Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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So far I have only lost pips - taking too long to pull trigger when in profit - hoping it will go further - and jumping in too late - all my thinking until now has been to do with pullbacks and continuation - which figures well with HLs, HHs, LLs, and LHs but I see you are very much a momentum trader Pete - break a level and look for continuity until next level?
Got to do a couple of school runs - starting in 20 mins - so might now be in and out until about 4,30pm

Hope to see you later

GU still bullish - just resting atm - but will take scalp off in case we did drop under 07 and under 6500
Hi MM - back myself now ;-)

Hi Mike - yes MM as been intraday trading using same methods as me plus adding pitchforks and some other strats that can compliment PA structure forecasts

He reckons he not improving - I reckon he doing brill ;-)))
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