Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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9 30 am

the one with the manipulation - others made new morning lows - but EU looks like as not breached under old low by 3 pips so far - so manipulation etc again

We need over 0580 to scalp buy again ( or hold scalp buys on longer ) - but need under 0550 and 47 to stay with any scalp sells
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cad and chf are frontrunner sells .............the euro is still strong......that my outsider for the EU sell if usd finally gets some wind in its sails for bull move

0596 is cheap as chips entry point if it now dumps

hey all back for 2 mins..........usd has kept bull I see

cad and gbp have run north now with usd so they have faded from way way back

eu was worth selling it seems (y)



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Can you remind me what the 30 min rule is please?



When ever you get a new interim / intraday high or low - keep an eye on the exact time it was posted - to the minute

Now if it lasts over 30 mins - ( approx can be 33 / 35 mins ) with no new breach of a new low or high over 3 to 5 pips more - then that means the next 30 mins favours the direction away from the low or high - ie a larger retrace

If it makes over 1 hr with no breach then we not the new level as that needs to be breached again within 30 mins

After 60 mins a low or high can be breached again - if its going to be -

All lows and highs that are breached under say 15 -20 mins shows the rally is still on - for more same direction - its the ones that hold over 30 mins that can give you another clue or edge on directions etc - so time can be used with LR' s and PA and TL's etc etc

I hope that makes sense - but check it out on any FX pair with current movements since 6 00 am etc etc

All the best



PS - remember like everything in trading - it does not work 100% of the time - but normally over 70% of the time it does work (y)
hey all back for 2 mins..........usd has kept bull I see

eu was worth selling it seems (y)


Spot on N

This is where stop size is important

I would not just sell and see a 12 or 20+ pullback ( stop hunt) happen - so timing is so important

Once it made new interim highs on in the 8 30 am TW - then sells were on - and many made 40 -50 pips - so nice drops etc etc
9 53am

NU and AU carried on falling with new lows - Eu still teasing - but GU odd one out as bounced from low over 17 pips

9 56 am

We need to stay under 7567 to stay with sells


Need to stay under 7440 and 45 - for sells and only scalp buy above these levels atm

9 58am

Just cannot trust this pair - its still teasing down and made 0549/ 50 - and under 64 still in a sell mode

But after hr change - be careful it does not find supports and then try up again

To hold an scalp buys on for a bigger turn we do need over 0580 - because under there still in session down price structure for now
UCad and UChf - more new morning highs but we are at or near R areas all within 5 -10 pips

Maybe this hour we might see some more retraces / pullbacks

Got a phone call - back in 15 mins

10 18 am

Example of 30 min rule on interim highs and low

Low at 4583 at 9 28 am

So at 10 00 am it was at 4595 - so above low and therefore next 30 mins favours higher

Now at 10 18 am price made 4614 and above 4597 still a buy on pullbacks

10 18 am

Example of 30 min rule on interim highs and low

Low at 4583 at 9 28 am

So at 10 00 am it was at 4595 - so above low and therefore next 30 mins favours higher

Now at 10 18 am price made 4614 and above 4597 still a buy on pullbacks

10 32 am


we have now gone over an hour from low at 4583 - so by rights price can now test it or go under again

That after 30 min period favoured higher and then by not staying above 4597 - we are slowly falling again

This is a difficult area as we still have HL's from Low at 9 28 am - but need to see over 4616 and 20 to carry on with bullish PA

A LL would happen under 4586 and 80 - and would then indicate more scalp sells

9 58am

Just cannot trust this pair - its still teasing down and made 0549/ 50 - and under 64 still in a sell mode

But after hr change - be careful it does not find supports and then try up again

To hold an scalp buys on for a bigger turn we do need over 0580 - because under there still in session down price structure for now

No real bounce after hour change - we stayed under 64 and now testing at 10 37 am - 0535

I have dynamic and static supports next at 0530 then 18 and 22
usd still pouring on the bull pressure since earlier (8.10 was its low ).........Europeans are solid sells when the timing is right ..........on my scaping charts (not shown below) I saw more opportunities around 10.20 to pile in again

fxcm uk charts below are GMT-1



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No real bounce after hour change - we stayed under 64 and now testing at 10 37 am - 0535

I have dynamic and static supports next at 0530 then 18 and 22


10 50 am

seems like 0530 might be a support for now

scalp buys above 32 - and only sell again if we breach under 31 and 25
uber aggressive buy on Uchf 9850............high risk though ....usd still taking a breathe on recent rises
nope usd is still fading south.........I wont chase the bid at the moment ..........its not a sell yet for a while ......usd in the twighlight zone for me
uber aggressive buy on Uchf 9850............high risk though ....usd still taking a breathe on recent rises

Got to admit N - could not see that one##

I am in EU scalp buy above 31 and would expect Swissy to fall under 9855 and after 10 51 am

Would be interested to see why you had that as a scalp buy on your set up ??
this is frustrating for me these days ..............I used to chase the usd up and down like a terrier on heat..............over the last year Forexperieans thread has taught me a a lot about timing entries and also chop zones .........

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