Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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massive pressure and expectation that usd is going to pop north ...........waiting
peanuts compared to the moves last night ........but i'll take it !!!
Hiya Spinola

Is it our Birthdays ??

I cannot believe these great moves

Just before I am going out going to move stop down again to 0723 thinking - that surely will be taken our lol

You too have good un (y)


Back now

Was not taken out on EU - amazing - thought i would have been

0630/40 supports now - so moved sell stop ultra tight again down to 86
8.30 the usd came back south........plenty in tank by then so end of session for me

back later

low was just before 8 21 am - new TW and then after 8 30 am EU a scalp buy

Now at 78 and thinking will just leave my sell stop at 86 - as over pips in that on 30% stake

main R's now at 0700 to 0730
8.30 the usd came back south........plenty in tank by then so end of session for me

back later

Morning N and guys

i hope you got some pips out of all that lot

Still checking out all the opportunities - there was lots - on so many pairs
Well, some of the commentators were saying they couldn't remember moves like this in 30-40 years, so , good to be a part of it.

But, that fed, they don't really inspire confidence with the US economy , all that talk for months on patient, and now... Annnnnnnnnnd it's GONE !

really ?..............sure the usd took hits but nothing really in the larger scale of things on the usd index :whistling

the feds wont increase interest rates this year me

back later
i had been very happy to take 20 pips out of a UCad scalp after 7 03 am - and now i see it went up 70+ pips and had not left one bean on it

The markets are so good as the unexpected and and providing uncertainty - so i feel just like a novice when I realise how I have been duped yet again - and thats even with nice profits already in the bag

8 55 am

Was a scalp buy from after 8 30 am and 8 39 am

Not in it as was not back in time but we should be able to scalp sell under 4860 -70 area

Lows gone over 30 mins with no breach - but still range might now be 4810 to 4850/55 - so 40 -50 pips to scalp both ways in

Above 4870 /75 - different ballgame
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