 area - so a 25 pip BTTZ range - with bias atm with scalp buys

Opposite with EA for now -m need to check again next TW in approx 8 mins

1 04 pm high - then - 1 09 pm scalp buy again and now will 7154 get breached within 30 mins - ie at 1 34 pm ??

That's the question and helps us with next decision making

That how the game works

On the half hr a new high - pull in buyers - whilst the players then sell

Not really under 49 but looking now a scalp sell if we dont test 56 again in next 5 mins - ie TW
GU - and other pairs

Always remember exact time to minute on new interim highs and lows and seeif they get breached in the approx 30 min rule

If they dont - favours reversal next 30 mins
In terms of price action

GU we had a new high - just by 2 pips - now if we stay above 44 then we have a HL and scalp buy sign again

By price going under 43 would show a LL and then that would asy the 56 high was really false - just to get more buyers in
EU and EJ

still in scalp sells and still slowly falling into support area

Need to look for scalp buys in next 18 min TW

now 7143 to 7155 is a 12 pip BTTZ

above 55 and 58 keep scalp buying for next R area

Under 43 stay with scalp sells
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