Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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8 39 am was not a buy or sell - but 8 41 am started the scalp sell at 4858

I went in with 30% stake first and then loaded at 51 and exited that part at 48 and stayed with 30% now with stop at 55

8 51am

Not as weak at GU - still stayed above its low for over 30 mins but needs above 0786 and 89 to be holding scalp buys on longer

8 51 am was a scalp buy on this pair - so exited sell before 55 stop at 51 - but not jumped in buy as I feel its still teasing time for now

maybe after 9 00 am - we might get back to some more normal moves again
Morning ---- pete starting to wonder ? is sharky paying you a commission per post (lol)

Morning BP


That a good idea - - must propose that idea lol

Hope you have been buying the EU since 8 51 am or 9 00 am ??

Price now up at 0825 and I have added to m 30% stake above 0805
All the scalp buys turned up over 45 mins later than first expected - delayed teasing to get more bears in on the EU / GU and AU etc
9 30 am


Ideally want to buy again above 0803 / 5 area if possible for a try over 0830

Would need under 0795 and 90 to be back holding scalp sells
As we enter the 8 30 am TW - i will be looking for scalp buys next

Not ready yet on GU / AU / EU etc - but lets see if next 18 mins we see some nice bounces and scalp buys

I said that approx 60+ mins ago

Well i was too early on GU - but since 8 51 am the 3 in total have now risen over 120 + pips

Only made scalp buys on 2 pairs - and had left the AU

Great start to the week

Hardly a typical boring Monday AM

Well over my daily target - could stop now after under 3 hrs of scalping - but will just have a few breaks etc and take it easy rest of day - just checking key times etc etc

9 52 AM

Ideally want to sell below 4910 /20 area

Above 4935 and 55 takes GU up back into a bullish price structure - whilst under 4930 and 20 - we are still session bearish - even after a pullback rise of 50+ pips

Loads of R from 4895 to 4920 - so its a case of lining price up with time and with PA and LRs etc etc and then seeing supports falling under 78 for a test lower again

9 56 am

looks as though 0835 to 45 is all an R area

Above 0805 and 10 we are still in a bullish price session for tries higher - but unless we breach over 0845 and 50 then we will just pullback and test lower again

With me wanting to sell GU again at right price - i am also thinking with out seeing over 0850 - then i will be selling EU again
sit back now (feet up )stop in @ -15 will it be another £+ ? whatever had a good day so far

Glad you have had a good morning BP

A good early Monday AM session can help set up your week and make you feel its all worthwhile etc

I have only had 2 small losses - so far - and a few peaches that even MM would have thought good ;-))
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