Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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6 51 am and previous interim low in last 30 min said scalp sell - but not jumped in - only went with EEJ for now

Bounces staying under 0930 are sells again with supports at 0907 to 0912 area


7 19 am

Finally got first trade on EU

Went with a sell staying under 0930 and now just made 0907 and I am down to 30% stakes at 11 with stop in profit at 23

Left EJ one as already had 2 scalp sells on it so thought the EU might be a better option - but really - I missed out not taking EJ as well
7 26 am

My 30% stop in profit which was at 22 not 23 on EU as been taken out now and price trying 0926 as I type

Looks as though we might be seeing a slight turn again and the 7 00 am drop being false for now

7 29 am

Similar here to other pairs - the after 7 00 am drop could have been false and set up to get bears in

Since after 7 09 am - GU bounced up now over 25 pips

7 32 am

The clue for me was this pair and low at 6 59 am at 130 49

After 7 21 am and another scalp buy sign - i got feeling it would go over 30 mins with no low breach so took a scalp buy at 65/ 6 a few mins after the signal

Now - after 7 30 am - just hit 130 89 - so happy with approx 19 pips in less than 5 mins
EU.... I'm reading it still in bull mode (inter session time-wise) from last Friday, so just been taking longs yesterday, and this AM.

Got to get ready for school run

Will miss the 8 00 am and 8 30 am news releases on EU - but will pop in just before I leave in about 10 mins
EU.... I'm reading it still in bull mode (inter session time-wise) from last Friday, so just been taking longs yesterday, and this AM.

Morning Spinola

Well I hope yesterday was good for you

I agree - I favour longs still above 0900 still - but would be holding on sells longer under 0890 and 0880

For me 0910 to say 60 - ie 50 pips is like main range - and so above - easy more buys and below would be looking more at scalp sells

Have a great day - but sure you will ;-)

8 39 am

Looks as though i am back in time to see 1000 on the EU??

Still not quite there - at 9998 as I type

Did not leave a 30% stake on EU - but did on the EJ as I had been in more scalp buys on that pair - so left one on with a stop in 3 pips of profit -

EJ now at 131 37 - so out 30% under 30

8 41 am

Above 9976 on pullbacks - still in scalp buy mode for higher - but that's 22 pips lower and so many might say - If I get a sell on and make say 10 -15 pips and then buy again - I make more

Thats one of the dilemma's scalpers face

If you are already well up in profit - yet again do you play safe or risk say your last 5 pips you made as profit ?#

As I type EU just touched 9999 on my set up

What a tease
8 46 am

Will scan through my set ups to see if anything really interesting but got feeling 8 39 am was a change on many pairs

8 49 am

Price not dropped under 0979/ 80 so far

Still a nice 15 pip scalp sell if you took it and on a 3-4 pip stop a RR of 4 or so - in just waht 10 mins

We need to watch 30 min rule on interim highs and lows now

8 54 am

Cannot scalp buy at 0975/77 for now

Will see if we can after hr change and any bounce then 0990 is the clue

Under 0989 still in sell mode
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