Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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i will post you my UC chart in next 5 mins - so yiou can check LRs' out against yours etc

thankyou F, too generous!
nice little session numbers since i got back


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F, just want to make an observation that may help others learning your kung fu. Ive tried many times and still do, to take it apart component wise, but there is something that this deconstructive approach does not reveal.
I am beginning to interpret the "whole picture" aspect of the task at hand. Its kinda slowly revealing itself, albeit painfully slowly

Hey MM - do you mean that trying to follow rules or assemble a set of rules and then trying to fit Price Action (round peg) to the rules (square hole) is a fruitless task?
ok gotta go eat. Dumping this account and starting afresh tomorrow. This acc got to 60% in two sessions but was invalid as 3k of that was from a position that went bad and i did not close it. it came back good but made acc unrealistic ( as do the charges from fxpro.) i got a email from them wanting to know exactly what the problem is. I have illustrated to them that their charges result in ridiculous imbalances between identical trades. ie 7 pip loss on same vol loses 300% or so of a 7 pip win; i dont think they see that as a problem!

I'm with Dukascopy - haven't seen any issues with them but that said haven't been heavily scalping either - check em out
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