Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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9 56 am

looks as though 0835 to 45 is all an R area

Above 0805 and 10 we are still in a bullish price session for tries higher - but unless we breach over 0845 and 50 then we will just pullback and test lower again

With me wanting to sell GU again at right price - i am also thinking with out seeing over 0850 - then i will be selling EU again


10 09 am

We did stay above 0805 and 10 and so far tested 0833 again

Really do need above 0845 and 50 to hold any more scalp buys on longer - otherwise

9 52 AM

Ideally want to sell below 4910 /20 area

Above 4935 and 55 takes GU up back into a bullish price structure - whilst under 4930 and 20 - we are still session bearish - even after a pullback rise of 50+ pips

Loads of R from 4895 to 4920 - so its a case of lining price up with time and with PA and LRs etc etc and then seeing supports falling under 78 for a test lower again


10 13 am

Now at 4911 - and cannot sell just yet

8 mins or so to new window
last EU trade a loser ( crying into my glass of orange juice now) --- cant win them all but another southbound train will be along shortly

10 20 am

Near new TW

Price at 0875 - and still teasing up and for me over 60 still a scalp buy for now - but expect R;s to hold or give a pullback
last EU trade a loser ( crying into my glass of orange juice now) --- cant will them all but another southbound train will be along shortly

Yes i am sure you are right

EU topping around 0875 for now and if 60 lets go then maybe test of 45 - or under there 25 /30 ??

Above 0880 and 85 would scalp buy again though
I have got the EU making a new high of 0885/6 - above the last Highs of last week by a few pips

Whilst we stay above 0858/ 60 we are still in a scalp buy mode - but need to see above 0880 and 87 now to stay or take more scalp buys

I am just waiting - its BTTZ on both EU and GU for now
11 05 am

The GU started to fall first and now below 4910 and 08 - but only by a few pips

EU still being very crafty and of course manpulated - teasing to 0860 - but still not under it

I can wait for now - but will be out of lunchtime for a couple of hours
10 39 am - was scalp buy time again on EU and GU

Did not enter either - may regret ;-((

Why F?

I don't see why from my chart:

11 28 am

Popped back to see were we are before I go out

EU teased under 0860 to 56 and then by 11 21 am and new TW was back in 60's again and another scalp buy above 70 and 72

So far made 0889 - another new high and whilst above 0875 on pullbacks - still a scalp buy again

GU similar set up from 4893/95 area - - but not made another high over last for now
Why F?

I don't see why from my chart:


Will show you on your chart next

the 10 39 am scalp buy did not work to well - as no new high so failed

But after 11 09 am and 11 21 am - the next scalp buy clues worked

Give me 5 mins and will show on your chart


Excuse my manual scribble - but still in up trendline and High levels at 10 39am then from 10 09 am and 10 21am

So PA was falling - but still in an up price scalp structure - but only works when you get HH's and then HLs

In between in a no mans land of a BTTZ

Hope that helps




  • EU - Chart for gft 230315.png
    EU - Chart for gft 230315.png
    182.5 KB · Views: 415
Last edited:
EU - After EO and LO today to Midday


1 MIN LR Chart with a few key TW's

Notice Price structure from 3 main longer LR#s is in a bullish mode - with a rising TL



  • EU - 230315 AM.png
    EU - 230315 AM.png
    84.1 KB · Views: 449

11 45 am

Will post my chart next

its made now 0901 and above 0875 - should on pullbacks try up again

Stopped at 0876 and bounced up approx 10 pips

High could go 30 mins with no breach - so then might be stuck between 75 and 0900 - till one goes

another BTTZ

Popping out - but will be back after 2 00 pm

See you later


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