Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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OK - will post a chart for you to check if needed

This is what happened etc

Top so far 0941 at 1 34 pm

Scalp sell at 1 39 pm from under 0935

At 1 51 pm - it was the bounce that needed to stop under 0935

The scalp buy there was at 0916 and it topped at 0925 area

From that being a LH to HIGH AT 0941 and scalp sell position of 0935 area - then it was another sell but needed then to go under the last low of 0914 - which it did


the clever part - 0905 to 0912 is all support - so - bounce at 2 00 pm - and another scalp buy

This needs to go over 0926 and also really 36 to stay with buy

Under 0941 and 36 - its still a sell again if not breached

Thats how it works etc


In between working that out - remember 30 min rule on interim highs and lows - because high as gone now over 30 mins - favouring a pull back again - but if we stay above 0912 and then 14 and 25 - we could try another high after say 20 mins - so high is breached after the 60 mins

If we drop under 0925 and 14 and 12 then back to lower and sells again

Over 0936 and 42 then more scalp buys to next R at 60 or 70 area

2 13 pm

The EU is still bullish for session above 0870 and 0900 and 0912 and 25

All are interim support levels now - BUT - if we cannot breach over the R area at 0941/2 - we will test those supports again and - then its a case which one goes first

Under 0870 and 0850 then all back to bearish session
Normally traders do not try and follow every pip - but really its nearly possible to follow the price small waves using levels and time

You can never be 100% accurate - but as we know anything from 65 % to 85% and its a licence to print money if you keep stops and losses as tight as possible
Both AU and GU are still in a bull bias and as you might guess - UChf / UCad and UJ have dollar weakness with a bear session bias

OK - will post a chart for you to check if needed

This is what happened etc

Top so far 0941 at 1 34 pm

Scalp sell at 1 39 pm from under 0935

At 1 51 pm - it was the bounce that needed to stop under 0935

The scalp buy there was at 0916 and it topped at 0925 area

From that being a LH to HIGH AT 0941 and scalp sell position of 0935 area - then it was another sell but needed then to go under the last low of 0914 - which it did


the clever part - 0905 to 0912 is all support - so - bounce at 2 00 pm - and another scalp buy

This needs to go over 0926 and also really 36 to stay with buy

Under 0941 and 36 - its still a sell again if not breached

Thats how it works etc



In between working that out - remember 30 min rule on interim highs and lows - because high as gone now over 30 mins - favouring a pull back again - but if we stay above 0912 and then 14 and 25 - we could try another high after say 20 mins - so high is breached after the 60 mins

If we drop under 0925 and 14 and 12 then back to lower and sells again

Over 0936 and 42 then more scalp buys to next R at 60 or 70 area

Thanks F, seems a lot to be learnt from just these two posts...:cry:

I don't want to hijack your thread, so please tell me when to stop or if you prefer me to create a new journal/thread.

Thanks F, seems a lot to be learnt from just these two posts...:cry:

I don't want to hijack your thread, so please tell me when to stop or if you prefer me to create a new journal/thread.



No please - I welcome your posts and want to assist etc - like with MA and any other members who want to progress further with this type of intraday method

So feel free to add input and questions etc etc

I talk far too much anyway - and once I have my daily targets - I am here to help and assist etc all FX intraday traders - any way I can on my method etc
I remember Major M asking me about 10 -20 questions some days on his initial journey and slowly he started to see and pick up how I was doing it with levels and time etc

2 25 pm

still a buy above 0925 and 28

Would need to see under both these prices and under then 0910 to have confidence in holding scalp sells on
2 30 pm

EU now the test

Under both 0928 and 0925 so out of scalp buy mode

Next level for supports at 0912/ 14 and then 0900

Not easy as really the market is trying to screw both new bulls and bears here- by 2 way teasing still in bull bias land
So to get the full picture, I know it is easy for you to look at the chart and say what's happening, you have been doing this for years.

But for me, where to start? lrs, tw, key levels s/r?

I found it is easier to start with tw then look at lrs if they are above the price for selling or below the price for buying.

Along tw and lr, I look at trendlines of bouncing or breaking the trendline.

Never managed to incorporate the key levels s/r like you did...

What do you say about the order of tw/lr/tl/key levels... which to look at first?
2 30 pm

EU now the test

Under both 0928 and 0925 so out of scalp buy mode

Next level for supports at 0912/ 14 and then 0900

Not easy as really the market is trying to screw both new bulls and bears here- by 2 way teasing still in bull bias land

2 35 pm


The fall stopped at 2 30 pm at 0921/22 and now we are back over 25 and 28 again

So we are in a very tight tease zone - from 0919 to 0945 - so say 26 pips

For now the 2 30 pm clue was a buy - but we need to see over 42 and 47 to stay with it any longer
So to get the full picture, I know it is easy for you to look at the chart and say what's happening, you have been doing this for years.

But for me, where to start? lrs, tw, key levels s/r?

I found it is easier to start with tw then look at lrs if they are above the price for selling or below the price for buying.

Along tw and lr, I look at trendlines of bouncing or breaking the trendline.

Never managed to incorporate the key levels s/r like you did...

What do you say about the order of tw/lr/tl/key levels... which to look at first?

A very good question

Ideally - all of them count in the mix - and when they all agree - its great - a really nice good strong move

Trouble is over 70% of the time - they will not always line up correctly and so you end up with some moves only 3 - 5 pips

Price structure and past 30 min movement is important

Levels are changing constantly - as the market is dynamic

PA and LRs can give me scalps off the 2/3 quick Lrs - and if a TW - then still might lead to a bigger move

You will get a "Eureka " moment when suddenly many line up and then you have a great trade of say 15 -35 pips in 15 mins - and you think - that was easy lol

I think you need to study and try and line all of them up together

That might not happen every hour or every TW - but you will see it when they do

for example last hour on EU - is really tough - not easy - because the market is trying to deceive and is being manipulated by the LP's

Under 0910 and 0900 - its easy - we would be in scalp sells

Over 0947 and 55 + - easy again we would be scalp buying

In between the market is hoping to catch out both bulls and bears - before it does finally make its mind up ;-)

3 02 pm

Now 9035 / 6 is a key level

Under there scalp sells to test 19 and then 10 and 0900

Above 0936 - look at scalp buys again
3 09 pm

0899 / 0900 is the level now

under 0917 / 19 - we should on bounces fall again - over 0925 - different ball game again

We then need under 0894 for more scalp sells
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