Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EU -

12 hrs approx later than comment last night on EU

It had made 0834 /5 in the end - but dropped to 0784 in the night at 4 39 am

Notice the times - ie both key times

That was a 50 + pip fall - I only took 11 pips of it as a scalp and did not leave any stake on - or resell - as was not into trading last night etc - and even If I had left 30% on - I would have been stopped out in profit on a bounce as it did come back 2 pips above my entry - crafty ;-)

The key for me on EU this morning is the following prices -

0850 / 55 and 0775 - ie 75 pip range which really as a few "lines in the sand" as clues on direction

Above 0822 and 0835 - it favours holding scalp buys on for more trys up

Under 0800 and 0787 if favours scalp sells for a test on more supports etc

Price structure for the session is bearish for me under 0830 and 35 - but would turn bullish again above 0850 and 55 with supports again from 0800 - 0820 / 30 etc

If you stick a TL on from low at 4 39 am at 0784 to 0802 and extrapolate - above the TL we are still in scalp buys - but need to try above 0815 and 25 next to stay with scalp buys

I need really under 0800 and 94 to be taking scalp sells and then would only hold them with a 30 min rule holding on any new interim high

I hope that all make sense - but will cover a few more pairs for now as we come to the EO at 7 00 am


7 15 am

TL was breached at 7 08/9 am - saying scalp sell - but you can only hold on under 0800 etc etc

Will post a chart on this a bit later on
All I am seeing on may pairs was the important of time at 7 08/09 am - ie end of the European Open time window at 7 00 am

At that time the dollar strength came in - meaning scalp sells on EU / GU / AU / NU etc - and scalp buys on the UChf / Ucad / UJ etc etc

Meanwhile promised wife breakfast in bed this morning - so back a bit later on ;-)

Keep an eye on 30 min rule on the interim highs and lows - its such a big clue

See you later on guys



PS - 7 21 am - all change again by the look of it
Hi Fugazsy

No problem with your question and points at all - and i will answer them today and explain more

I can 100% assure you - with my hand on my heart and say Major Magnums statements and results are totally true and not doctored or false - in any way

I have never met MM - but over the 18 months or so I have known in via this site - have found him a very honest guy - with a lot of integrity and certainly no spoofer.

If you think they are good - well you would never ever believe mine own results some days ;-)

Anyway - will go into detail about your points later on

Have a good session##

All the very best




Good morning, thank you for your post.

Regarding MM I said I am not sure, I meant people can have many agenda and can also manipulate things, I like to believe he is not but you are talking big numbers here, very big..... often you are talking about 30% a day, to me is all BS and he is not good for others that want to learn, it gives a wrong prospective..Personally I also think I suck at this making 1% a day....

Now regarding your method, it is not clear, not at all, you always say is very difficult to learn, but I doubt there is an easy way when you make money in any fields....let others decide if is easy or not......give then a clear idea of what is there, give them your best objective draft, show them how you trade, not with "if's", show them your historical charts at the end of the day, when you got in and when you got out with your own reasons...all brokers have that facility.....sometime you can also show some live trades, not every day, but once a week or once a month? It is that too much to ask?
"...And on past pages all I see is fake post-production arrows and bringing MM in to every answer (or question). Don't do that..."

"...So many people here Fugazsy, etc have asked for ONE CHART which shows ONE real entry and exit for people to analyse... didn't happen.. only bla bla and post-production arrows..."

Fugazsy hope you ready to consume an EXTRA LARGE bucket of steaming stinking 100% A-grade money-back-guarantee BS when F replies :LOL:

"...give then a clear idea of what is there, give them your best objective draft, show them how you trade, not with "if's", show them your historical charts at the end of the day, when you got in and when you got out with your own reasons...all brokers have that facility.....sometime you can also show some live trades, not every day, but once a week or once a month? It is that too much to ask?

Fugazsy, these things were requested a BILLION times on this thread by infinite number of people and its pointless :p

Traders sometimes don't like to share detailed information because too many newbies hijack threads begging for money with their paper cups without spending time on trading education but this guy has DEDICATED followers and still such a sad situation :)

Sorry F, you gotta change mate...
9 15 am

OK around for at least 45 mins now

Will get to answer some questions in a bit but first EU

HIGH - so far this morning at 0896

Question as it lasted 30 mins with no breach ??


Question as a support let go yet ??


So for me this is a BTTZ area - ie tease zone

We need under 0868 and 60 to be taking more scalp sells

For scalp buys - we really need over 0900 - and by rights that should only be available 60 mins after last high - now that 30 mins as passed with no new high

For me Time plays a big part of intraday moves - BUT one clue on its own is never enough - as we know nothing works 100% all of the time and for me the time rules in isolation only work 75% of the time

The answer for higher probability is therefore multi clues - all agreeing and for me thats based on Time - PA - PS - LR's - TL's and of course interim levels

Have any of you heard of "wrapping" - because when you have a tease zone - you can look at wrapping outside the tease zone - ie buys above 0902 and 06 and sells under 0850 and 45.

The area is between - the BTTZ is really either a sitting on hands and waiting or just scalping - for 2-5 pips only.

If you cannot scalp to a high level - then better to sit on hands and just wait
My take on all this discussion is simple, (this is not a dig at anybody btw) but I can see a few haters jumping on this now, if you follow anybody like a lamb, or expect handouts, then you are eventually for the slaughter house I'm afraid, do your own work & contribute where you can without worrying too much about F's calls being right/wrong/live or not, if you are/or become a trader worth your salt you will not feel the need to come onto this thread & make sweeping statements about someone who in my opinion contributes rather more than he hinders.

If you are a trader worth your salt you will be able to agree or disagree within F without resorting to sl@gging him off.

This guy has some great insights & it is as simple as that imho.

Fugazsy is generally a very positive person with a great view on the psychological aspect of the game & a nice guy too.

But to anyone else that just come on to his thread to abuse, I feel sorry for you, you are showing great weakness.
I dont know whats happened to gftrader 32 - as he was testing the LRs and scalping before I left ??

A comment NickBK said was he was after a 6 mins abs course that worked - but wanted it in 3 mins

Well Major Magnum must have spend at least 3 months scalping on demo using my method before he started seeing results over 65% accuracy on lots of 100 trades. At one time - he could not even get 25% win ratio - but with more practice - his skill levels and understanding improved and then slowly every 100 new scalps he started to improve.

I am sure I can teach most say average / intermediate traders my method within 6 -9 months - but if anyone thinks they will give it say a month of just 3 months etc - they still will not be there - it takes longer .

With regards to explaining it all - at least 90% of it is out in the open - the other 10% only comes to those traders who get past 6 months - as its down to skill and timing - easy to explain - difficult to learn or copy
My take on all this discussion is simple, (this is not a dig at anybody btw) but I can see a few haters jumping on this now, if you follow anybody like a lamb, or expect handouts, then you are eventually for the slaughter house I'm afraid, do your own work & contribute where you can without worrying too much about F's calls being right/wrong/live or not, if you are/or become a trader worth your salt you will not feel the need to come onto this thread & make sweeping statements about someone who in my opinion contributes rather more than he hinders.

If you are a trader worth your salt you will be able to agree or disagree within F without resorting to sl@gging him off.

This guy has some great insights & it is as simple as that imho.

Fugazsy is generally a very positive person with a great view on the psychological aspect of the game & a nice guy too.

But to anyone else that just come on to his thread to abuse, I feel sorry for you, you are showing great weakness.


Thank you for you post, You are right......F has great insights and myself I have benefited from him.

I made my point, I explained what I think and all done in good faith, probably I wanted to give him some suggestion to clear out some doubts.... this is my last post on this subject .

I really do want to answer all the critics and the questions posed - and therefore will spend time later today and this weekend doing that

So please accept - I am listening - and plan to try and explain more - hopefully with the help of Major Magnum - as so far he is the only guy who has got there with my method - and he's even surprised me on how good he is getting within this last year

9 29 am

Its gone the 60 mins since last high - so according to the time rules - it can now be breached

Can we try over 0902 and 06 next ???
Notice AU and NU are different in structure to EU / GU and EJ - those last 3 still bullish for now

Will try and explain price structure - which at times I think is more important than just PA on its own

9 37 am

What I see on my 1 min LR chart is high at 0900 at 9 30 am and then I can scalp sell at 9 31 am at 96 for 3-5 pips - but know whilst price stays above 0885 ( ie dynamic TL) its still in a scalp bullish price structure

Without breaching 0902 and 0906 though - it will test the dynamic TL support and then it would be sells again under 85 - 80 and 75.

When you scalp - trades can last just 20 or 30 seconds and really you need a tick chart as anything over a 1 min chart for catching 3-5 pip moves with similar size stops makes it more difficult

9 37 am

What I see on my 1 min LR chart is high at 0900 at 9 30 am and then I can scalp sell at 9 31 am at 96 for 3-5 pips - but know whilst price stays above 0885 ( ie dynamic TL) its still in a scalp bullish price structure

Without breaching 0902 and 0906 though - it will test the dynamic TL support and then it would be sells again under 85 - 80 and 75.

When you scalp - trades can last just 20 or 30 seconds and really you need a tick chart as anything over a 1 min chart for catching 3-5 pip moves with similar size stops makes it more difficult

Now at 0885 and still a scalp sell atm whilst under 93
Now at 0885 and still a scalp sell atm whilst under 93

It get easier now

We know the high of 0900 was at 9 30 / 9 31 am - UK time

So if it stay under there for 30 mins - it then needs approx 60 mins to test or try over it again

If it goes both 30 mins and 60 mins with no new high breach - then price favours lower and will test then under 0870 and maybe 0850 etc etc

Time rules on there own not enough - but will post a EU chart as I said I would next hour - and then you will see my LRs and TLs and levels etc etce
In fact what will do next hour is post a AU chart and a EU chart - to show how the price structures and time levels were different etc - in fact AU was leading the falls out the 2
AU & EU - After 9 00 am UK time - price structures and sells

I am posting 2 charts - both 1 min with LRs and reference to key times etc

The AU pair led the EU this morning as high at 9 09 am ( key time ) whereas the EU pair reached its interim high of 0900 at 9 30 am ( Key Time )

After their highs - both were scalp sells

Off the 2 - both would have given a total of 50 +pips - which is also normally my daily target

The EU scalp sell was mentioned at 9 37 am according to time log - any time after 9 31 am was a scalp sell

From 9 37 am to low so far at 0863 would have been 29 pips - is that not "live" ???

Anyway - the charts with TW's and TL#s and LR's etc etc

AU Chart first -


Now the EU chart with high at 9 30 am



  • EU - 9 30 AM 240415.png
    EU - 9 30 AM 240415.png
    75.1 KB · Views: 516
  • AU - 9 09am 240415.png
    AU - 9 09am 240415.png
    90.9 KB · Views: 523
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Now at 0885 and still a scalp sell atm whilst under 93

This was timed with log at 9 42 am after my comment about scalp sell appeared at 9 37 am and i entered at 9 31/ 32 am

OK I was only live on the 9 42am comment - and 5 mins behind from entry on first scalp

I have to put trades on first for scalps - but admit 5 mins is too long a delay


From my point of view - I told all on this thread at 7 00 am ish this morning that at 9 09 am - and 9 30 am - both key scalp times - I would be looking at new scalps

If anything - thats well in advance - not even in the "now time " - well in advance

I really need to try and explain myself better - I know what I am doing and I know Major Magnum know hows I do it - but I realise I am baffling and confusing other members etc

Sorry for that - not my intention etc

Going to have a 15 min break - then will check 30 min rules on a few pairs etc

See you later
Will update my EU chart next

the questions to ask on the chart - did any bounce go over a previous interim level within 30 mins etc

Was the 10 00 am price lower than 9 30 am price and the 11 00 am price lower than 10 00 am price - am I seeing LH's and LL's and are lows being breached every 30 mins etc etc

My structure now is becoming flat above 0800 - could we see after 12 30 pm or 1 00 pm a change ??

Will we stay above 0790 / 0800 etc ???
EU - Update for Lunchtime after 9 30 am sell off at 0900

I am posting chart I posted early on this morning and a new one taken in last 5 mins

Notice my LR price structure etc

We do have red US dollar news at 1 30 pm - so you tend to think we might not see the next larger move until after then - ie in 80 + min time etc

I have a lot of supports from 0780 to 0807/10 area - but would need to see back over 0850 and 0860 to be holding scalp buys on longer - or for more than say 10 -25 pips

If we make under 0790 and 0780 then we stay with scalp sells and look at next supports from previous 2 days etc to review again

EU from early on


EU now at just after Midday UK time.

Note structure of LRs and supports etc etc and TL's etc etc



  • EU - Lunchtime 240415.png
    EU - Lunchtime 240415.png
    86.6 KB · Views: 494
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