Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Morning N

Well spotted (y)

I had it after 8 00 am showing on EU - but after 7 51 am on GU and AU

Have a good un


8am is when things really started rocking ...........7.55 was actually too aggressive on some usd pairs and I had to have some fast feet before the 8am kicked in and the moves went positive

ok the usd finally came off the bull pace at 8.38.............I need more confirmation it is selling to start chasing things south now ..........

back later .........been an excellent session so far


usd just bounced north again - hence why I am not trading at moment ..........I need more settled moves than this

back later
personally I can see a sell phase coming for usd and I like the look of the gbp as a buy...........but not yet
EU - 1 min LR chart update with 3 main key Times


8 00 am - key time - and change



  • EU - 170315 - 2.png
    EU - 170315 - 2.png
    86.8 KB · Views: 804
choppy period but if usd does tank south again current price of eu is a steal
8.57 and the usd is teasing like crazy...........its allowing the secondary currencies to move around more and tease out trades from inexperienced traders ...........stay out and let the 9am bar hit now
GU was a scalp buy from after 8 39 am and 4776 but we need over 98 to stay with it

Will post my chart in a bit

interesting .....for me I would have needed far more evidence that usd was about to fold to trade that GU trade ............for sure I liked gbp as a buy .......but I need 2 to tango for my calls ..........but that's my usd based scalping approach :smart:

clearly exactly on 9 00 am the EJ was a scalp buy and in 3 mins now risen 5 pips

We would need above 56 and 63 to stay with a scalp buy - otherwise take what you can get out of it
In a nut shell - levels not right to hold it and turn - first buy was from 8 39 am but did not turn up enought

supports 73 to 77 - so maybe a test first then the buy in this TW

Have a good day Chalky

you wont see those prices without a telescope now F .......:LOL:
GU after 7 30 am and 7 51am and 8 30 am

interesting .....for me I would have needed far more evidence that usd was about to fold to trade that GU trade ............for sure I liked gbp as a buy .......but I need 2 to tango for my calls ..........but that's my usd based scalping approach :smart:

Here's my chart set ups N



  • GU - 170315 am.png
    GU - 170315 am.png
    56.9 KB · Views: 614
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