Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EA - topped and retraced over 2 hrs ago - keen to see if I can scalp buy around 4440 area. Under 37 and 33 it might try down to 4422 area - so watching this pair along with EJ which as supports at 134.05 / 10 area
You are watching what I am watching on EU - yes - but in time window and 1 -3 pips can always be just proper noise to fool us ;-)
EU low only held 15 mins - so still time if it does want to breach it again - but for me 22 and needs under 21 to either post HL at 18 -20 or go under
AU also a scalp buy from half hr and my stop on my 30% free trade is at 9305 - so hoping it does not get that far - as not taken scalp buy on it
Dynamic resistance 38 -40 then off down trendline for today on EU - if it broke great - if not could be scalp sell time again
WD for having stop close MM - salute you for not staying in and hoping - yes sometimes you get away with - other times 15 pips later you say - why did i allow that and then the rest of your day is just frustration - been there got the T shirts etc etc ;-)
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