Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EU - held low of 3600/1 without breach through hr time window - still a scalp sell under 3607 - but if we dont do 3599 and lower next 5 mins will think of exiting all scalp sells and look at buys
GU - i took 70% off scalp sell at 6460 and now its dropped to 6454 - and so will look at exiting the other 30% under 57 - and will only keep it on - if we breach 50 before end of time window in 2 mins

Been down to 6446 and totally out now at 48 as news in under 15 mins.

GU been best trade so far this morning for me .
GU under 6460 - still in scalp sell mode - but will not bother with any more either way scalps on it as preparing for news and reviewing other pairs
EU - yes no 3599 or breach lower - so scalp buys above 3602. You can only hold them on over 3609 and 11 otherwise take what you can
just so you are ready for after news

On EU under 98 and say 95 more scalp sells and on GU would need a clear breach under 6440 to start scalp selling more. Back over 60 and 63 on GU scalp buys
gmall, some pc maintenance and then im on

Morning MM

I am here for nearly an hr atm - then out and back prior to lunch for 1- 2 hr sessions on and off.

Its been very good this morning - already over my daily target so pleased and can spend time on questions and queries etc etc


GU - started off bullish up to just before Open. Since then dropped over 70 pips with news giving it the last 40 pips. Under 6426 still in scalp sell bearish mode. The big round number will give supports etc and maybe by end of half hr time window we might get some scalp buys over 6412 and 17
EU - stuck in tight range- over 09 and 3612 scalp buys still and more can be taken - under 35 97 and 95 more scalp sells - so say 15 pips of nothing other than scalps in between if pips are that desperate - or you want to test your skills at the "coalface" ;-)
EJ back in scalp sell now and we did not go over 86 - so really I need not have come out before - but better to be safe than sorry - even when you are scalping ;-)
GU coming up to 30 mins with no breach under low of 6402 - favours more scalp buy - but now need over 20 and 23 to hold on
post 6550
Its been very good this morning - already over my daily target so pleased and can spend time on questions and queries etc etc

ok Peter WD on your daily target ==== but wait a minute sir ( or have I missed something ???) when did you make a live call today ?
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Its been very good this morning - already over my daily target so pleased and can spend time on questions and queries etc etc

ok Peter WD on your daily target ==== but wait a minute sir ( or have I missed something ???) when did you make a live call today ?

You've only just realised after over 800 pages? 🙂
I remember 'calls' like these being made years ago on forexfactory all the time, lol/
Always got peoples knickers in a twist.

Was like:
''buy's looking good around 1255-1260''

If price went to 1258 and then crashed, the next post would be:
''didn't like the action, didn't take the long''

If price went to 1258 and carried on zomming up, it would be:
''got in early at 1258 and banking 40 ticks here''

etc etc.
Its been very good this morning - already over my daily target so pleased and can spend time on questions and queries etc etc

ok Peter WD on your daily target ==== but wait a minute sir ( or have I missed something ???) when did you make a live call today ?


i give you the prices and I give you whether to scalp buy or scalp sell

By best 2 prices and recommendations this morning - prior to 8am - where

Sell EU under 3613 - and you did I believe from your own chart forecast

Sell GU under 69/70 and 65 - I dont know whether you did that ??

Then next good one - EJ - sell under 142 88 and 86 - from what 1 hr plus ago and now EJ been down to 68

To me live - is before the events - EU and GU were way before the events happening ??

So I am saying I predict in the now - ie forecast next 10 - 60 mins - I cannot fortune tell for 4 hrs or next day - but I can predict ahead short term

I am not a signal alert service - I am not saying exact price - exact stop and exact targets - but I call live in advance all trades - other than scalps that might only last 2-5 mins

Are you refreshing your browser every min when on here - as many times I miss other comments and then only see than 5 -10 mins after the trader as posted ?

So I am doing live short term trading - if you think different - fine - but as I have said many many times - this thread is really for me to say my comments on thoughts and plans etc on forex trades

I love traders getting involved and disagreeing or even calling their own calls - that's fine - no problem

MM is doing his best and having a go and joining in and i welcome any other traders who also want to join in - even on forex pairs I might no be following

Have a good day - you know I will ;-))


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