Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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0605 / 6 high and for me my cut off is now 92 on buys

Got to get ready to pop out

Will pop back and post my EU chart before i pop out




  • EU - 170315 AM.png
    EU - 170315 AM.png
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morning all .............some cracking EU moves as usd dumped earlier

Usd has been a buy since 7.55.........sorry i have been trading and not posting .........had a second to post the 8.27 re-buy signal but i was well in before then

eu now at was 0613 at around 8am and at 0602 round 8.27

so no complaints from me
morning could this be EU heading southward from 1.0596 area ?

cant see a short yet

Morning guys

MM - EU topped at exactly 8 00 am and LO from what I can see at 0615 - a LH to yesterday for now

So after 8 00 am and 8 09 am and then again 8 30 am - all still in a sell

Will post another EU chart in a bit - check see if your set up's correct ??

I had left one 30% stake on a buy on before I went out - but been stopped out in profit - although 18 pips lower than it could have been or if it had a been on a trail - shame

Have a good one MM and BP
Usd has been a buy since 7.55.........sorry i have been trading and not posting .........had a second to post the 8.27 re-buy signal but i was well in before then


Morning N

Well spotted (y)

I had it after 8 00 am showing on EU - but after 7 51 am on GU and AU

Have a good un

ok the usd finally came off the bull pace at 8.38.............I need more confirmation it is selling to start chasing things south now ..........

back later .........been an excellent session so far

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