Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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i had been very happy to take 20 pips out of a UCad scalp after 7 03 am - and now i see it went up 70+ pips and had not left one bean on it

The markets are so good as the unexpected and and providing uncertainty - so i feel just like a novice when I realise how I have been duped yet again - and thats even with nice profits already in the bag

gotta scoot but the market is superb this morning .........almost like hitting a golf ball in the middle of the head or a cracking shot off the middle of a tennis racket .......the moves are zinging with momentum off the turns :smart:
you got 25+ regularly now on the thread F ................its rocking here

the feds wont increase interest rates this year me

back later

Hmmm , yes.... Can't understand why the journos fall for the hopium time and time over. Old Santelli calls it how he sees it.

The Bernank , ' ...... there will be no normalization of rates in my lifetime...'


8 59 am

Pre yesterday supports on EU at 0580 - 0600 and 0617 /23 area

Will we test them again in next hr

Cheers N

But they soon get bored and it will be back down to 5 to 10 soon ;-)

Its worth just being in for say 4 / 6 key times an hour for a few mins - see what we are then playing with though

You have a good day

9 04 am

need under 0640 and 30 to sell again and over 81 and 90 to stay with scalp buys

My stop on sell still in at 86 - so under 40 will leave it on - but EU still in an up scalp bias above 40 for now
EU supports from 0600 at 0617 / 23 - 30 and now 40 and 50

Seems a lot there to breach for lower - but if no over 0680/90 - then it will test them
Next main EU news - at 10 15 am so just over an hour

Its looks as though we got the slowdown atm - so time to review a few pairs etc

If any one want a particular FX pair I dont do normally - let me know and will check it out
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