Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Noticed just made 138 90

Similar to EU now - above 82/3 still another scalp buy on pullbacks

91 -95 all a R area to look at scalp sell again

Need really above high and 139 03 to hold scalp buy on longer
GU - comment from over 30 mins ago

Another pair were low as held over 30 mins - so really any pullback under 7106 staying above 97 should be able to be scalp bought again before end of half hr time window

Would need under low and 94 to be holding any scalp sell under 7106


went to plan - 97 was the scalp buy again

I hope so too but in July I´m very bussy. A lot exam´s are in that month but i will take some hours per day to trade even it´s just the timeframes.


Long LR still bullish but mid LR are now bearish.
Timewindow is over with a small high at 9849,5.

Above 9840 scalp buy.

Cannot get under 89 and i have had to pull at 927 - as a scalp buy again - but not in that as needs a new high first again
8 51 am

GU now at 7106 and I scalp bought at 97.

Its entering the R area for scalp sells - 08 to 12 - will stay in scalp buy on 30% stake - but if now proper breach of R's will look for a scalp sell

so far made 36944 and still a scalp buy above 88 for now

Another pair I am looking to scalp sell in this area - but so far cannot

now made 7109 - and missed the scalp sell - and still holding 30% on a scalp buy above 05 - which as now just been taken

Will review again next hr - as we have Pound news at 9 30 am

Going to have a 15 min break before then as well
Was a small scalp sell under 9845 but could not breach 9837,6.
Now 9856. Above 9840 still scalp buy. LR are turning.
9 01 am

Notice EJ just made 139 01

Not in it atm - but for me above 95 still a scalp buy again - I need under 94 and 89 to confirm scalp sells are on to hold

now posted a LH at 36935 - 1 pip lower than high and a scalp sell under 93

Would need under 87 to think about holding it on longer

I hope someone got that scalp sell from 7109 - I missed it - silly me as still in part scalp buy at time

Price made 98 so 9 pips there

Would need under 95 to hold scalp sell on - or to take more - and dont forget news in 23 mins or so

Having a break - see you in a bit
9 21 am

Will look at GU as news in 9 mins

Last 3 hrs - PA as been fairly ugly - Ok for scalping - but not smooth - as EJ for example

We are in a what 13-15 pip range for now

We need under 7095 and even 91 for scalp sells for test lower and supports etc

For higher - we really need above 7109 and 12 - to test next R area

This hr so far - pairs have slowed down and gone into small BTTZ areas - just to get you in wrong trades

Lets see if the news can open things up a bit

Will not be taking a trade for news - but hope to be in within 9 mins afterwards - depending how the dust settles - thats if we have any ;-)

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