Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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For those feeling withdrawal from lack of lack of reality let me give you a boost.

EU if it stays below the 735/790 I'll sell to whatever or if it pops above 745/780 I'll stay long unless I've said I'm already short in which case I'll wait till the dust clears and declare a long, or short depending on where it is and then I'll go in whatever direction it has gone by declaring I got in at the best possible level without mentioning it earlier and then after a while saying that's what I would have got out at after I allegedly got out, unless there's any confusion in which case it's your fault for not checking my methodology which I mentioned 20,000 posts ago, and every post since, except if you check the detail, there isn't any.

Not everyone can do this.
well, there was enough detail to enable me to do this.


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Kalispera folks ;-)

Back Home and looking forward to getting some trades in tomorrow

Need to get up to speed first - and so checking out this thread and a few more to see how members have been doing etc

Hope you have all made a bit of money over the last 10 days or so - I can see Major M has done a few sessions etc

Good to be back and weather here not to bad neither ;-)
Re - Tomorrow - Friday 24th April

Will be trading in the morning and hope to do an update - but got a few jobs to do before 11 00 am - so might only be in and around for an hour or so .

The fact that I have been accused of not giving enough detail ( ie comment - check the detail - there is none ? ) i will tell you in advance scalp trades I plan in advance that should take place at the following times in the morning on the following main key pairs -

EU - EJ - GU - AU - UJ - and depending on volatility also - UChf / NU as well.

Key times - I normally scalp at - 6 21am - 6 30 am - 6 39am - 6 51am - 7 00 am - 7 09 am - 7 21 am - 7 30 am - 7 39am - 7 51am - 8 00 am - 8 09am - 8 21 am - 8 30 am - 8 39am - 8 51 am - 9 00 am - 9 09 am - 9 21 am - 9 30am - 9 39am - 9 51 am - 10 00 am - etc etc

I have 6 key times an hour - of which normally only 2 - maximum 3 are used on a pair per hour all depending on PA / Lrs / TL's / Price structure and the 30 min rule on previous interim high and lows from time of print.

This is complex and cannot be learnt in a few hours etc - but it works between 70 and 85% of the time

Time of the hour and time lapse on last interim high or low is a key component of my method.

All entries and one click in and out - all stops are soft - I would not wait to be stopped out at minus 5 or 7 pips - all scalps last from 1 min up to say 12 or 18 mins ( yes time window gaps) and then if probability of more movements in that direction - part stake is left on with stop in 2 or 3 pips of profit.

I will take between 10 and 20 trades tomorrow - on maybe 3 to 5 pairs and that's not counting part stake trades then left on ( as they are not new trades )

Targets are normally 7 -25 pips to earn RR's of over 1 to 5

Soft stops range from 3 to 7 pips - ( 5 pips on average ) on EVERY new trade. Once in a trade and in profit and also on part stakes then I will allow on trades with say 40 pips of profits pullbacks of up to 35% - but will also scalp against my own trades - ie in both directions etc.

I trade not as a bull or a bear - but as a "vulture" - my trends are any movements over 3 pips - but I don't chase 3 to 5 pip targets - but accept them if I dont get 10 or 15+ pip movements .

Surely thats enough detail for a start ;-)


For all members who say it does not work - can I refer you to Major Magnum - he probably thought the same until he "cracked" it and it then made sense - and now after putting on over 3000% increase on a demo in a few weeks as been trading on a live account for over 6 months or so - at a more sensible rate I might add ;-))

Good Trading



This is an honest post to your early post, please take it as a constructive criticism.

Your way of trading will always have doubt, it is not clear even to a very open mind like myself, many times I asked you to post some historical charts (not live trades) with reasons but I never saw any, it seems you always have an answer but not any historical charts........ also your interpretation of a live call it is miles away of what a live call also agreed in participating in a live call thread with rules determined by the majority of the member here on this forum, but you quickly bail out at your first trade and came out with one of your usual answer....

Now regarding MM, not sure what to think, yes it does show his statements, but many things can also be manipulated....I hope he is not.......beside this idea to make returns of about 30% a day is totally BS, I am a trader and trying to make consistently 0.5-2% per day it is not easy task.

Please understand where I am coming from, as you know I am not an hater, but I have my doubt and I like to keep them till I am proven wrongly which at the moment you do not.


Re - Tomorrow - Friday 24th April

Will be trading in the morning and hope to do an update - but got a few jobs to do before 11 00 am - so might only be in and around for an hour or so .

The fact that I have been accused of not giving enough detail ( ie comment - check the detail - there is none ? ) i will tell you in advance scalp trades I plan in advance that should take place at the following times in the morning on the following main key pairs -

EU - EJ - GU - AU - UJ - and depending on volatility - UChf / NU as well.

Key times - I normally scalp at -
6 21am -
6 30 am - 9m
6 39am - 9m
6 51am - 12m
7 00 am - 9m
7 09 am - 9m
7 21 am - 12m
7 30 am -
7 39am -
7 51am -
8 00 am -
8 09am -
8 21 am -
8 30 am -
8 39am -
8 51 am -
9 00 am -
9 09 am -
9 21 am -
9 30am -
9 39am -
9 51 am -
10 00 am - etc etc :eek:

I have 6 key times an hour - of which normally only 2 - maximum 3 are used on a pair per hour all depending on PA / Lrs / TL's / Price structure and the 30 min rule on previous interim high and lows from time of print.

This is complex and cannot be learnt in a few hours etc - but it works between 70 and 85% of the time

Time of the hour and time lapse on last interim high or low is a key component of my method. (How does this differ from depending on time of print)

All entries and one click in and out - all stops are soft - I would not wait to be stopped out at minus 5 or 7 pips - all scalps last from 1 min up to say 12 or 18 mins ( yes time window gaps) and then if probability of more movements in that direction - part stake is left on with stop in 2 or 3 pips of profit.

I will take between 10 and 20 trades tomorrow - on maybe 3 to 5 pairs and that's not counting part stake trades then left on ( as they are not new trades )

Targets are normally 7 -25 pips to earn RR's of over 1 to 5

Soft stops range from 3 to 7 pips - ( 5 pips on average ) on EVERY new trade. Once in a trade and in profit and also on part stakes then I will allow on trades with say 40 pips of profits pullbacks of up to 35% - but will also scalp against my own trades - ie in both directions etc.

I trade not as a bull or a bear - but as a "vulture" - my trends are any movements over 3 pips - but I don't chase 3 to 5 pip targets - but accept them if I dont get 10 or 15+ pip movements .

Surely thats enough detail for a start ;-)
(That is not detail dude! gobbledegook :eek: :-0 :confused: :sleep: :whistling )


For all members who say it does not work - can I refer you to Major Magnum - he probably thought the same until he "cracked" it and it then made sense - and now after putting on over 3000% increase on a demo in a few weeks as been trading on a live account for over 6 months or so - at a more sensible rate I might add ;-))

Good Trading



I made the mistake of attempting to understand and got 'lost' :( :eek:

Sorry 'but' I 'also' think I've 'lost' some grey cells along the way. I must be getting old.

I think however, you would have been a FANTASTIC programmer F, with all the if/else, do/while, but/also loopy statements. I admire the flow of your logic because I personally do not understand it but as the system works for you - it must rock.

Best regards,
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Friday 24th April 2015 - Pre Opens

Good Morning guys

First day back at the office and I expect to get a few scalps wrong today - simply - because I will need to get back into my "zone" and trading mind etc etc

Thank you for a couple of nice posts last nights - both I take constuctively and I will try and answer them with more detail - as I know my method is complex and is far from easy or simple - but when all lines up - its so effective etc etc

Will not be around all morning - but will do some quick intraday updates and reviews and explain how I see it along with more calls for trading - like the scalp last night from 6 39pm ( key time ) on the EU at the high

Have a good day



PS - Notice high this morning on EU at 6 09 am and then exactly 30 mins later at 6 39 / 40 am - another new high with price now testing 0814 ;)

That was part of my 30 min rules - but I need to explain it mire I reckon - in maybe more detail

No Problem (y)
Nice one MM


Did you scalp sell at its top at 6 39 pm at 0843/4 ??

Would need under 0815 and 0800 to stay with it though


EU -

12 hrs approx later than comment last night on EU

It had made 0834 /5 in the end - but dropped to 0784 in the night at 4 39 am

Notice the times - ie both key times

That was a 50 + pip fall - I only took 11 pips of it as a scalp and did not leave any stake on - or resell - as was not into trading last night etc - and even If I had left 30% on - I would have been stopped out in profit on a bounce as it did come back 2 pips above my entry - crafty ;-)

The key for me on EU this morning is the following prices -

0850 / 55 and 0775 - ie 75 pip range which really as a few "lines in the sand" as clues on direction

Above 0822 and 0835 - it favours holding scalp buys on for more trys up

Under 0800 and 0787 if favours scalp sells for a test on more supports etc

Price structure for the session is bearish for me under 0830 and 35 - but would turn bullish again above 0850 and 55 with supports again from 0800 - 0820 / 30 etc

If you stick a TL on from low at 4 39 am at 0784 to 0802 and extrapolate - above the TL we are still in scalp buys - but need to try above 0815 and 25 next to stay with scalp buys

I need really under 0800 and 94 to be taking scalp sells and then would only hold them with a 30 min rule holding on any new interim high

I hope that all make sense - but will cover a few more pairs for now as we come to the EO at 7 00 am

This is an honest post to your early post, please take it as a constructive criticism.

Your way of trading will always have doubt, it is not clear even to a very open mind like myself, many times I asked you to post some historical charts (not live trades) with reasons but I never saw any, it seems you always have an answer but not any historical charts........ also your interpretation of a live call it is miles away of what a live call also agreed in participating in a live call thread with rules determined by the majority of the member here on this forum, but you quickly bail out at your first trade and came out with one of your usual answer....

Now regarding MM, not sure what to think, yes it does show his statements, but many things can also be manipulated....I hope he is not.......beside this idea to make returns of about 30% a day is totally BS, I am a trader and trying to make consistently 0.5-2% per day it is not easy task.

Please understand where I am coming from, as you know I am not an hater, but I have my doubt and I like to keep them till I am proven wrongly which at the moment you do not.



Hi Fugazsy

No problem with your question and points at all - and i will answer them today and explain more

I can 100% assure you - with my hand on my heart and say Major Magnums statements and results are totally true and not doctored or false - in any way

I have never met MM - but over the 18 months or so I have known in via this site - have found him a very honest guy - with a lot of integrity and certainly no spoofer.

If you think they are good - well you would never ever believe mine own results some days ;-)

Anyway - will go into detail about your points later on

Have a good session##

All the very best



7 08 am

Last give more of an explanation why this is still a scalp buy after 6 21 am - 6 30 am and why we can only look at scalp sells under 5050 for now

First point - interim lows held over 30 mins - ie those at 5042 and HL at 45

Next point TL - LRs and PA - all bullish above 5045

We need to test next R which may be at 5060 or even higher

I could but wont now explain and give you another 5 or more clues why I bought above 5045 - but now after 7 08 am exited - because 7 09 am started the scalp sell from 5057
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