Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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hahahahahahaha.......usd still teasing .........a few years back I would have taken 3-4 bad scalps by now

gu off 12 pips in about 8 mins ............but usd not really opening up the throttle yet
teeth grit time on ucad ........I was 2 pips off the pace there at 94........92 was much easier
gu off 12 pips in about 8 mins ............but usd not really opening up the throttle yet

Have you noticed how just a couple of pairs are OK - whilst others not playing ball

At time like these you have to take each pair in isolation as you can get a US pair rising as well as one normally oppositely correlated
i'll hold till 89 on ucad .................dumarse entry ...........I even said earlier I would wait for usd to reconfirm.............hahahahaha

when the usd is just opening up for a run the dips are pretty tight...........c'mon !!!
2697..........I will tighten here ..............minimum loss acceptable

gu going well as well
usd retracing ..................c'mon old girl ............get into gear
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