Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I cannot look at holding any scalp buys on until 4978 and 83 for now

I think 4950 area is a support on an interim basis and with 3 00 pm coming soon - I reckon in next 30 mins we should see some bounces that may try over 4980+

Lets see

GU 14.50 candle hit the S3D, 14.55, dipped its toe below ands closed up, HA candles weakening now, guess just got to wait and watch for now. Your 4950 is a tadge below S3D, 3 pips, so we are looking in the same area.
EU might be clue on 30 min rule on its low at 2 38pm at 0566/7

As I type within 3 pips of it - too much of a tease here and this could be a set up

Under 0550 and 45 - just more scalp sells
still falling - going to have to wait until after 3 30 pm for me

Still holding sells with stops moved right down now to with 15 pips on all

3 51 pm

maybe a test of supports between 4930 and 4950 area again and unless we go under both - I will be looking then for more scalp buys

Above 5000 its easy - but even if we bounce again and go up - still might do a LH up to only 4975/80

4 18pm

Seems as thought strong intraday interim supports at 0567 to 0575

Would need under both those prices to look at more scalp sell

Above 0585 and 0600 then - scalp buys worth holding on longer

4 18pm

Seems as thought strong intraday interim supports at 0567 to 0575

Would need under both those prices to look at more scalp sell

Above 0585 and 0600 then - scalp buys worth holding on longer


We went under 0575 and 0567 from 5 00 pm onwards

Price now 0553/4 - so a nice scalp sell in 19 mins and worth leaving 30% on again on bounces staying under 70


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5 44pm

Still cannot believe this

Check out the number of sells after 5 00 pm again on EU / EJ / GU / AU / NU etc etc

EU now down at 0525 and EJ at 127 70

Keep banking 70% and then look where to leave another 30% on if you take new scalp sells on pullbacks
Start of this hour TW at 5 51 pm was the bounce on the EU from 0513 area

On EJ from 127 63 - GU from 4895

Even on just quick scalps there is still 10 -20 pips - amazing volatility and movements

Enough for now

Will pop in later

Hope you all have had a great day - ( I have ;-) )


Thursday 12th March - Pre Opens

GM to all FX Intraday Traders

Just had a look at the Economic Calender and no red news today until 12 30 pm - so a straight through morning.

Yesterday was a very busy day - and so maybe today it might be different - but then in the Forex markets - anything can happen

Normal day - although will be away from desk for 40 mins over LO - but then in and around up until at least late afternoon.

Quick reviews from overnight on the main pairs I plan to Intraday along with levels and calls etc with regards to possible Intraday short term calls etc

All FX questions are welcome as well as your own thoughts etc on any FX pairs.

Have a good day



6 44 am

Starting with this pair as already in a scalp buy from start of TW at 6 21 am

Its been session bullish for the last 3-4 hrs and so far made 4959

I need over 63 and 67 to stay with scalp buys - other wise I will pull with just 3-7 pips

6 48am

Just dipped under 0500 to 0497 over night and now last 3 hrs as risen to 0548 area

Like GU early session price structure is bullish - and it is a scalp buy above 35 - but had not gone with it as my initial scalp - as thought GU looked a little stronger

6 44 am

Starting with this pair as already in a scalp buy from start of TW at 6 21 am

Its been session bullish for the last 3-4 hrs and so far made 4959

I need over 63 and 67 to stay with scalp buys - other wise I will pull with just 3-7 pips


6 50 am

Price now made 4973 - so banking 26 pips at 70% and will leave 30% on with stop in profit at 4966

6 54am

Like the GU and the EU - a scalp buy from the 6 30 am TW - but had only gone with GU - shame as both EJ and EU have moved a lot more than I had originally thought

EJ now at 128 19 - easily a 30+ pip move - so far and in fact its risen over 50 pips from its early morning low

R's at 128 25 to 30 area - so I would expect a scalp sell opportunity later past the hour change
EU / GU / EJ all coming up to R areas in next 5 -10 pips or so - therefore lets see if this can give us some opportunities for pullbacks and scalp sells next
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