Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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morning all

in truth I hav'nt the time or the inclination to continue to swop banter / insults with the next in line new resident comedian on T2Win........

jees....... .ive been there and done that far to many times now over the years at this excellent forum.....and tired/bored of it .........seen them all come and go......and would continue to do so if I was bothered .........but I have been around the block a lot here and its always good to make changes time for a break

allocating my daily/weekly T2win time now back on my consultancy work and my trading .......time is always valuable to me .........nothing left to prove here at T2win .........

my signature area and links will remain and I will keep an eye out here from time to time plus keep in touch with Forexperian and a few others

always contactable via my home page here or [email protected]

Cheers all
Thankyou N for your contribution to this and and any other thread,i'm sure most members appreciate it, if we don't find the thread interesting or informative we have the choice as do others of moving on certainly without insulting you or F,not sure why Trolls post nonconstructive and downright rude comments but then i guess they wouldn't be Trolls if they didn't

Regards Edward
The troll thing doesn't really fly watsone. I'm making specific arguments and suggestions for assisting both others and myself improve their trading skills. If my manner is slightly terse then that's simply the way I am, but if you're going to decide to focus on that rather than the content that's up to you.

The moderators seem to do a good job of dealing with the genuine trolls so I'm sure if I do fall into that category, I'll be similarly dealt with, but I genuinely do not see myself in that way.
Your entitled to your opinion TechQuant,i tend to agree with you re correlation as we all know currencies reverse their directions in seconds,i've tried correlation without success,that's not to say it doesn't work, on reflection i was rather harsh using the word troll ,the point i was making is members can disagree without being discourteous and wasn't aimed solely at yourself, i apologize if i gave you that impression
Your entitled to your opinion TechQuant,i tend to agree with you re correlation as we all know currencies reverse their directions in seconds,i've tried correlation without success,that's not to say it doesn't work, on reflection i was rather harsh using the word troll ,the point i was making is members can disagree without being discourteous and wasn't aimed solely at yourself, i apologize if i gave you that impression

TQ is a di ck to boot
The troll thing doesn't really fly watsone. I'm making specific arguments and suggestions for assisting both others and myself improve their trading skills. If my manner is slightly terse then that's simply the way I am, but if you're going to decide to focus on that rather than the content that's up to you.

The moderators seem to do a good job of dealing with the genuine trolls so I'm sure if I do fall into that category, I'll be similarly dealt with, but I genuinely do not see myself in that way.
B nice multi nic x :love:;)
why not give him a tinkle TC
Yes, massive hole. That's what I'm thinking too.

Nothing but trading related stuff and normal traders chat. (in all the other threads).

Bring back widow Twanky|
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For those feeling withdrawal from lack of lack of reality let me give you a boost.

EU if it stays below the 735/790 I'll sell to whatever or if it pops above 745/780 I'll stay long unless I've said I'm already short in which case I'll wait till the dust clears and declare a long, or short depending on where it is and then I'll go in whatever direction it has gone by declaring I got in at the best possible level without mentioning it earlier and then after a while saying that's what I would have got out at after I allegedly got out, unless there's any confusion in which case it's your fault for not checking my methodology which I mentioned 20,000 posts ago, and every post since, except if you check the detail, there isn't any.

Not everyone can do this.
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