Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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bad start for me. as usual, more good pips than bad, but the bad ones have taken more than the good ones made.

Personally - I think you try for too many scalps in a short time

My normal intraday trades are only 1 or 2 per hour. If I am just scalping - never more than 2 in a 30 min time gap - and if the market is teasing - as shown after GU drop - sit on those hands ;-)))
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EU - for me - under 3603 still scalp sell bias and then over 3591 - scalp buy bias - so this could go into a bermuda triangle scenario - just to take some money off as all and sundry
OK it was the e/u short that got hit for 8 pips before I could close it. the 8 pips were at 200k vol, and many of the green pips on other trades were for lesser amounts. Is this an issue going forward. I.e I am always going to take full amount hits on losers but less than full amount gains on winners?

YES - you will if you play that game ;-)

Stay with consistent amounts of stake per first 10 trades whilst still at your stage and also grab over 70% as soon as you hvae 5 pips +

You are doing things all scalpers do - and then they have to learn the hard way

The next stage would be widening stops to say 10 or 15 - and then after that next stage - eventually - losing your account

Disciplines are just so important - and you need to practice so more - ie over another 100 scalps before moving onto next stages etc etc
A "bull in a china shop" springs to mind MM - only joking - your GU scalp sell was a classic great scalp. Then I think you thought you could get 5 more winning scalps in 15 mins ;-)))
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and now 11

So when you review GU - then low at 8.58 at 97/8 and then over 6300 scalp buy and nio over 30 mins and no breach of low and high so far 11/12 - so whilst above 6300 then still a scalp buy - but you can only hold it if w ego over say 13 and not go under 6300.

Under 96 and 93 more scalp sells or hold any you might be in from under 6301

Hope that makes sense ;-)
yes about 80% sense. after a coffee I will get the other 20%!
many more examples of these and in 24 months I will be good to go!

You are only 3 - 6 months away if you can carry on doing over 50 trades a week and you manage over 65% success rate on stops under 7 pips.

Then its just MM and free trades etc etc and adjusting to do it with real money
Just coming up to 10.00 am UK hr change and EU slowly falling under 3603 and now its whether 95 -97 interim supports hold or not.

GU 6308 and if you have taken scalp buy from over 6300 - lock in 70% if we dont do over 11 in next 5 mins
All lining up after hr chnage - ie UChf makes over 9056 and GU does not make 11 and EU also falls to 92.

3 pairs there are scalp sync - UC up as EU and GU fall
Syncs might only happen 60 -80% of the time - like everything in forex trading - nothing is 100 % or black or white - theres a lot of grey area to understand
Syncs might only happen 60 -80% of the time - like everything in forex trading - nothing is 100 % or black or white - theres a lot of grey area to understand

At times the market really tries to hide its moves - so that 1 hr and 4hr traders dont spot whats actually happening.

My LRs still say EU and GU want to go up today and swissy down - so these present moves might only be 5 -20 pip moves - ie small waves in the Ocean ;-))
I see its generally bullish but cant stop from getting chopped up. I think im forgetting four factors needed for every entry. Sorry, trying hard but sometimes get utterly spun round

Its like any skill - it just does not come dead easy and takes time study and lots of focus ;-))
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EA - interesting pair last few hrs

Not so bullish as other crosses and now from 9,00 am it as dropped over 55 pips

Crikey - missed that one - apologies whilst focusing on EU / GU / EJ and swissy
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